Newsletter - Monday 13 May 2024

Principal's Message

On Friday afternoon we celebrated Mother’s Day with a delightful afternoon tea sponsored by the Home and School. It was a beautiful opportunity to honour the significant females in our lives and the music performances from both Primary and Secondary students added an extra layer of joy to the occasion.

We are only two weeks into Term Two, yet there has been such rich learning for many of our students. The Year 3 and 4 students had the opportunity to showcase their Design Thinking learning to visiting educators from around NSW and their parents. Exploring the theme of endangered species, they designed protective habitats. This learning journey was enriched when Year 3 visited Ku-Ring-Gai National Park. The connections made by our students with their environment are a testament to their deep thinking and the dedication of our teachers.

In the sporting arena, the basketball season is in full swing, supported by our exceptional coaching program led by our Head Coach, Jeremiah. Our school teams have proudly represented us in soccer and touch football gala days, while individual students have excelled in diverse disciplines such as pole vault, diamond soccer and sailing.

Academically, our students have been actively engaged in various competitions, including Kids' Lit and Da Vinci Decathlon, with commendable results. Moreover, preparations are underway for the Math Olympiad, reflecting our commitment to nurturing well-rounded scholars.

Early Thursday morning I had the opportunity to accompany our Senior School student leaders and Chaplains to the Sydney Prayer Breakfast at the International Convention Centre. The keynote address by Dr. Andrew Browning, an obstetrician, left an indelible impression on us. His selfless service in Africa, particularly in addressing the challenges of obstructed labour, is a poignant example of living out the values we hold in high regard. Drawing inspiration from Micah 6:8, Dr. Browning exemplifies the call to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our Creator—an inspiring challenge for us all.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend celebrating the women in your life, especially mothers, with gratitude and joy.

God bless


Mrs Julia Heise - Principal

Chaplain's Message

This term, our school community has been buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming Primary Week of Worship in week 9. Our Year 6 students have been actively involved, contributing their talents and passion to make this event truly special. From behind-the-scenes coordination to writing the theme song, crafting engaging drama, and leading heartfelt prayers, they’ve poured their hearts into creating a meaningful worship experience.

Our high school bands have flourished. This term they will be visiting other schools to lead worship. Our vision for our chapel team to gain valuable experience and broaden their perspectives in congregational worship and encounter God in new ways. As they continue to serve, we’re confident they’ll grow spiritually and inspire others.

The Bible reminds us that God is the ultimate author of peace. “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3. As we seek God this term, we trust His peace will cover our school community as we trust him.

Pr Renee - on behalf of the Chaplain's Team

Upcoming Events

Calendar of Upcoming School Events

You can access the list of upcoming School events via the link below. The School Calendar is also available under the Parent Information tab on the School website.

Term Dates for 2024

Please click on the link below to view the school term dates and public holiday information for 2024.

Whole School News

ANZAC Service

Our School Captains, Jasper S and Katie M, represented Wahroonga Adventist School at the Anzac Service at St John's Church at Gordon.

Naming Belongings

We have a very large pile of clothing and personal items in the office that are sadly unclaimed so this is a friendly reminder that all uniforms, lunchboxes and bags need to be labelled with your students name. If you have second hand clothing please rename the item so that it can find its new owner.

Primary School News

Stage 2 Showcase

How awesome! Year 3 and 4 were very excited last week to showcase what they had been learning and doing in Science. The students had researched a local, native animal that is threatened and followed the Design Thinking Web to brainstorm, design and construct a solution to help this animal. Students were eager to make a difference in our own community as they empathised, connected, wondered, explored, created and reflected through this process. It was special that our showcase coincided with a special group of learning leaders visiting WAS from our NSW Adventist Schools. So we were able to share with them what we had been doing and how motivating and engaging this learning had been for our students. Two other groups visited our showcase on the day – students from Years 2 to 6 and the most VIP group of all was our own parents from Years 3 and 4. As one teacher said, “You could feel the joy in the room!”

Mrs Coralee Kemp - Year 3 Teacher

Leaders of Learning - Professional Learning Day

On Tuesday 7 May, Leaders of Learning from across NSW Adventist Schools visited our school. It was a great opportunity to showcase our amazing school. The Stage 2 students presented their project work. Our students proudly shared their learning which was well received by our visitors. Great job Stage 2 students and teachers.

Mrs Anne-Marie Deppeler - Head of Primary

Primary Sports

P-6 Primary Athletics Carnival

Thursday 23 May - 8.30am departure from School

Year 6 parents will be running a canteen with limited food for fundraising.

Mr Jack Fulton - Primary Sport Co-ordinator

Secondary School News

Legal Studies Excursion - Yr 11

Our year 11 legal studies class journeyed to Hornsby local court to develop our knowledge of the courts in a practical setting. We received first-hand experience by hearing various criminal cases presented in the courtroom. It was an exhilarating experience to be granted access to both courtrooms, as it exposed us to the practical implementation of the concept of law enforcement through the outcome of daily cases.

We gained a deeper insight into the strict and linear structure of court proceedings to provide just sentences. The conversations we acquired with numerous of the court personnel were beneficial in aiding us understand their position and roles. We learned the layout of the courtroom and how the personnel cooperated and worked together with one another. The variety of hearings allowed us to understand how a magistrate determines the severity and sentencing of a case via the use of the contextual information provided by the defendant.

Tisha S and Emily S - Year 11 students

Secondary Sport

CIS Diving

Congratulations to Ilaria C who competed at NSWCIS Secondary Swimming & Diving Championships this week. Representing CSSA and Wahroonga Adventist School, she placed 2nd on Platform and 3rd on Springboard and has qualified for both events at NSW All Schools Diving Championships at the end of the month. Well done Ilaria!

Australian Track & Field Championships

Nathanael R (Year 11) competed for NSW at the Australian Track & Field Championships in Adelaide over the holidays in the u18 400m. A great experience for him against the top boys in the country.

Sam K (Year 10) was ranked 12th and qualified 8th fastest for the final. He ran the final and went even faster than yesterday and did a big pb of 57.85 in the 400m hurdles and came 8th (9 were in the final).

He is so happy for his first nationals and it’s been a great experience.

On 19th April, Daniel P (Year 11) competed at the Australian Athletics Junior Championship in Adelaide in under 18 Years Pole Vault.

Daniel was very happy with a Gold medal & 1st place with a PB of 4.05 metres. Daniel is now one of two pole vault athletes selected to represent Australia at the U/18 Oceania Athletics Championships in Fiji from 3rd to 9th June 2024.

What an amazing experience and achievement from our athletes!

Australia Swimming Age Championships

Salani S and Maile W recently competed in the Australian Age Nationals up in the Gold Coast just before the end of term 1.

The competition was very fierce and energetic amongst all the best swimmers from around Australia as well as visiting international teams from Singapore, Tahiti, New Caledonia, UAE and Japan

Maile swam the Girls 14 yo 200 Back and 50 Back with great pb's, as well as the 100 back, 400 IM and 200 IM.

Salani swam the Girls 15 yo 50 Back and 100 Back with great pb's as well, as well as the 200 back, 200 Medley Relay and the 400 Medley Relay.

This is an amazing achievement from our elite swimmers who continue to display excellence in the swimming pool.

Oceania Swimming Championships Apr 21 - 24

Salani took a couple days off to recover before training up a storm again to prepare for her next competition, representing Samoa at the Oceania Swimming Championships.

The Oceania Championships was with swim teams from other Pacific Island countries such as Tonga, Fiji, PNG, American Samoa, Palau, Cook Island, Solomon and Vanuatu, as well NZ and Australia. Salani had a blast, enjoying her experience in the Team Camp, swimming her best results for Samoa.

• 50 Fly 4th - PB

• 50 Free 9th - PB

• 50 Back 2nd - Silver

• 100 Back 3rd - Bronze

• 200 Back 4th, - Pacific Medal recipient

• 200 Medley Relay 3rd - Bronze

Such a phenomenal performance from Salani.

Mr Ignatius Ah-you - PDHPE Teacher & Secondary Sports Co-ordinator

Library News

Premier's Reading Challenge

Congratulations to Lavinia B (KD), Elijah K (KD), Alexandra L (KD), Anthony K (1L/C), Hosana K (2A), James B (3/4R), Harrison Alouisa (4W), Harvey B (3/4R), Annabelle J (4W), Elsa K (3/4R), Ariya B (5C), Charlotte L (5C), Indiana O (5M), Declan R (5M), Ava C (6A), Nicolas J (6A) and David L (9A) who have all completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge. Keep up the great reading!

The Premier’s Reading Challenge finishes at the end of August, so there is still plenty of time to get on board – it’s fun! Please email Mrs Savage at if you need your log-in details.

Kids' Lit Quiz

On Tuesday, May 7, sixteen students from Years 5-8 represented our school at the Sydney PM (Shore) Heat of the Kids’ Lit Quiz at Shore Preparatory School! Our Year 7 team, made up of Jemima S (7W), Olive G (7A), Makan W (7A), and Archer K (7W) put in an outstanding effort finishing up in second place amidst tough competition. Both the Year 5 and Year 7 teams won book prizes by scoring the highest in a category, three lucky students won $5 notes – a very sought-after prize, and Georgina M (5C) won one of the raffle prizes. All sixteen students put in a stellar effort and were excellent representatives for our school. Well done Tiffany L, Lucy M, Ewan K, William B, Jemima S, Olive G, Makan W, Archer K, Ryan L, Ian W, Amy P, Mila J, Ariya B, Georgina M, Oscar L, and Hugh A.

Upcoming Library Events

National Simultaneous Storytime (May 22): On May 22 our Primary School students will be meeting together at Fox Valley Community Centre from 12-1pm for the National Simultaneous Storytime, where millions of students from all around Australia and New Zealand will enjoy the reading of the book ‘Bowerbird Blues’ by Aura Parker. Please keep an eye out for further notifications as we get closer to the date.

Mrs Leonie Savage - Librarian

Uniform Shop

The uniform shop opening hours for Term 2 are:

Open Shop Hours

Every Tuesday Morning from 8:20am till 9:30am

Every Thursday Afternoon from 2:00pm till 3:20pm

Flexischools Deliveries

Every Tuesday and Thursday we will be completing Flexischools orders. All orders close at 8pm the night before. High School orders can be collected by students from the office and primary student’s orders will be delivered to their classroom.

If you have any questions, please email

Mrs Kelly Oldfield - Uniform Shop Manager

Home and School

Mother's Day Afternoon Tea

The sun came out for our Mothers who were treated to an afternoon tea of scones with jam and cream, quiches and fruit, hosted by the Home and School Team. They were also entertained by performances from the primary and high school bands. It was fantastic to see all our Mums and Grandmothers come together to enjoy their special event. Thank you to the Home and School Team, led by Michelle Roberts and all the volunteers that made this afternoon a success!

Upcoming Events and Meetings

Parent Voice – Home and School Session

28 May 7.00pm

Looking for ways to develop your child’s leadership potential? Then this term’s Parent Voice session is for you! The topic for discussion is strengthening the Student Mentor program and the opportunity to contribute to school life.

Movie Night and Pizza Night

1 June at Fox Valley Community Church – 5:45 pm.

Come and enjoy some family time watching the movie Migration. Pizza and Snacks available with all money raised going towards the Year 11 Service Trip.

The $5 trybooking fee is donated to the SRC fundraiser for Term 2 which is for the Cancer Council Big Breakfast.

Mrs Michelle Roberts - Home and School President (

Bits and Pieces

Imagine being the light in someone's darkest moment. You can be that light by volunteering with Lifeline.

Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney is currently looking for volunteers interested in becoming Lifeline Crisis Supporters.

Our volunteers on our Crisis Support Line (13 11 14) and Text and Chat Crisis Support Service (0477 131 144) support help seekers to ensure that no person in Australia has to face their darkest moment alone.

Every day, Lifeline's national Crisis Support Service receives approximately 3,750 requests for help. That's almost 1.4 million requests for help each year, highlighting the urgent need for volunteers to join us in this crucial mission.

The service provides 24-hour, 7-days-a-week confidential support for anyone in crisis, or those supporting someone experiencing crisis. People from all backgrounds contact us about all kinds of life problems. Whatever their crisis, we are there for our Help Seekers when they have nowhere else to turn.

Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney is currently recruiting for the next intake of volunteer Telephone Crisis Supporters and Digital Crisis Supporters. Volunteers generously give their time, energy, and expertise to help Lifeline achieve its vision of an ‘Australia free of suicide’.

As your local Lifeline Centre, we are hoping to attract locals to join our next intake of Telephone Crisis Supporters volunteering out of our telephone centre at Gordon, starting August 2024.

As a Digital Crisis Supporter, volunteers can support someone in their moment of need from their homes, as an increasing number of help seekers reach out to Lifeline via text or online chat.