Staples class of '25 takes on Junior Prom By: Nash Teran '25

Staples High School hosted their annual junior prom on May 18. The party took place under a tent in the courtyard and indoors. The students could dance with a dance floor, color changing lights and a DJ. Inside, they could snack on sweet treats and participate in the fun activities offered.

Let's get this party started.

These students have been waiting months for this moment. The countdown for junior prom had been suspenseful, picking out the perfect dress, suit, shoes, or even date. They finally made it. Now they dance the night away.
Some students took a break from the energetic dance floor and spent time inside. Avery Thomas '25 is one of many students who found something to enjoy doing inside. "I'm having so much fun [...]," Thomas said. "The food is great, there's churros and everyone is having the best time."
The theme for junior prom 2024 was casino night. Inside, there were many tables set up with classic casino games. Many students took part in these games. Instead of paying with real money, students used raffle tickets which they could use to win prizes at the end of the night.
There was also a delicious selection of food available: sweet treats like cookies, brownies, churros and smoothies; salty treats like pretzels with cheese and burgers.
Students could also get their pictures drawn in a cartoon style. They even got to keep the drawing, free of charge.
drawing, free of charge. While some students stayed laid back at prom, many students spent a lot of their time on the dance floor. "It's actually so fun. I was just on the dance floor; it's really hot, but they're playing really good music," Kaela Cohen '25 said.
Whether they were taking photos, eating, playing games, getting drawn or dancing, students had a great time at junior prom.