
KC News Round Up Friday 24th November 2023

Christmas is here!

Our beautiful Christmas tree in the main entrance has been decorated. There is also one in the theatre foyer (along with a roaring fire)!

Lower School Textiles Club

Lower School Textiles Club have been very busy this term making Christmas decorations out of felt, using templates as well as designing and creating their own.

Pippa in the Lower Sixth has been helping them with their stitches and the construction process.

Boarders' Activities

On Saturday, Year 10 boarders had a lovely day in London and managed to avoid the rain. They enjoyed a trip on the London Eye and sampled all that the South Bank Christmas markets had to offer (including a delicious lunch) before heading to Covent Garden for some Christmas shopping. It really did begin to feel a lot like Christmas!

On Sunday, boarders from H&H and J&O walked to Downingbury Farm for some shopping, snacks and ice-cream in the café.

Philosophy and Ethics Trip

On Wednesday Mrs Tobin and Grace in the Upper Sixth headed to Bloomsbury Baptist Church in London to attend a Philosophy and Ethics masterclass. It consisted of university style lectures from Julie Arliss, Prof. Keith Ward, Dr Ralph Weir and Prof. Daphne Hampson. Bloomsbury Baptist Church was the venue for Martin Luther King’s first sermon in Britain in 1961 and Prof. Hampson was the first woman to be able to study at Harvard.

Year 8 Drama

Year 8 have been learning physical theatre skills in Drama this term. We have been so impressed by the high standard of work they have produced. We are looking forward to watching their performances at the end of term.

HALO Lecture

This week's HALO lecture for AIM pupils was on the topic of 'Behavioural Economics' and what influences a consumer's decision making. Year 6 AIM pupils joined the lecture and took part in an experiment to blind taste soft drinks and see whether their favourite choice was then influenced by knowing the brand. Thanks go to Mr Muttitt, Head of Business Studies, for such an informative and engaging talk.

I'm A Celebrity Comes to KC

Culinary treats were on offer at the 'I'm A Celebrity' lunchtime challenge. Our fabulous Lexington catering team made Scotch bonnet smoothies, locust biscoff cake, mealworm flapjack and cricket brownies. A tin of Surströmming was on display but thankfully remained unopened (as it is often voted the worst smell in the world). Maths teacher, Mr Gibson was our very own 'Kiosk Keith'!

Years 7-9 Music Concert

On Friday night pupils from Years 7-9 performed solos and duets for the 2023 KS3 Music concert, accompanied by the fantastic Mr Barrella (piano teacher). The standard was exceptionally high this year with each pupil performing with poise and confidence. The choirs performed beautifully, singing songs such as Roar, Rolling in the Deep and I Dreamed a Dream, to a very high standard. The African drumming piece performed by Year 8 students was another highlight.

We were delighted to be able to give everyone in Years 7-9 the opportunity to perform a solo and everyone who put themselves forward very much rose to the occasion. It was a moving and inspirational evening and the Music Department is incredibly proud of all pupils involved.

Particular thanks to our amazing Music Scholars who helped out on the night. Thank you also for your generous donations; we raised over £130 for Children in Need!

Year 9 Wellbeing Drawings

Pupils in 9James have been creating lovely wellbeing drawings in their form time. From anime to Asterix, hieroglyphs to rangoli patterns.

Portraiture Exhibition

Carol Service

Please note this is a compulsory event for all Senior School students.

Have a lovely weekend!