Lincoln School's 2023-2024 Gratitude Report Investing in the Next Generation of Extraordinary Women

The FY24 fundraising year (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024) was truly built on joy and the incredible generosity of this community. Our 2023 - 2024 Gratitude Report celebrates everything that you made possible last school year for our students, our faculty and staff, our programs, our facilities, and so much more. We hope you will be inspired, and we thank you, sincerely, for all you are doing to help educate the next generation of extraordinary girl and woman changemakers and trailblazers!

Every day, Lincoln students engage in curious exploration of the world around them — whether on our campus, in greater Providence, or points across the globe. Opportunities for deep learning and discovery are made possible through your generosity, and as Head of School I am grateful and inspired by your commitment to bring our bold mission to fruition. An education grounded in Quaker values that prepares girls to “fearlessly embrace the opportunities and responsibilities of citizenship in a complex world” is as important now as ever, and I extend my deepest gratitude to each of you.

- Sophie Glenn Lau '88, Head of School

A message of gratitude from Erica Busillo Adams, Director of Advancement.

I am so grateful for the time I have spent at Lincoln. The community welcomed me in with open arms when I was a freshman. The teachers and faculty have pushed me to be the best leader I can be. With the position of Student Council President I hope to continue fostering an inclusive environment and create meaningful change.

- Bianca M-L. '25, Student Council President

Thank YOU!

You make the advantages and opportunities of a girls' education possible for our students! Thank you for your contribution(s) to another exceptional fundraising year at Lincoln. Below are comprehensive lists of Lincoln's dedicated and loyal champions — our donors!

Girls' Education Advantage

Girls' education creates a climate in which every student is able to express themselves, explore interests, develop leadership skills, and experience the full breadth and depth of the educational experience. This focus leads to lifelong self-confidence and fosters a deep love of learning that girls simply can’t get anywhere else.

Each year, the Lincoln Fund provides vitally important resources for all of the things that make Lincoln Lincoln. The Lincoln Fund sustains all of the school’s most pressing priorities, including cutting-edge student programs, competitive athletics, enrichment for our outstanding faculty, and financial aid. The Lincoln Fund makes the Lincoln School experience possible!

In the 2023-24 Fiscal Year, gifts to the Lincoln Fund totaled $767,848!

The Power of Ten

In 2020, Sophie Glenn Lau ’88, Head of School, established The Power of Ten, a growing network of 20 alumnae who individually make a $10,000+ commitment to Lincoln. This community is a catalyst for resources by and for women and girls, with a goal of leading philanthropic giving at Lincoln. In the 2023 - 2024 fiscal year, The Power of Ten members contributed $282,300 to the Lincoln Fund (37% of the Lincoln Fund total). The Power of Ten community models the impact of giving by women for women. Members are investing boldly in Lincoln to ensure its strength and leadership, now and long into the future.

Kilt Pride

Kilt Pride is a network of alumnae and other members of the Lincoln community who have made the generous and thoughtful decision to make a recurring contribution to our school. Members celebrate their enduring connection to Lincoln by making an automatic recurring gift each month. Joining is an effortless way to make a direct impact on Lincoln students.

At Lincoln, I feel like I can ask questions and make mistakes. I've grown much more confident as a learner and as a person. - Caroline T. '27


Lincoln School relies on endowed giving to provide the deep roots that ground and strengthen every aspect of the Lincoln experience. In the 2023 - 2024 fiscal year, the total endowed dollars reached $18,058,072.

All the teachers, staff, and coaches empower all the students and make us feel good about ourselves. This has allowed me to be confident enough to speak my mind. - Grace A. '25

Athena's Circle

Athena’s Circle recognizes loyal donors who have made a gift to Lincoln School for three or more consecutive years. Members of Athena’s Circle represent a special community of Lincoln’s most dependable supporters. These donors — and their consistent support — are essential to the success of Lincoln’s mission. Members are denoted in our donor lists with an Athena’s helmet next to their name.

I am honored to be part of the Lincoln community and Athena’s Circle. Supporting Lincoln is important to me because I believe in the power of education to transform lives. Lincoln has been an important part in creating a nurturing environment for students and teachers. Being here allows me to guide students in language learning and exploring and appreciating diverse cultures. Through my classes, I try to give students a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.

- Francisca (Paqui) Gonzalez Cadenas, World Language Department Faculty

The Lincoln Foundation

We are deeply honored by the generosity of the members of the Lincoln Foundation, a group of individuals who have named Lincoln as a beneficiary in their estate planning.

These gifts have an immeasurable impact on our school and its future. Bequests have supported the growth of Lincoln’s endowment and have helped Lincoln to undertake a number of important capital improvements. Alumnae, parents, trustees and friends of Lincoln School are members of the Lincoln Foundation.

I have been encouraged to speak up more in classes and share my opinions. My teachers encourage me and make me feel comfortable in the classroom and in the community. - Paula A. '26
Orthopedics in Action

Daisy's Big Day 2024

Our annual Giving Day was reimagined in March 2024 as Daisy's Big Day, a community wide celebration. We surpassed our goals, receiving 480 gifts totaling $177,222! A HUGE thank you to the dozens of volunteers — students, parents, faculty and staff members, alumnae, and Trustees — who made the success of our first-ever Daisy's Big Day possible. GO LYNX!

Upper School Immersions 2024

In February 2024, Upper School students embarked on various adventures around the country thanks to the historic gift from the Hibbitt/Rockwell family.

The 9th grade trip to D.C. included exploring the International Spy Museum and the Natural History Museum, lobbying on Capitol Hill, doing workshops on Quaker advocacy work, and attended a performance at The Kennedy Center.

The 10th grade trip to Atlanta included visits to the Coca-Cola museum, the CDC, McKinsey & Company, and the Georgia Aquarium with a performance at the Alliance Theatre.

The 11th grade trip to Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory included learning the anatomy and physiology of aquatic animals, visiting the science aquarium, doing course-related field work, and editing genomes of aquatic organisms.

Finally, the 12th grade trip to NYC included seeing Hamilton, visiting the Luminary — a global professional networking and coworking space empowering women to be great leaders. They also went to the High Line and the Whitney Museum, and participated in a networking event with local NYC alumnae!

Global Experiences 2024

During spring break, students had the incredible opportunity to travel to and experience Greece, Tanzania, and Costa Rica through Lincoln's partnership with the World Leadership School. The Greece program focused on NGOs addressing the refugee crises. The students who went to Tanzania experienced a homestay and attended a local school. The students who went to Costa Rica engaged with local communities for a full Spanish-immersion experience. These experiences are made possible through generous contributions to our Global Leadership fund and the Callie Knowles Clapp ’85 Go Global Fund.

Some highlights from the three programs!
For a school of our size to be able to offer these programs is amazing. It's our hope that any Upper School student who wants an international experience will have that opportunity before she graduates. - Sue Farnum, Director of Strategic Initiatives
As a parent of an alum, I’ve seen firsthand how the school shaped my daughter's future and helped her grow into the person she is today. As a loyal supporter of Lincoln, it is amazing to see the success of students and the future of the school community.

- Kim Lawrence P'22, Upper & Middle School Administrative Assistant

Lincoln School Parents Association Leadership (LSPA)

  • Matt Sneider P'28, President
  • Jai-Me McCann Potter-Rutledge ’06 P'31,'38, Vice President
  • Kristin McBride P'27,'30, Secretary
  • Kristina Schrag P'30, Treasurer
  • Nicole Mineo P'38,'40, Chair of Little School
  • Sarah Pritsker P'34, Chair of Lower School
  • Lori Meyerson Miranda P'29,'31, Chair of Middle School

Parent Representatives

  • Cristina Abbona-Sneider P'28
  • Karen Augustyn P'25
  • Barrett Bready P'36,'39
  • James Casey P'25,'27
  • Joanne Chang P'33,'36
  • Jared Coulombe P'29,'33
  • Kareen Coulombe P'29,'33
  • Jandira Duarte P'34
  • Kevin Egolf P'33
  • Serena Gaitskell P'18,'25
  • Kim Gallon P'25
  • Alma Guerrero Bready P'36,'39
  • Washawn Jones P'26
  • Amberly Maxwell P'30,'33
  • Zainab Mohamed P'27,'29
  • Brooke Moran P'35
  • Marina Morrissey P'36,'38
  • Dimetra Nettles P'31
  • Elizabeth Newton P'33
  • Rachel O'Connell P'32
  • Lorraine Procaccini P'33
  • Gina Tarini P'34,'38
  • Jacinda Townsend Gides P'27
  • Carrie Zaslow P'27

The Senior Class Legacy Gift

The Senior Legacy Gift is a longstanding tradition at Lincoln. As part of that tradition, the Class of 2024, along with their parents and families, made a contribution to Lincoln's future. The majority of the funds contributed by families were dedicated to financial aid, both for immediate use, and to grow the school’s endowment, serving Lincoln students for generations to come. This collective gift will help to make a Lincoln School education affordable and accessible, now and in the future.

The graduating class dedicated their gift to the Performing Arts department, "to enhance the experience of the Lincoln students who follow us on stage or backstage." Many members of the Class of 2025 treasured their performing arts experiences at Lincoln, and were proud to be able to support the program in this way.

Lincoln School Alumnae Association (LSAA)

  • Catharine Millard Cromwell ’88 P'20,'22, President
  • Kathryn Ramstad-Albert ’07, Past President
  • Anita Richard Thompson ’89, Faculty Representative
  • Ana Sofia De Brito ’08
  • Hilary Fagan ’87 P'20
  • Katherine Faulkner ’83
  • Carlene Ferreira ’08
  • Marney Cumming McCabe ’90
  • Maggie McNamara ’13
  • Juliana Raimondi ’99
  • Eleanor Cutler Rineck ’06
  • Afiya Samuel ’99
  • Miriam Tinberg ’10
  • Kilah Walters-Clinton ’95 P'30

Lincoln School Board of Trustees

  • Russell Carey P'16,'31, President
  • Kimberley Sprague Anderson ’80, Vice President
  • Kathrin Pagonis Belliveau ’86 P'20,'22, Vice President
  • James Casey P'25,'27, Secretary
  • Joanne Chang P'33,'36, Treasurer
  • Jane Palestine Jamieson ’71, Past President
  • Nancy Nahigian Tavitian ’82, Vice President
  • Siraj Amanullah P'29,'32
  • Patricia Samors Benton ’75
  • Eliana Boghos ’24, Student Representative
  • David Caldwell P'22,'23
  • Sarah Conde ’00
  • Joan Countryman
  • Catharine Millard Cromwell ’88 P'20,'22, Lincoln School Alumnae Association President
  • Christopher Downs P'06,'07
  • Margaret Field Kelly ’89
  • Kirsten Kenney ’94 P'31,'33
  • Sophie Glenn Lau ’88, Head of School
  • Leticia Lopes ’13
  • Brendan McNally P'20
  • Mih-Ho Cha Neenan ’81
  • Elizabeth Newton P'33
  • Jai-Me Potter-Rutledge ’06 P'31,'37
  • Denis Roche P'20,'21,'22,'24
  • Matt Sneider P'28, Lincoln School Parents Association President
At Commencement in June, I said that behind every graduating senior in this tent there is a community of individuals — some of whom they know very well and some of whom they may never meet — who have contributed to their success. Every donor to Lincoln is a critically important member of that community. Thank you for your dedication, your generosity, and your belief in Lincoln. It is truly and deeply appreciated.

- Russell Carey P'16,'31, Board Chair

Class of 2024 wearing their college shirts

Lincoln Local Partners

Thank you to all the organizations and businesses we partnered with during fiscal year 2023-24!

Lincoln School's Mission

Lincoln School’s dynamic academic program, rooted in Quaker principles, educates girls to fearlessly embrace the opportunities and responsibilities of full citizenship in a complex world.


  • We value all-girls education.
  • We value the life of the mind and intellectual challenge.
  • We value a global perspective in service of social justice and responsibility.
  • We value a community of trust and mutual respect which affirms the inherent value of every person.

Statement on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Lincoln School values difference and honors a multiplicity of perspectives that includes, but is not limited to, age, religion, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, gender, physical ability, and family structure. We are committed to the Quaker values of equity, justice, peace, and community. These ideals are driven by an understanding that a socially conscious learner is an empowered one, one who engages in critical self reflection and honest action. All members of the Lincoln School community—students, alumnae, faculty, staff, administrators, parents, and trustees—will honor, embrace, and empower difference and individuality as sources of strength.

Below are some of our favorite joyful moments from the beginning of this school year. Photography by Lydia Mackela and Glenn Osmundson P'12.

We are so grateful for your support!

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