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Ysgol Gymraeg Pontardawe Hydref 2024 cylchlythyr / October 2024 newletter

Annwyl rieni a gofalwyr / Dear Parents and carers,

Mae'r hanner tymor wedi cyrraedd yn barod a hoffwn ddefnyddio'r cyfle i estyn diolch unwaith eto i chi gyd am eich cymorth a’ch cefnogaeth ers cychwyn ein tymor newydd. Mawr obeithiaf y bydd y cyswllt yma’n parhau rhyngom fel ysgol.

The half term has already arrived and I would like to use the opportunity to once again extend thanks to you all for your help and support since the start of our new term. I sincerely hope that this link will continue between us as a school. I really hope that this link will continue between us as a school.

Absenoldebau a Phresenoldeb / Absences and Attendance

Mae'r ysgol yn dechrau yn brydlon am 8.45yb - mae sawl un yn cyrraedd yr ysgol yn hwyr. Ceisiwch gyrraedd ar amser os gwelwch yn dda. Os yw eich plentyn yn absennol o'r ysgol, cysylltwch â'r ysgol cyn gynted â phosibl - naill ai gadewch neges ar y llinell absenoldeb neu e-bostiwch yr ysgol. School starts promptly at 8.45am - several pupils still arrive at school late. Try to arrive on time please. If your child is absent from school, please contact school at the earliest convenience - either leave a message on the absence line, or email the school.

Glanllyn Bl 6 / Year 6 Glanllyn

Aeth Blwyddyn 6 eleni i Wersyll yr Urdd Glan-llyn ar gyfer eu cwrs preswyl. Hyfryd oedd bod allan ar dirwedd gyfoethog gogledd Cymru unwaith eto. Cafodd y plant profiad arbennig yn canŵio, adeiladu rafft ar lyn Tegid a llawer llawer mwy. Mae’r ysgol wedi ymweld â’r gwersyll ers 2021 ac yn mwynhau’r profiadau a gwerthfawrogir y cyfleoedd maent yn cynnig i’n disgyblion bob tro. Year 6 went to Urdd Glan-llyn for their residential course this month. It was a delight to be out on the rich landscape of north Wales once again. The children had a great experience canoeing, building rafts on Llyn Tegid and much more. The school has visited the camp since 2021 and have always enjoyed the experiences and the opportunities they offer our pupils. (LLUN)

Senedd yr Ysgol / School Senedd

Yn flynyddol, mae holl ddisgyblion Bl2-6 yn ethol a phleidleisio ar gyfer senedd newydd yr ysgol. Mae gan yr ysgol nifer o bwyllgorau gweithgar gan gynnwys Dewiniaid Digidol, Eco, Hawliau Plant, Chwaraeon, Criw Cymraeg, Criw Cymwynasgar, Ysgolion Iach a Lleisiau lles. Mae’r disgyblion yn Dilyn proses aeddfed trwy ymgeisio, llunio maniffesto a dysgu’r plant am y broses ethol democratiaeth yn llawn. Cyflwynir bathodynnau iddynt mewn gwasanaeth arbennig. Annually, all Yr2-6 pupils elect and vote for the school's new parliament. The school has a number of active committees including Digital Wizards, Eco, Children's Rights, Sport, Criw Cymraeg, Kind group, Healthy Schools and Wellbeing group. The pupils follow a mature process by applying, formulating a manifesto and teaching the children about the full democracy election processes. They were all presented with badges in our assembly.

Ymweliad Brigad Tan Pontardawe / Pontardawe Fire Service visit

Yn dilyn ein hymweliadau gan y deintydd yn ddiweddar, daeth brigâd dan Pontardawe ar safle’r ysgol i gwrdd â’n plant oed derbyn fel rhan o’u gwaith y tymor hwn. Roedd yna gyffro mawr wrth i’r injan dan gyrraedd yr ysgol le gwnaeth y plant cael cyfleodd y weld yr injan, cyffwrdd a gwisgo’r offer ac wrth gwrs clywed sŵn yr injan. Profiad gwych i bawb a diolchwn i dim Brigâd tan Pontardawe am alw draw. Following our recent visits from the dentist, the Pontardawe Fire Brigade came on the school site to meet our reception pupils as part of their classwork this term. There was great excitement as the engine arrived at the school where the children had opportunities to get up close to the fire engine, wearing some equipment and of course hearing the horn of the engine. A great experience for everyone and we thank the Pontardawe Fire service for calling in.

Diwrnod Shw mae, sut mae' + Lansiad Eisteddfod Dur a Mor 2025


Dydd Gwener, Hydref 25ain, 2024 (Clwstwr Ystalyfera) / Friday, 25th October 2024(Ystalyfera Cluster INSET)

Dydd Llun, Ionawr 6ed, 2025 / Monday, 6th January 2025

Dydd Gwener, Mehefin 27ain, 2025 (Clwstwr Ystalyfera) / Friday, 27th June 2025(Ystalyfera Cluster INSET)

Dydd Llun, Gorffennaf 21ain, 2025 / Monday, 21st July 2025

(Un diwrnod arall i'w penodi, maes o law / One further INSET day will be confirmed in due course)

Am ddyddiadau pellach ewch ar / For more dates please visit :

Diolch am eich cefnogaeth ar gyfer noson rhieni wythnos hon. Mae'n fraint i weld cymaint o rieni yn cefnogi'r ysgol a chymryd cyfrifoldeb a diddordeb yn addysg ein plant. Thank you for your support for this week's parents' evening. It is a privilege to see so many parents supporting the school and taking responsibility and interests in our children's education.

Diolch / Thank you,

Mr M Evans (Pennaeth / Headteacher)

Thema ysgol gyfan tymor hwn yw 'Hunaniaeth' / Our 'Concept' this term is 'Identify' (Whole School)


Edrychwch ar ein tudalen X @yggpontardawe ... Mae'n ardal wych lle byddwch yn dod o hyd i lwyth o luniau ac enghreifftiau o'r gwaith gwych sy'n digwydd yn yr ysgol!

Check out our X page @yggpontardawe ... it is a fantastic area where you will find loads of pictures and examples of the brilliant work that goes on in school!

Presenoldeb / Attendance = 94.3% (ers Medi/since Sept)

Ein targed eleni yw 95%. Ar hyn o bryd, presenoldeb yr ysgol yw 95%. Nid da lle gellir gwell! Os na allwch fynychu'r ysgol oherwydd salwch, gwnewch yn siŵr bod swyddfa'r ysgol yn cael gwybod cyn gynted â phosibl.

Our school target is 95%. We are currently at 95%. Let's work hard to make sure we attend every day! If you are unable to attend school due to illness, make sure the school office are informed at the earliest opportunity.

Diogelu / Safeguarding

Os yw'ch plentyn yn poeni neu'n gofidio am unrhyw beth - yn y cartref neu yn yr ysgol, mae croeso iddo/iddu a'i gynghori i siarad ag oedolyn dibynadwy yn yr ysgol.

If your child is worried or upset about anything - home-based or school-based, they are welcome and advised to speak to a trusted adult within school.

Person Dynodedig ar gyfer Diogelu / Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP) - Mr M Evans

Dirprwyon Diogelu / Deputy DSP - Mr A Owen, Mrs L Curtis, Miss A Jones a Mrs N Fairburn

Dyddiadur / Diary days

21.10.24: Bl 5 a 6 Gweithdy Hiliaeth / Yr 5 a 6 racism workshop

25.10.24: Hanner tymor / Half term

4.11.24: Ffair Lyfrau / Book Fayre

11.11.24: Wythnos genedlaethol Diogelu / National safeguarding week

15.11.24: Plant mewn angen / Children in need

21.11.24: Bl 3 a 4 Caerleon / Yr 3 a 4 trip to Caerleon

1.12.24: Cor yn canu / Choir singing (more details to follow)

15.12.24: Cor yn canu / Choir singing (more details to follow)

9.12.24: Caneuon Nadolig Meithrin / Nursery Christmas singalong (outside nursery class)

10.12.24: Cyngerdd Nadolig Derbyn / Reception Christmas concert

11.12.24: Cyngerdd Nadolig Bl 1 a 2 / Year 1 and 2 Christmas concert (10am)

12.12.24: Cyngerdd Nadolig Bl 1 a 2 / Year 1 and 2 Christmas concert (10am)

12.12.24: Cyngerdd Nadolig Bl 3-6 / Year 3-6 Christmas concert (1.30pm) + (4.00pm)

13.12.24: Cyngerdd Nadolig Bl 3-6 / Year 3-6 Christmas concert (10.00am)

20.12.24: Diwedd y tymor / End of school term

6.1.25: HMS / INSET

7.1.25: Dechreu tymor newydd i blant / Start of new term for pupils

27.6.25: HMS / INSET

21.7.25: HMS / INSET

Fe fydd newidiadau i’r dyddiadur wrth i’r tymor datblygu. Hysbysebwn mewn da bryd. There will be amendments to this diary as the term progresses. We’ll keep you well informed.

Os ydych chi ein hangen ni, cysylltwch trwy e-bost yn

If you need us, please contact by email at
