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April 5, 2024

News from the Main Office

Eclipse Update- Monday, April 8, 2024

On Monday, April 8, 2024, much of the United States will be in the path of a near total solar eclipse. This event is being called the “Great American Eclipse” because it is the first time since 2017 a solar eclipse will be visible in all 48 contiguous states. Colorado will see a partial solar eclipse, roughly between 11:30 am and 2:00 pm, with a max partial eclipse occurring around 12:30 pm. In Fort Collins, we will experience a 70% eclipse. These times occur over our lunch and recess times at Riffenburgh. Each classroom will engage with a lesson about the eclipse through Mystery Science, our PSD curriculum. In addition, each teacher will review safety precautions and provide each student with a pair of special solar eclipse glasses if they would like to view the eclipse. (see additional safety information below)

Safety is a priority. In Poudre School District, all schools participating in any activities that include viewing the Great American Eclipse will take precautionary measures with both students and staff to make this experience both safe and enjoyable. Homemade filters or ordinary sunglasses, even very dark ones, are NOT safe for looking at the sun. The only safe way to look at the uneclipsed or partially eclipsed sun is through special-purpose solar filters, such as “eclipse glasses.” Students will be required to use eye protection designed for viewing an eclipse. This protection (eclipse viewers) will be provided by Riffenburgh.

Although there is no way to fully guarantee student safety during such a rare event, District staff will take precautionary measures, including pre-education to make students aware of the risks involved in directly looking at the sun. At no time should participants remove their eclipse glasses while viewing and look directly at the sun as it could cause permanent eye damage or other unknown effects. There is no way for the District to guarantee that your child will not remove their eclipse glasses during viewing. Please talk to your child about the importance of following instructions and of always keeping their eclipse glasses on during this event. However, students will remove their glasses after viewing in order to participate in regular recess activities. These glasses prevent normal sight and could cause them to trip and fall while involved in regular play.

If you do not wish to have your child participate in outdoor Solar Eclipse Viewing activities, this Opt-Out form MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SCHOOL BY 8:15am on MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2024. Please print and return to office, scan and send to OR come into the office to sign a copy.

Students whose parents/guardians complete this form will have the opportunity to participate in alternative activities or view televised coverage of the eclipse inside the school building.

PSD school bell schedules for 24.25 School Year

The Poudre School District Board of Education approved bell changes for the 2024-25 school year at their March 5, 2024, meeting. The new times will go into effect at the start of the 2024-25 school year.

Starting August 2024, Riffenburgh's new start time will be 8:30am and new dismissal time will be 3:13pm.

2023-24 Yearbook Orders

Please check your student's Friday Folder for 2023-2024 Yearbook order forms. All orders are due by Thursday, April 18, 2024 with payment - either check or cash. If you would like to pay on line click the button below:


One lone shoe was found in the parking lot!!

On April 11 and April 12 all LOST & FOUND items will be displayed on tables outside of the Cafeteria. Any items not collected will be donated on Tuesday, April 16th.

News from Art

Hello Riffenburgh artists and families!

There is a new district art show at the Foothills Mall called Designs & Images!

Our Riffenburgh display this year is a celebration of the creative journey, so the art you will see is a diverse collection of planning and ideas, exploration, finished artworks, and reflections. Our young artists were captured in their creative element in the studio and others' work was highlighted with a photograph or video of the art itself.

It is a wonderful glimpse inside our studio, and I can't wait to share it with you.

I would like to invite you to come see the show! The whole West wing of the Foothills mall will be covered with artwork from schools all throughout the district from artists K-12th grade. The show will be up through May 6th! Hope you can make it.


Cole Zawadzki "Mr. Z"

News from Music


Summer Resource Fair



Upcoming State and District Required Assessments:

In our spring semester we will be administering annual state and district required assessments. Please make note of the dates for the assessments your child will be taking and, whenever possible, please avoid absences during the testing periods. Please note that, on testing days, if students arrive late after testing has begun, they will not be able to join their class until testing has completed for the day. Having students on time and present on testing days helps us gather valuable data while minimizing interruptions to daily instruction. Please help us meet that goal!

Typically, assessments begin in the morning and conclude each day prior to lunch.

2nd Grade:

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): May 8th and May 9th

3rd Grade:

Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS): April 8th -10th

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): May 2nd and May 3rd

4th Grade:

Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS): April 5th and 8th

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): April 30th and May 1st

5th Grade

Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS): April 8th through 11th

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): April 30th and May 1st

Kindergarten Registration 24.25

On-Line Registration for Kindergarten is now available! Please register your student as early as possible. And, please tell your friends and neighbors to register their students!! Children must by 5 years old on or by 10/01/2024 (birthdates on or before 10/01/2019).


Classroom Treats

If it is necessary to have food in classrooms during school hours (i.e. birthday snack, holidays, special occasions, school events, etc.),

  • only commercially prepared and packaged, INDIVIDUAL items (NO CAKES or HUGE COOKIES ) with ATTACHED ingredient labels from retail stores can be served
  • contact your child's teacher prior to sending food or treats in
  • do not send in Balloons or Gifts for the Birthday Child
  • all treats should come to the Main Office



PTO News

Are you interested in getting more involved at Riffenburgh?

Everyone with a student at Riffenburgh is already a part of our PTO and we value each of you!

Are you interested in serving on the Riffenburgh PTO Board next school year? Would you like to be a part of a PTO Committee for the 2024-2025 school year? Board elections will take place at our PTO meeting on April 15th.

Our PTO Board and Committees are made up of people within our school community who work together to share thoughts and information to benefit our school, staff, students, and the entire Riffenburgh community. We appreciate having new people serve on the PTO Board and Committees to provide fresh ideas and new insights.

Are you interested in learning more about joining the PTO Board or a Committee?

or email and we will be in touch with more information.


Treat yourself to some delicious ice cream from Walrus Ice Cream between 11:00am and 10:00pm on Wednesday, April 10th. Walrus will give 10% of ALL sales back to us!

Walrus Ice Cream is located at 125 W. Mountain Avenue in Old Town. So far this year, you have raised over $1,200 from our restaurant fundraisers! Thank you for your continued support!


Do you dread shopping for school supplies at the end of summer? We've partnered with First Day School Supplies so that you can:, and won't have to worry about it in August.

and won't have to worry about it in August. Supplies will be delivered to Riffenburgh before school starts in an individual box with your student's name on it.





District News


Dear PSD families:

Here at Poudre School District, we understand the importance of supporting our students’ mental and emotional health, as well as their physical health. That's why we are excited to announce our 9th annual Mental Health Matters event. This event provides our community with invaluable information on a variety of mental health topics. Come check out lectures from knowledgeable community members and take home valuable tips and tricks to benefit your whole family!

Please join us on April 16 at Fossil Ridge High School, 5400 Ziegler Road in Fort Collins

Doors open at 5:15 p.m. for a Resource Fair showing off all of the amazing community support we have in the Fort Collins area.

We are thrilled to announce that Michael Kutcher is this year's keynote speaker from 6-7:30 p.m., talking about overcoming the odds and “Diffability.”

From 7:45-8:30 p.m. there will be five breakouts sessions running concurrently on a variety of Mental Health topics, such as cyber safety education, resiliency, substance use trends and harm reduction, the circadian clock and how sleep affects our life, and more!

We look forward to seeing some of you there!

Be well,

Poudre School District


How Sick is too Sick (District Guidelines)

If you have any questions regarding when your student can return to school, please contact your school’s health office. For more information on Poudre School District Illness Guidelines click on the button below:




Nutrislice is updated by our district nutrition team each day, the links below will be the most reliable source for daily options.

Calendar for the 2023-24 School Year

Important Upcoming Dates:

  • Friday, April 19, 2024 - No School for Students
  • Friday, May 24, 2024 - No School for Students
  • Wednesday, May 22, 2024 Celebration of Learning at Riffenburgh 3:30-6:30pm
  • Monday, May 27, 2024 - Memorial Day - No School
  • Thursday, May 30, 2024 - Last Day of School