Three Words A Day
Jan. 1 Attitudes is everything!
Jan. 2 Express your feelings.
Jan. 3 Don’t belittle others.
Jan. 4 Courtesy is contagious.
Jan. 5 Knowledge is power.
Jan. 6 Don’t “get even.”
Jan. 7 Compliment other people.
Jan. 8 Friends are prizes.
Jan. 9 Smiles show caring.
Jan. 10 Reading strengthens minds.
Jan. 11 Positive attitudes win.
Jan. 12 Appreciate hard work.
Jan. 13 Grooming tells feelings.
Jan. 14 Acquire new talents.
Jan. 15 Never be indifferent.
Jan. 16 Always be responsible.
Jan. 17 People can change.
Jan. 18 Make reasonable goals.
Jan. 19 Choose good models.
Jan. 20 Animals need care.
Jan. 21 Help at home.
Jan. 22 Books erase loneliness.
Jan. 23 Do not interrupt.
Jan. 24 Believing is winning.
Jan. 25 Patience has limits.
Jan. 26 Show you care.
Jan. 27 Count your blessings.
Jan. 28 Try, try, try.
Jan. 29 Remember happy memories.
Jan. 30 Forgive and forget.
Jan. 31 Experience new things.
Dinner Dilemmas
To create family discussions that promotes Character Education in Pinellas County.
Dinner Dilemmas are designed to be sent home once a month with the students. Schools that send home a weekly newsletter could print one dilemma each week in its publication. During the week families are asked to discuss the dilemma. It is hoped that families will talk about the dilemma and decide how the character quality of the month relates to the situation presented. It is further hoped that families will discuss the dilemma of the week and decide how the character quality of the month applies to each family member.
Week 1
Situation: Sam sees a jacket lying on the PE field. He knows it belongs to a kid in another classroom.
Dilemma: On one hand Sam can walk away and ignore the jacket. On the other hand, Sam could show he cares by taking the jacket to the boy.
Discussion: What advice do you have for Sam?
Week 2
Situation: Sue is on her way to go to the mall with some friends. She is late and her friends are waiting for her. Kim stops Sue to talk about a problem. Kim has been crying.
Dilemma: On the one hand Sue wants to go to the mall with her friends. She does not want to keep them waiting any longer for her. On the other hand, Sue knows a caring person would stay and listen.
Discussion: What advice do you have for Sue?
Week 3
Situation: Sue’s aunt gives her $10.00. Sue wants to buy a book that cost $9.95 at the school Book Fair. As she walks to the Book Fair Sue sees the collection box for donations to hurricane victims.
Dilemma: On the one hand Sue really wants the book. On the other hand, Sue really cares about the hurricane victims.
Discussion: What is your advice for Sue?
Week 4
Situation: It is Monday morning and the student responsible for cleaning the cage and feeding the class pet is absent.
Dilemma: On the one hand Sam does not like to clean the pet’s cage and knows it is not his job this week. On the other hand, Sam knows someone needs to volunteer to care for the pet.
Discussion: What is your advice for Sam?
Quote of the Week
Week 1
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, and an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” Leo Buscaglia
Week 2
“Real generosity is doing something nice for someone who will never find out.” Frank. A. Clark
Week 3
“A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.” Denis Waitley
Week 4
"Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.” Anthony J. D’Angelo
No Man is an Island
by Joan Baez
No man is an island,
No man stands alone,
Each man's joy is joy to me,
Each man's grief is my own.
We need one another,
So I will defend,
Each man as my brother,
Each man as my friend.
I saw the people gather,
I heard the music start,
The song that they were singing,
Is ringing in my heart.
When I help my brother,
Then I know that I,
Plant the seed of friendship,
That will never die.
No man is an island,
No man stands alone,
Each man's joy is joy to me,
Each man's grief is my own.
We need one another,
So I will defend,
Each man as my brother,
Each man as my friend.
Created with images by shameersrk - "hands soil plant" • Ri_Ya - "sheet music red rose red flower"