Finding Clues Nursery, Spring term, Week 5

Last week we left our mantle story at the point where we had landed on the moon. We studied astronaut Helen Sharan to find out more about what it is really like going into space.

The children explored the surface of the moon in role as astronauts and found many imaginary clues that indicate there might be aliens living there. On Wednesday we located our alien friend's family and reunited him with them. A job well done for nursery!

We've been zooming up and down with our writing, practising zigzags and curly shapes with with scarves and pens. Some children are showing an interest in writing their names independently.

Great writing practise.

The Centre for Life has kindly donated a play kitchen to us and the children have been helping us to organise the set up (whilst creating a quick imaginary snack or two).

Playing with open ended resources in the kitchen.

Outside we are beginning to think about the Chinese New Year celebration. We had great fun dancing to a rhythm.

Our key text this week has been 'Man on the Moon'. If you are interested in borrowing it for a night to share with your child, please just ask! Alternatively, there are read aloud versions on Youtube.

Thanks again to our volunteers who come to read stories to the class at home time. This opportunity is open to anyone and it's really rewarding. Your child would feel super special to have you read to their friends. We welcome stories read in any language, please ask if you are interested.

Next week it's our hooks into books event at 2:30pm on Wednesday. We hope you can make it.