Minera VA School Newsletter Cylchlythyr Friday 14th JUNE 2024/ DYDD GWENER 14 MEHEFIN 2024

Celebration Friday

Seren yr Wythnos

TT Rockstars and Siaradwr Cymraeg Yr Wythnos

Happy Birthday/Penblwydd Hapus

We have lots of children celebrating their birthdays during June:

News and Events/Newyddion a Digwyddiadau

Tour of Britain Cycle Race

Everyone had a great time watching the Tour of Britain cyclists cycling through Minera last Friday.

Pets as Therapy Dogs

We had special VIP visitors on Monday in school. It was our first visit from Phoebe and Chloe who are Pets as Therapy Dogs. Everyone is looking forward to their next visit to school.

First Experiences Music

Year 3/4 enjoyed making music during their First Experiences Music Session on Wednesday afternoon.

School Parking

At dropping off and picking up time, please be considerate to our neighbours when parking. At these times it is particularly busy outside of school. Over the next couple of weeks, local PCSO's will be monitoring the situation outside of school.

New Nursery Induction Meeting

On Monday 17th June, we are holding a meeting for our new Nursery Class parents who will be starting in September. The meeting starts at 6:00 pm and we look forward to meeting with you.

Sports Day - Wednesday 3rd July

*Please note change of date due to General Election*

General Election Day - Thursday 4th July

As you are probably aware a General Election will take place on Thursday 4th July. The school will be used a Polling Station.

We are planning an off-site sponsored walk for children around Minera Quarry and Lead Mines to avoid any further school closures for elections.

There will be a number of changes for the day:

  • Breakfast Club will take place in the Junior classes. Please use the yellow door to drop off children.
  • Lunch arrangements to be organised
  • After School Club will take place in the Junior Classes. Please use the yellow door to collect children.

Further details to follow.

Training Day - Friday 5th July

School will be closed on Friday 5th July for a Staff Training Day.

Non Uniform Days - Summer 2024

* Please check Seesaw as days may change.

Friends of Minera News


Thank you to the parents who have recently signed up for easyfundraising. If you haven't yet signed up simply scan the QR code on the banner on the school playground then you're ready to shop online and make us some money! The last month has seen the biggest amount raised to date - an incredible £136.71 and there is lots more to come from holiday bookings made online through Tui, booking.com, Haven and lots more.

Sports Day - Wednesday 3rd July

Last year we served drinks and strawberries & cream and this was very popular as well as boosting our funds. We would like to do this again but we need your help. Could you please donate some strawberries or some squirty cream or a pack of bottled water?

Summer Fair - Friday 12th July

We're hoping for some good weather so that we can hold this event outdoors with a bouncy castle and lots of fun stalls. We will also be selling cakes, hot dogs, sweets and ice-pops. We would appreciate your usual donations of toys, books, nearly new items, etc.

We also need donations of items for our raffle and tombola and we ask that pupils bring an item on our non-uniform day on Friday 21st June (wine, chocolates, sweets, novelty items, small toys, stationery, toiletries, etc)

Finally....please come along on the day. Entry is £1 per adult, free entry for children. Doors open at 2.30pm.

Thank you all for your support. If you are free on the day to help to set up from 1pm and/or run a stall please let us know.

Term Dates 2024 to 2025

Diary Dates

  • 17th - New Nursery Induction Meeting
  • 27th - Moving Up Day
  • 2nd - Parent Forum
  • 2nd - Year 5/6 Visit to Llangollen Eisteddfod
  • 3rd - Sports Day (am - Foundation Phase and pm - KS2)
  • 4th - General Election - School Sponsored Walk
  • 5th - Training Day - School Closed
  • 12th - Summer Fair
  • 18th - Leavers' Service and Disco
  • 19th - School Closes for Summer Holidays

Contact Information

Phone: 01978 269500
Email: mailbox@minera-pri.wrexham.sch.uk
Website: www.mineraprimary.com
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook