InterACTION Fall 2023 “In the middle of my prayer, she cried out to God asking Him to forgive her for her sins and asking Jesus to come into her heart.”

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Glimpses of God's Harvest

By Erin Bruzda with InterAct Missionaries

“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;’” (Matthew 9:36-37)

When Jesus saw the crowds, he was deeply moved in His inner being. How do you see the harassed and helpless? Does your heart lean toward compassion or indifference?

In the vast geographical landscape of Siberia, Alaska and Western Canada, laborers for the Great Commission are spread thin. To better understand the depth of God’s heart working through InterAct missionaries, we thought you’d like to read a few snippets from their prayer and update letters. These excerpts reflect some of the highs, lows and daily norms of ministry life in the north.

From our Siberia Field Director:

“One Sunday after church, my wife Jamie went to spend time with her Tuvan friend. Luda used to attend church 10 years ago but has walked away from her faith. They were enjoying time together and talking about the joys and struggles of life when Luda’s in-laws came in and joined them for tea. Her mother-in-law introduced herself and told Jamie that she was a shaman, showing off her drum and explaining that she makes money ‘cleaning’ people’s homes from spirits.

Luda praised Jamie afterwards as they walked together toward the bus stop because she had never seen her mother-in-law warm up to other people like that. We never know who God will place in our daily lives and how we will be a light to them.”

From an InterAct worker in Siberia:

“Our days have been busy as we study around five hours a day learning the Russian language. Learning a whole new language from zero is quite daunting and we have frequently found our selves discouraged that we are not picking it up fast enough. Somedays it seems like an impossible task to learn an entirely new language from scratch but we know that with the Lord’s help we can do all things.”

From Jordan and Jessica in Alaska:

“As usual, we hit the ground running when we got back to the village. We’ve been home a week, and we’ve already held a Sunday service, had a house full of kids, had the barge arrive, an intern arrive who will be with us for the next 6 weeks, a Tribe Council meeting and potluck, a crisis/incident, youth group, and a funeral to prepare for. It seems like every time we think it can’t possibly get any busier, things pick up even more. But we love it—most of the time (haha)! The Lord continues to sustain us through it all.”

From Aaron and Tisha in Alaska:

“There is no full-time health aid in our village anymore. So for weeks at a time, I’m the most qualified healthcare. On average we probably get a call out to someone’s home once a week or so. We had weeks where it felt like every night we were called to help someone out, from young kids with a bad cut to people having serious traumatic incidents. It’s a mixed feeling to be glad to help but always hoping we never get a call. I’m thankful for the ways it’s opened new doors into people’s lives and it almost always opens opportunities to pray with people.”

From Amy (Alaska immigrant ministry):

“Reyna was there to get counseling as she was depressed after having valuables stolen. I shared with her that Jesus and eternal life is more important than any money or things on earth. I then shared how she can know Jesus as her Savior. Then I asked if I could pray for her. In the middle of my prayer, she cried out to God asking Him to forgive her for her sins and asking Jesus to come into her heart. I about fell off my chair in shock! I gave her a New Testament and we plan to have weekly Bible studies together. God’s timing is always perfect!”

From Brooke (Canada immigrant ministry):

“A wave of relief rushed over me as I saw my friend’s text and her waving from the front doors. With one last prayer under my breath, I climbed out of my car and walked into the mosque. We took our seats for the event. Over plates of rice, veggies and chicken, we discussed womanhood with other women from 5 different religions, including Christianity and Islam. We listened and asked questions. My friend hugged me when we were walking out and said ‘Thank you for coming! Next time, I want to go with you to church.’

The walls of the mosque heard the truth of the gospel and they echoed it to the women in the room. I am praying that it continues echoing in my friend’s heart.”

From Kyla (First Nations youth ministry):

“One highlight in the last few months was taking a group of youth to the Native Youth Conference. It was a good weekend— encouraging to see how deeply some of the youth are seeking God and a blessing to build relationships with some of the newer ones. In the midst of all the good, it also became clear to me just how deeply some of the youth are struggling.”

From Dick and Ruth (First Nations ministry):

“Last week, a young man from our church came in near the end of our Bible study on Wednesday evening. When it came time for prayer, he broke down as he tried to share how disappointed he was in himself for not following the Lord like he should. ... He wants to grow. So the following evening Dick met with that young man and another who just graduated from high school, starting a time of discipleship. There is at least one other young man that they want to invite to meet with them.”

From Morgan (Bible Camp Director, Canada):

“We are topped off with diesel and propane, water samples are all good, more than double the SALT (Servant and Leadership Training) candidates are signed up, generator running, grass cut, brush cut, 2 beavers that were flooding the driveway are now in the freezer, stocked up on groceries, and all the year-round staff and interns are prepped for the summer. We even had time to build a prototype horsefly trap and there is a group of volunteers coming Friday to cut a few cords of firewood. God is good.”

From Dan & Bev (missionaries in Calgary, Alberta):

“Restora is a not-for-profit business, created to give indigenous young adults opportunities to build work experience, labour skills, and personal confidence to move on toward full-time employment. Our desire is that the relationships developed through working together will be a platform for sharing the gospel and encouraging spiritual growth in these young adults.

Yesterday, I worked with a young man whom I will call Sam. As we were driving to our job, he said, ‘This is my first day of work on a job EVER! This is what I want to do to help my grandma pay some of our bills.’

As far as I could gather Sam doesn’t have many male role models in his life. I have hopes that someday myself and the other Restora guys will get to meet his grandma and others in his family, and grow this relationship to a place where we can live and speak about Jesus with him and his family.”

Perhaps one of these glimpses into missionary life, has resonated in your mind and spirit.

The passage we began with in Matthew 9, continues on in verse 38 to say, “therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

C.H. Spurgeon said that this particular verse weighed on his heart more than any other text in the Bible! He said that it haunted him perpetually. (Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit [Pilgrim Publications], 19:466).

InterAct Ministries was formed to support, connect and serve missionaries whom God has called to dwell among the least reached in these regions. Each InterAct worker plays a part in the God-given directive to make disciples who make disciples who gather together as His church. This was Jesus’ mandate to His disciples.

This mandate is also deeply embedded in the hearts of our staff and missionaries. We encourage you to pray about how the Lord of the harvest might enable you to participate in the Great Commission through InterAct Ministries.

For Such a Time as This: A Strategic Look

By Jim Darnall, Mobilization Director

“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” (Corrie Ten Boom)

What brings you the greatest joy? Isn’t it when you know you’re walking and serving in the midst of God’s heart and will for your life? Strategically looking at what you might be doing over the next few years, could it mean spending a year or more on the mission field?

Looking back at the past few decades of your life, what has God enabled you to do that you never would have thought you could do? Take a few moments and consider what the Lord has shown you about the unique talents, passions and gifts with which He has blessed you. What has He most recently revealed to you about yourself? Ask Him if He is calling you to use the gifts He has purposely given you in a new way.

Don’t have the time to learn a new language? InterAct Ministries has several opportunities for you to serve in English-speaking fields in Alaska or Canada. We are especially hearing of the need for additional teammates to come alongside InterAct staff in their current location and work. Opportunities abound in rural and urban settings to join what God is doing in cross-cultural discipleship, youth ministry, or immigrant ministry. We also have immediate openings for missionaries in the areas of facility maintenance, housekeeping and hospitality in Alaska.

One InterAct missionary recently expressed his need for a teammate and successor. “Having someone to minister with who would desire to pastor these wonderful people and actually plan to take my place would be, in my humble estimation, the most effective way to continue helping them raise leaders up from among the Ahtna people—leaders for their own ministry.”

How can you increase your role in the Great Commission? Imagine how it would feel to respond to God’s calling, knowing you are in the exact space He has prepared for you, using the unique giftings He has given you, and doing the good works which God prepared in advance for you to do. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength as you step out in faith this season.

Dale Smith, Executive Director

At an early age God placed a hunger in my heart to share His Great Story in remote places. It seemed natural after growing up in a church with frequent missionary reports. Biographies recounting great sacrifices made for God in distant places stirred my youthful passion. Every night at bedtime I prayed for a missionary family serving across the globe. In high school, I was a real standout as the only “white kid” in an African Cultures class. God was growing a desire in my heart to share His message across cultures.

Each of the missionaries highlighted in the heart of this publication has a unique story of God’s leading to serve among the peoples of Siberia, Alaska and Western Canada. God is still drawing workers today. In InterAct Ministries’ slice of the harvest, there are still places where people have no opportunity to hear about Jesus and places where disciples need help growing to maturity.

Are you being uniquely prepared by our Father for a lifetime of cross-cultural ministry somewhere in the North Pacific Crescent (Siberia, Alaska and Western Canada)? OR is it possible that you have spent a lifetime faithfully serving in a God-appointed vocation and now want to finish your latter years in missions? Wherever you find yourself, we would love to talk with you about discovering your place in His harvest fields!

You love to share the gospel message but you’re better with your hands or in an office. Maybe you’re retired or self-supported. Are you ready to invest a season of life to serve in a support ministry? There are places you can plug in right away.

  • Alaska: Facility maintenance; guest house services
  • Canada: Building skills or land development (camp); office administration (experience in non-profits a plus)
  • Oregon office: Donor development; communications

For more information go to or call Jim (503) 668-5571 ext. 8.

Will you partner with us to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to the North Pacific Crescent?

InterACTION is a publication of InterAct Ministries