The Glorious Life of Adversity Where there's a will, there's a way. Where there's NO way, there's God! - James Piazza

My Name is James Piazza

My Story

At 16 years of age, I was in a car wreck in which I was thrown 60 feet from the vehicle, breaking my neck, my ribs and puncturing both lungs. After arriving at a nearby hospital I stopped breathing and died. But by the grace of God, the doctors were able to revive me and place me on a ventilator. This would be my starting point to a lifelong journey of learning to live with a disability while overcoming obstacles and hardships along the way. On this journey God revealed His power, purpose and plan for my life which I call, “The Glorious Life of Adversity.” This nearly thirty year journey has developed my faith, taught me perseverance and instilled in me a never quit attitude. My moto is: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way. And where there’s no way, there’s God!”

My Book

“The Glorious Life of Adversity” is a detailed account of my discovering God’s plan and purpose for my life with a disability. Years ago, when I was in college, God began to place on my heart the desire to write a book sharing my story of how He helped me overcome life’s obstacles and adversity to pursue the glorious life He had in store for me. In this book I share my thirty year journey of learning to trust and follow God as He led me through life’s struggles and hardships. I also share the joy and countless blessings that He has poured into my life over the years including the many impossibilities that He made possible!

In this book I share my experiences with success and failures. I discuss learning to live with a disability and then pursing independence by going off to school and getting a job. I share the joys and struggles of marriage, sex, parenting, and life with a disability. I reveal both my mountain top experiences of my life’s greatest moments as well as the deep dark valleys of pain and struggles that I’ve endured. Through it all, God has consistently and faithfully led me to experience, “The Glorious Life of Adversity.”

I believe this book has a message for all people! To the broken, hurting and disabled, I want to encourage you to know that you too can live a glorious life of adversity, no matter where you are in life. To the healthy, wealthy and wise, I hope to motivate you to seek God’s purpose and plan for your life so that you can help others who are struggling and hurting.

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"The Glorious Life of Adversity" is available for purchase at Click the button above to order. It was a glorious three year adventure working on this book and I've been blown away by how God has used it already! Since I finished the book my prayer has been for God to use it to speak FAITH, HOPE, & LOVE into ALL who read it!

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Coming Events

Clements Unit, Amarillo, TX - Aug. 31st

Past Events

Atlanta Methodist Church, Atlanta, TX - Jul. 28th 9 & 11 AM

Texarkana Book Club, Atlanta, TX - Jul. 25th 12 PM

The Woods Baptist Church, Tyler, TX - Jul. 21st - PM

Highland Park Baptist Church, Texarkana, TX - Jul. 14th

First Baptist Church, Atlanta, TX - Jul. 21st - AM

Church on The Rock, Texarkana, TX - Jul. 10th

First Southern Baptist, Fritch, TX - Jun. 2nd

New Life Church, Borger, TX - Apr. 28th

Second Baptist Church, Liberty, MO - Mar. 24th

BSA OR Book club, Amarillo, TX - Mar. 9th

First Baptist Church, Amarillo, TX - Feb. 24th

Village Church, Angel Fire, NM - Feb. 18th

Coulter Road Baptist Church, Amarillo, TX - Feb. 4th

Reader's Thoughts

James Piazza was one of my first students when I became a professor of student ministry. From day one I recognized he is a very special young man. His obvious love for Jesus and his competence in student ministry made his wheelchair almost transparent to me. And now, through his new book, The Glorious Life of Adversity, I have a high-definition picture of the way God has used adversity to mold James into the person he is today. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to be inspired and wants to overcome adversity for the glory of God. Clearly, James has been a faithful steward of the good experiences in his life—and the crushing experiences as well. He is living his life with one transcendent goal: To hear King Jesus declare, “Well done, good and faithful servant!"

Dr. Richard Ross, Author of ‘True Love Waits’ and various other books, is senior professor of student ministry at Southwestern Seminary, Fort Worth, TX.

Someone has said that you cannot go back in time. Upon reading James Piazza's new book, The Glorious Life of Adversity, I was taken back to February 18, 1994, and to a life changing accident that most who learned of James' wreck would call it a tragedy, but God was laying out a plan for his life. I have known James for over 21 years as one of his ministers and as a family friend. I have seen and known James both pre and post-accident. I have watched how God began to work His will and plan into James' life. When I received ‘The Glorious Life of Adversity’, I had planned to read a few chapters a day. But once I started, I could not put it down! I read it that day. It brought a range of emotions from laughter to tears, and yes, a blush every now and then. This is a must read for anyone who has faced hardships in life from an accident such as James', to any kind of illness or struggles that changed your direction in life. This book would be especially helpful to those who know of someone who has gone through a traumatic event in life and desires understanding and insight into how to relate to that person. The Glorious Life of Adversity was a joy and blessing to read!”

Wes Chambers, Former Associate Pastor & Educational Minister of First Baptist, Atlanta, TX

Diamonds are formed through high heat and high pressure over time. Diamonds sparkle as they reflect and refract light. That is the source of their brilliance. Some souls also sparkle with a brilliance that can only be hard won, through adversity. Their unique incandescence reflects and refracts God’s light in the world in ways far too rare. James Piazza is such a soul, and this book is a vulnerable, personal reflection of his life and witness. As you read, may you also receive a blessing, as God’s light bends through the precious diamond of James’ life, into yours.”

Dr. Jason Edwards, Senior Pastor, Second Baptist Church, Liberty, MO

James Piazza rolled into our family’s life in a small church in Fritch, Texas. His Christlike personality and passion for Christ was a much-needed gift for my three boys, who were under his purposefully placed teaching. James’ writing is an overflow of the, almost to a fault, grace that runs through his heart. You will laugh, cry, cheer and self-check your heart walking away from this book. I believe you will gain a greater understanding into how the Heavenly Father, Sovereign God, and Great Healer uses our hurts and weaknesses to strengthen and direct our lives for the Heavenly Kingdom. Then, you will be ready to conquer your personal path to the peak of your mountain.” 2 Peter 1:38

Starla K. Lusk

I have just finished reading James Piazza's new book 'The Glorious Life of Adversity' which was truly a blessing. Knowing James for many years I have always been amazed at his resilience to bounce back from life's challenges. He chronicles how God spoke to him and has used him through extreme times of difficulties. Life holds many obstacles for someone in a wheelchair yet God has used them as a testimony of His love. This book blessed my heart and I know it will bless yours! I am grateful to call James my friend and thankful for this honest book.”

Dr. David Baxley, Sr. Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church, Bloomburg, TX

Several years ago, my husband and our church were searching for a Youth Pastor. They had a telephone interview scheduled with a young man from the Dallas/Fort Worth area. After the interview, I asked my husband how it went, was this man a possibility? He told me that they were very impressed and…that the candidate was a quadriplegic. What? A Youth Pastor? A quadriplegic? How does that work? ……well, it worked very well! We had the privilege of serving with James and his family for many years. God knew what he was doing when he called James Piazza to His Kingdom work. I remember my husband saying one day “What would James be like if he had the use of his legs, what would his ministry be like if only?” Please understand that my husband was amazed and blessed by James’ ministry but wondered about the potential if James had not been in that life changing accident and still walking. After reading The Glorious Life of Adversity I understand the perfection of God’s plan for the life of James Piazza. James shows us through his life story that God uses us where we are, forever in His perfect plan for our own lives. We must be willing; willing to serve no matter the obstacles put in our path, willing to serve no matter the hardships, willing to serve through the battles. It doesn’t matter who you are, at some point life is hard. But one of the standout lessons learned from this book, “where there is a will, there is a way. And where there is no way, there's God” can and will help you through any adversity in life that you are facing."

Julie Winters, widow of Bro Calvin Winters

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