Do you have a new neighbor? Do the neighborly thing and make sure they know that they can enroll their child(ren) online now! Help us spread the word!
- Enrollments must be submitted and completed (all required documents supplied) by August 1st to guarantee your student will be in the system and able to sit in a seat on August 13th. Enrollments are processed in the order they are received and completed.
- High School—To schedule classes over the summer, a counselor will be available Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This is done after verification of completed enrollment.
If you are unsure if you live in the Mustang Public School District, please review our Boundary Maps or utilize the Find My School feature.
Questions or need some help? Visit our Enrollment website or Email our Central Enrollment Team.
Open House
Each school will send out information that will be posted to their school websites and social media accounts as these dates draw closer.
Elementary Schools - Thursday, August 8, 2024 (2:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.)
Each elementary school will host an Open House. This will give you and your child the opportunity to meet his/her teacher, drop off school supplies, and gather information about bus transportation, school lunches, etc. Our Open House sessions are divided into groups. Please attend the session that corresponds to the first letter of the student's last name:
- A-H 2:00-2:45
- I-P 3:00-3:45
- Q-Z 4:00-4:45
- Make-up 5:00-5:45 (by appointment only)
Intermediate Schools
- Schedule Pickup: Thursday, August 8, 2024 (1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.)
- Open House: Thursday, August 22, 2024 (Time: TBD)
Each school will send information and details for their back-to-school activities after the beginning of school (8/13/23).
Middle Schools
- 7th Grade Orientation: Monday, August 5, 2024 (Time: TBD)
- Schedule Pickup: Tuesday, August 6, 2024 (1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.)
- Open House: Monday, August 19, 2024 (5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.)
Each school will send information and details for their back-to-school activities after the beginning of school (8/13/23).
Mustang High School
- Freshman Orientation:
- Last Name A-K - Thursday, August 1, 2024 (8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)
- Last Name L-Z - Friday, August 2, 2024 (8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)
- Schedule Pickup:
- 9th & 12th Grade - Monday, August 5, 2024
- 10th & 11th Grade - Tuesday, August 6, 2024
- Make-up Day - Wednesday, August 7, 2024
- Open House
- Monday, August 19, 2024 (5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.)
MHS will send information and details for their back-to-school activities after the beginning of school (8/13/23). Check out the MHS Website for the latest updates, news, & 4-1-1.
Route Information
- As we prepare to welcome students back to our school buildings, we continue to alter bus routes to make each route the quickest/most efficient possible.
- To access route information, simply go to elink.mustangps.org. Be sure to uncheck the box next to "Authenticate using Network Credentials." Then enter the username of mustang, and the password is guest.
- There is a chance your bus pick up and drop off times will change during the first few weeks of school as we make adjustments. Updates happen every 24 hours, so it is a good idea to check your route schedule regularly.
- If your address is NOT populating in the finder, please call our district office for assistance at 405-376-2630.
- As always, we appreciate your patience with our team each year as our school district continues to grow and new neighborhoods are established.
- Transportation Updates—During the first few days of school, we will provide live updates on our MPS Operations Facebook Page. You can also call transportation for updates on buses.
Student Bus Conduct
Riding a school bus is a privilege. Student safety is our main priority, and rules that are enforced at school also apply on the bus. Please CLICK HERE for a letter to families to learn more about School Bus Conduct.
Bronco Family Form
What is it?
The BFF is a quick form that can unlock a host of benefits for families and schools! You may have heard this form referred to in the past as the "School Meal Application" or "School Lunch Form." The name has changed because it is really about more than school lunches.
- Only 1 Form Needed Per Family: regardless of how many MPS students are in the family;
- All Information Confidential: only two MPS staff have access to the submitted application;
- Online Application Preferred: see cafeteria manager for paper forms;
- Need Help? If you need assistance, please call 405-376-7317 or Email Us.
Why Submit My BFF?
More than 30 percent of Mustang Public Schools' families qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch program. Even parents who believe they will not qualify are encouraged to apply for this much-needed program. Applying for the program is confidential and significantly helps with funding for classrooms.
- Our enrollment percentage in this program generates additional money and resources for students at Mustang Schools!
- Your student could receive nutritious meals for NO COST or at a significantly reduced cost.
- Enrollment in this program could make your home internet service more affordable.
- MPS is eligible for additional federal funding and grants based on the number who qualify.
- *Your child(ren) will be entered into a drawing to win a Nintendo Switch gaming console! Simply complete the form prior to September 1, 2024 to qualify.
*Giveaway Details: All complete applications will qualify all MPS students in the household regardless of qualification for services. The drawing will be held on 9/12/24.
Please complete a new application AFTER JULY 1, even if you filled one out during the pre-enrollment process in the Spring.
Our elementary Bronco Club program is designed for children in grades Pre-K through 4 and is geared to meet the needs and characteristics of our elementary children. Children will participate in carefully planned activities that encourage optimal physical, mental, and social development while fostering each child's positive self-image and sense of independence. We do not offer the program at the Mustang Education Center. Children may be enrolled for 3, 4, or 5 days per week. Children must attend the same days each week.
Elementary Hours of Operation: 2:40 p.m. - 5:40 p.m.
Our intermediate Bronco Club program is designed for our young adults in grades 5-6 and focuses on character building, positive self-image, and becoming a successful member of our community. Activities encourage growth and hands-on experiences in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Children may be enrolled for 3, 4, or 5 days per week. Children must attend the same days each week.
Intermediate Hours of Operation: 3:05 p.m. - 6:05 p.m.
Community Education is a program of Mustang Public Schools that facilitates the lifelong learning process by providing affordable special interest opportunities to our community. The program addresses all ages and skill levels; our classes open the door to new experiences.
Our Mission
Our mission is to enrich the lives of all community members, by promoting citizen involvement and providing lifelong learning opportunities. Individual and family lives are enhanced through programs and activities that not only educate, but entertain, motivate, and rejuvenate. We provide a variety of affordable, quality programs that enhance and inspire our community’s life experiences.
Are you interested in teaching a course? Do you have a talent you would like to share?
Parent Portal
What Is Parent Portal?
The parent portal is an online portal accessible anywhere on the web that custodial parents/guardians can log in to and see all of their children in one place: their grades, assignments, scores, attendance, schedules, and school bulletins for each school your children attend.
- If you need a Parent Portal account login or you need to add a student to your existing account, PLEASE EMAIL psppsupport@mustangps.org.
- Click on the Forgot Username or Password above to receive a reminder or reset your username or password. If you don't think you have received a reminder or reset email, please check your spam folder.
- If you have tried to reset your username or password and still need assistance, PLEASE EMAIL psppsupport@mustangps.org.
One of Mustang Public Schools' core values is a focus on student success. We are dedicated to preparing students for success throughout their educational journey and beyond, no matter the path they choose after graduation. We understand the vital role of daily attendance in providing students with the skills and knowledge they need through engaging and challenging learning experiences.
With the "Every Moment Matters" attendance initiative, the Mustang School District aims to inform students, staff, families, and community members about the importance of students being in school as much as possible to learn and grow. Across the district, you'll be seeing information, data and resources shared throughout the year in various communication platforms.
Learn More:
The Mustang Public Schools Board of Education consists of five members (one from each election district) who serve a five-year term, with one member’s term expiring each year. The Board is governed by and acts within the context of all applicable state and federal laws and is responsible for establishing/updating necessary policies, providing vision for a high-quality educational system and working in partnership with other parents, teachers, business leaders and other stakeholders to ensure high levels of success for students.
Board meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 6 p.m. at the Mustang Educational Resource Center (MERC) located at 909 S. Mustang Road, Mustang, OK 73064. The meeting is open to the public. Agendas are posted online on the afternoon of the Friday before the meeting. Upcoming meeting dates include:
- August 12, 2024
- September 9, 2024
- October 14, 2024
- November 11, 2024
- December 9, 2024