Following a trail nursery, spring term, week 7

There have been mysterious things happening in nursery this week. The children found huge footprints in the classroom.

We began the week by following a trail outside using maps
The mystery started when we made another journey in our rocket ship (the children were very excited to return to our imagination work from last half term).
We landed in a new environment and listened carefully. it sounds like a jungle!
When we explored the jungle we discovered the footprints.
They were big and we didn't know who made them.
On Wednesday 'Explorer Eric' (a bit of an expert on tracking animals) came to visit and we asked him about the footprint.
He said he had never seen anything like it before and has asked us to keep an eye out for further clues.

In other news this week, we have been developing fluidity in our writing. This is done either by mark making on paper or with physical movements, for example dough disco and dancing with scarves.

Drawing different pre-writing patterns.
Strengthening muscles and co-ordination for writing.

The children love our reading area. We chose a few new books for it from the library and they have been treasured.

Choosing appealing books to look at.

Some of the children wanted to play outside but didn't want to stop looking at their books. I love spotting moments like this where the children are absorbed in their interests.

The photos below show the children's learning across other areas of the curriculum this week.

Matching pairs, following a trail outside, listening to stories and learning to get along with friends through playing together.