Employee Spotlight Courtney Dupre, LTAP Program Manager

LTRC Employee Spotlight was created as a way to learn about LTRC employees and better understand the many ways collaborative contributions affect the department and help the center function on a daily basis. If you would like to nominate someone for an Employee Spotlight, please email Jenny Gilbert at jenny.gilbert@la.gov.

What is your position at LTRC and how long have you been an LTRC employee?

My position here is the LTAP Program Manager. I’ve been with Louisiana LTAP for over 10 and a half years, and in that time, I have also served as the Training Program Coordinator and the Business Manager.

What does a typical day look like for you?

Well, there are typical office days and then there are typical on-the-road days.

Typical office days include emails, phone calls, report compilation, training resource creation, technical assistance distribution, paperwork, fighting with the LTRC printers and LSU WorkDay, meetings, meetings, meetings with all of LTAPs partners, and my personal favorite – calendaring! Seriously. Who doesn’t love calendaring?

Typical on-the-road days are very exciting: I travel all across the state to facilitate LTAP’s training classes and get to visit with our Locals! After I check out of my hotel in whatever city I woke up in that morning (sometimes three different cities in one week!), I facilitate a class from start to finish that includes workshop setup, registration, meal setup, course introductions, assisting the LTAP instructor, and then course wrap-up. When class is over, I pack it all up in my rental car and drive to another city to do it all again the next day.

What is something you are proud you have accomplished while at LTRC?

I am most proud of the relationships I have built with all of LTAP’s partners, local, state, and federal. I am proud of my work with the Louisiana Parish Engineers and Supervisors Association (LPESA) Officers and Board of Directors as well as the NLTAPA Professional Development Work Group. I have also sat on both the Baton Rouge Branch and Louisiana State Chapter of APWA. And I am always so proud when we wrap up Chainsaw Safety week here at LTAP. This is a grueling 5 days that consists of driving 675 miles to 4 locations across the state and training over 500 people over 4 classes!

If you could switch jobs with anyone at LTRC for one day, what position would it be and why?

I would choose Allison Landry! One of her many job hats as a DOTD Program Specialist 4 here at LTRC is DOTD conference planning, and I love event planning. If you’ve been to LTC and have seen how smooth things run, you have Allison to thank. When Louisiana LTAP hosted the 2018 National LTAP/TTAP Annual Conference in New Orleans, Allison took charge and helped us make it a huge success. This video shows that conference. Okay, maybe I would also like to switch jobs with Chris Melton. He is LTRC’s Multimedia Producer, and he made that amazing video!

What about your job makes you excited to come to work and why?

Sadly, I recently learned that one of our local agency parish managers passed away. His obituary highlighted that he had achieved his Roads Scholar certificate through our LTAP Roads Scholar Certificate Program. If that’s not motivation to come to work and continue training our locals, I don’t know what is! I feel so honored to have helped him achieve that certificate. What a testament to LTAP and our mission. I’ve always felt that LTAP is the voice to, from, and for Louisiana’s Local Agency Public Works Departments. I am proud to serve Louisiana’s 64 parishes and 303 municipalities.

What is your favorite snack and/or lunch?

CHIPS AND QUESO! I’m always on the hunt for the best queso.