Employee Spotlight Haley Ortiz, LTAP Training Program Manager

LTRC Employee Spotlight was created as a way to learn about LTRC employees and better understand the many ways collaborative contributions affect the department and help the center function on a daily basis. If you would like to nominate someone for an Employee Spotlight, please email Jenny Gilbert at jenny.gilbert@la.gov.

What is your position at LTRC and how long have you been an LTRC employee?

I am LTAP’s training program coordinator. I started in early January 2023, so it's been over a year now.

What does a typical day look like for you?

A typical day can look very different for me every day depending on what is on LTAP’s calendar. Often I am preparing for an upcoming LTAP class, making materials, talking with attendees for the course, or speaking with instructors or venues. A lot of my time is spent traveling the state and running classes behind the scenes. I am pretty experienced getting hotels and rental cars. I could also probably suggest you a good place to get dinner almost anywhere in this state!

What is your favorite snack and/or lunch?

I love to eat and cook! If I am making a snack for myself, my favorite thing is probably a fresh tomato sandwich. If I am craving a snack, it’s probably chips, salsa, and queso.

How do you enjoy spending your weekends or free time?

I love to spend time with my husband and friends. We are busy doing something “fun” almost every weekend. We like to travel, watch movies, roller skate, try new restaurants, paint, go dancing…anything we can get ourselves into. I love to try new things and experiences.

If you could switch jobs with anyone at LTRC for one day, what position would it be and why?

I think out of everyone at LTRC, I would love Chris Melton’s job. I love taking pictures, videos and editing. For a long time, I wanted to be a movie editor or producer. I have experience taking headshots and filming a few short movies. I love to be creative and move around looking at things in different perspectives. I much prefer being behind the scenes instead of in front of a camera also.