Minera Church in Wales Voluntary Aided Primary School School Prospectus 2024-25

Croeso i/ Welcome to Minera Church in Wales Voluntary Aided School

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Annwyl Rhieni/Gwarchodwyr,

If this is your first introduction to Minera Church in Wales Primary School,may I wish you and your child a very warm welcome. This prospectus has been prepared to give you a brief insight into our school life and I hope you find the information useful.

There has been a Church school in Minera for many years. We are proud to be a Church School and we believe Christianity within the school permeates all we do with the children.

Our aim at Minera is to provide a happy and secure environment in which we offer each child a broad education encompassing all areas of the National Curriculum. We have high expectations, aim to cater for a pupil’s individual educational needs and ensure each child reaches their full potential.

We believe that strong home-school links are vital and parents are very welcome in our school. We hold regular meetings to discuss children’s progress and we seek parents help to fundraise for extra resources for the school.

This prospectus can only offer a brief introduction to our school but you are very welcome to come and visit us. Please telephone to make an appointment.

Yours sincerely/Yr eiddoch yn gywir,

Mr Spencer Williams Headteacher/Pennaeth

Our School

Minera School is a Voluntary Aided Church in Wales Primary School. We cater for pupils aged 3 to 11 and also offers pre-school provision as part of our Early Education offering and wrap around care.

Church in Wales Schools have no catchment areas and we welcome applications for all children as per our Admissions Policy which is explained in more detail later in this prospectus. Full copies of our Admissions Policy are available on our school website and from our school office.

History of Minera School

Consequent upon the report by an Assistant School Inspector in 1847 that the education provision in the ecclesiastical parish of Wrexham was of a very poor standard, the Court of Chancery directed the Trustees of the Wrexham Parochial Charities to establish a School in Minera. The Trustees of the Wrexham Parochial Charities continue to provide funds for the maintenance and improvement of the School building.

Since its foundation in 1851 the School has undergone many changes and improvements.

The school was remodelled in 1989 when the classrooms used by the nursery and reception children were added. The most recent remodelling and upgrading began in 2006 and wascompleted by the summer of 2008. This provided additional teaching space for Key Stage Two as well as addressing disabled access issues.

In 2001, the school celebrated its 150th birthday and to commemorate the occasion a stained glass window was commissioned and was dedicated by the Bishop of St Asaph on 29th March 2001.

Today, Minera Aided School is a co-educational day school and caters for Infant (Foundation Phase) and Junior (Key Stage Two) children. Part-time Nursery provision is offered for five sessions a week.

Our School Values

We aim at Minera Church in Wales school to create an ethos and environment in which children are able to work in a relaxed and happy manner. We nurture our pupils and help give them the best possible start in life. At Minera we encourage our pupils to work to the best of their ability and form relationships of mutual respect for each other and for the adults who work with them.

It is an important part of this aim that the children become aware of the role of Christianity in their lives. Christianity provides a model to live by and standards of caring and fellowship to be aimed at, as well as being a vehicle through which feelings of awe and worship are expressed. In developing respect for and empathy with each other, the children should acquire an awareness of themselves as part of the community and begin to realise the interdependence of people in society.

Admission Arrangements

Parents/Carers who are considering enrolling their child at Minera VA School are welcome to visit the School during a school day at a mutually convenient time. An appointment may be made by phoning or emailing the school. The Headteacher will be pleased to meet the parents/carers of prospective pupils, to answer any questions and to show parents/carers and prospective pupils around the school and campus.

Children are admitted to our Nursery and Reception Class in the September after their third birthday. Arrangements are made for the children to visit prior to their joining the following September to help familiarise them with the school, staff and their peers. Parents/Carers of new Nursery children are invited to our Induction Evening in June annually to meet members of staff and to ask any questions that they may have.

As a Church in Wales, Voluntary Aided School, the Governing Body and staff endeavour to encourage a caring and Christian ethos in the school. Christian values play an integral part in the life of the school. Collective Worship and Religious Education consequently play an important part in the school day and we encourage pupils to take a lead in these activities.


Admissions to Minera VA School is the responsibility of the Governing Body, as a Voluntary Aided School.

The following criteria is applied in the case of over subscription:

  • Looked after children and previously looked after children
  • Pupils with an elder sibling who is of statutory school age and will still be registered at our school when the younger child is eligible to attend. (see “Definitions” section of the policy)
  • Pupils who live in the Mission Area of The Alyn Mission Area and for whom this is the nearest suitable Church in Wales school to their home address.
  • Pupils whose parents (see “Definitions” section of the policy) attend St Mary’s Church in Minera.
  • Pupils whose parents (see “Definitions” section of the policy) attend another Anglican Church and for whom this is the nearest Voluntary Aided Church School.
  • Pupils whose parents (see “Definitions” section of the policy) are active members of a non-Anglican Christian denomination and for them this is the nearest Voluntary Aided Church School.
  • Pupils whose parents (see “Definitions” section of the policy) are active members of another faith and also express a desire for a Church School education, and for them this is the nearest Voluntary Aided Church School.
  • Pupils whose parents wish them to attend a Church in Wales School.

Please note, any child for whom the school is named in a Statement of Special Educational Needs will be admitted before the application of oversubscription criteria. For further information regarding admissions, please see the school Admission Policy. Applications are made to Wrexham County Borough Council and then passed to the school to process as per The Policy.

Please note, any child for whom the school is named in a Statement of Special Educational Needs will be admitted before the application of oversubscription criteria. For further information regarding admissions, please see the school Admission Policy.

Applications are made to Wrexham County Borough Council and then passed to the school to process as per The Policy.

Looked After Children

Children who are ‘Looked After’ by the Local Authority are given priority in the Admissions Policy. During their time with us their progress, wellbeing and care will be monitored by the ‘Looked After’ Children Co-ordinator. This is the Additional Learning Needs and Inclusion Coordinator (ALNCo).


We are proud of our Early Years Unit which includes part time nursery provision. Pupils who attend nursery attend for the morning and have the opportunity of wrap around care on site for the part of the day they do not attend school (There is a charge for this additional element of childcare).

Nursery Education is not a statutory provision and parents have no right of appeal under the Education Act 1996 if they are unsuccessful in gaining a place. Admission to the nursery provision of the school does not guarantee admission to the school.


Pupils joining our school will visit prior to their formal start to familiarise them with the campus, the staff and their peers. Should a structured transition plan be required, this will be developed in partnership with parents/ carers and the Additional Learning Needs and Inclusion Coordinator.

Throughout Year 6, pupils will be prepared for the move up to their respective High Schools. Strong links exist between the school and high schools that pupils transfer to and we work hard to help develop confidence and reduce any anxiety around moving to high school

School Organisation

School Session times

To support our families, we offer a flexible start to our school day. Our doors open at 8:50am and children are welcome to come into school between 8:50am and 9:00am.

  • 9:00am - Start of our school day
  • 11:30am - Nursery session ends
  • 3:00pm - School finishes for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
  • 3:15pm - School finishes for children in Years' 3-6
Term Dates

To access details of the term dates for school, please follow this link:


The School Curriculum

Curriculum for Wales

The Curriculum for Wales is centred on six Areas of Learning and Experience. These include:

  • Expresssive Arts
  • Language, Literacy and Communication
  • Health and Wellveing
  • Mathematics and Numeracy
  • Humanities
  • Science and Technology

Work has taken place at a school, local, regional and national level to collaborate in implementing the Curriculum for Wales.

There are three cross-curricular responsibilities of Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Competence which are embedded across all Areas of Learning and Experience and across daily life in school. The school actively works with stakeholders, the Regional School Improvement Service, Diocesan Education Service and the Local Authority to plan and implement the Curriculum for Wales.

Further information on the curriculum and teaching methods can be found on our website ADD WEBSITE


As a school in Wales, we promote and aim to develop the Welsh language wherever possible. We are actively engaged in the Cymraeg Campus Scheme to develop bilingualism and also to contribute to the Welsh Government’s Cymraeg 2050 of million Welsh speakers target. All pupils are taught Welsh in both Welsh lessons and also as part of everyday life in school.

Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE)

As a Church in Wales, Voluntary Aided School, there is a focus on promoting the Christian ethos and values across the curriculum in addition to RVE. Pupils will also have the opportunity to learn about the other major religions, their practices and customs, and non-religious, philosophical convictions. We follow the Church in Wales Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, which meets the religion, values and ethics requirements of the Curriculum for Wales. working group

Collective Worship

Collective Worship takes place in school daily. We regularly welcome our Vicar to school to lead acts of worship and we also attend St Mary's Church regularly for Collective Worship and also to celebrate the main Christian Festivals.

Parents/carers who wish to withdraw their children from Collective Worship should inform the Headteacher in writing.

Sex and Relationships Education

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from any or all aspects of the Sex and Relationships Education Program of the school. Should they wish to do this, they should write to the Headteacher confirming their wish. Parents who have any concerns are welcome to arrange a meeting –in confidence– with the class teacher to discuss these concerns and see the teaching and learning materials that are used in the sessions. Parents and carers may request a copy of our Sex and Relationships Education Policy from the school office.

Assessment and Inclusion


Formative (ongoing) Assessment is used continually to help plan relevant and meaningful learning activities for the pupils. Periodically, –usually termly– the school will use Summative (short test) Assessment tools to monitor progress and provide benchmarks on pupil progress.

Additional Learning Needs and Inclusion

We are proud to be an inclusive school that values our differences and aims to ensure that every pupil has the support and opportunities to realise and meet their potential.

The Additional Learning Needs Coordinator implements the school Additional Learning Needs Policy (available from the school office). Their work entails:

  • Reviewing the progress of pupils and identifying those who would benefit from additional support as part of the ‘Universal Offer’ of the school.
  • Working to develop ‘Person Centred Practice’ to ensure that the pupil is at the heart of planning any additional support they may require.
  • Coordinating the work of Teaching Assistants who provide additional interventions to individuals and groups and monitoring the effectiveness of these.
  • Planning Annual Reviews for pupils who have Statements of Special Educational Needs and working with colleagues in the Inclusion Service to seek further guidance and assessment where required. (Educational Psychology Service, etc.)
  • Quality Assurance of Individual Development Plans and ensuring that these focus on person-centred outcomes.

We value the diversity of all members of our school community and actively seek to provide the best for all pupils; through a person-centred approach.

The support for Additional Learning Needs in Wales is changing as the Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunal Act is implemented. These changes aim to ensure a person centred-approach and stronger emphasis on multi-agency working. Further information is available from the school Additional Learning Needs and Inclusion coordinator.

School Procedures

Home School Agreement

A Home School Agreement has been developed to show expectations of the school, parents/ carers and pupils as they move through Minera School. This agreement is reviewed annually and parents/carers and pupils’ views are sought when reviewing this.

Reporting to Parents/Carers

A ‘Parents’ Evening’ is held in the Autumn Term for all classes when parents are invited into school to receive information about school life.

Parents’ evenings are also held during the Spring Term when parents are invited to discuss their child’s work and progress with the teacher. A formal report of your child’s overall progress is sent to you at the end of each school year with opportunity to attend a third Parents’ Evening to discuss this. Parents are welcome to request a meeting with their child’s class teacher at any time during the school year through contacting the school office.

Pupil Well-being

Healthy Snacks

Children are encouraged to bring in healthy snacks such as fruit for morning breaktime.

School Meals

From September 2023, all full time pupils from Reception to Year 6 are eligible for Free School Meals. School Meals are cooked on the premises. They have a variety of meals to choose from each day, and parents can order school meals using the Parent Pay App.

Children are also allowed to bring a packed lunch. The children are supervised during the lunch hour by our school staff.

School Grants
Equal Opportunities

At Minera VA School, we believe that every pupil is entitled to develop their skills and talents and that no pupil should be disadvantaged. The school is fully compliant with the Equalities Act (2010).

All children regardless of race or gender will be treated with the same degree of care and attention. All pupils will have the same rights of access to age appropriate activities in all aspects of school life. Governors are updated termly on any incidents of racial abuse or bullying and equal opportunities in practice are integral to the school’s ongoing self- evaluation procedures.

At Minera VA School, we have a commitment that, wherever possible, children with physical disabilities will be educated in their local primary school. If required, adaptations to the building will be considered by the school and the Local Authority to enable a child to attend our school

Sport and Extra-Curricular Activities

The school enjoys a very wide range of sporting and extra-curricular activities. These take place after school and also during some dinner times. The types of club offered may change throughout the year depending on weather, staff availability and the interests of pupils.

Health, Safety and Medication

Teachers and non-teaching staff attend First Aid Courses to update their First Aid skills. First Aid materials are available at designated points around the school. Staff are vigilant to child injuries and record them systematically.

Parents/carers are notified should their child received First Aid whilst under the care of the school. The school also records incidents of a serious nature on the Local Authority reporting system.

At times of concern, parents/carers are contacted immediately. It is therefore imperative that parents provide up-to-date telephone contact numbers for home or place of work, plus an additional emergency contact number of a close relative. Parents/carers are asked to confirm or update their contact numbers at the start of every academic year.

Should your child require medication during the school day, a consent form must be completed, which is found in the Managing Healthcare Needs Policy, available on request from the school office, or on the school website

School Policies

Complaints Policy

Should parents/carers have any reason to complain about any aspects of school then the school complaints procedure is available from the school office as well as on the school website.

We do hope, however, that any problems can be resolved by following the below process:


  1. Contact class teacher with concern. If not resolved;
  2. Contact Headteacher. If not resolved;
  3. Write to the Headteacher. If not resolved;
  4. Write to Chair of Governors.

If a parent/carer feels that the school has not followed its complaints procedure, they can contact the Local Authority for further advice. The School Complaints Procedure is available on the school website or on request from the school office.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

The School follows the All Wales Child Protection Procedures 2008. The following points are very important:

  • The welfare of your child is paramount.
  • We will make every effort to ensure that children without exception have the right to protection from abuse regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or beliefs.
  • All concerns, and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously by staff and everyone associated with Minera Schools and responded to appropriately – this may require a referral to children’s services and in emergencies, the Police.
  • We have a commitment to safe recruitment, selection and vetting; all staff and governors in school have been DBS-checked and all volunteers will be DBS-checked prior to starting their time with us.
  • We will refer to all associated policies and procedures which promote children’s safety and welfare e.g. with regards to health and safety, anti-bullying, protection of children online and photographs.

The headteacher (Spencer Williams) is the Designated Child Protection Officer. In his absence, the Assistant Headteacher (Adam Barnes) is the Deputy Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer.

Should you require further information, the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies are available from the school office, or on the school website.

Charging and Remissions Policy

In accordance with the Education Act 1988, the Governing Body has a duty to develop and publish a Charging Policy for the school. This document is available from the school office. Parents/carers are asked to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of transport to swimming lessons. Parents/carers in receipt of certain Tax Credits or Universal Credit may be entitled to some remission on certain activities.

School Uniform

Governors request that all children attending Minera School wear the set school uniform to give a common identity and a sense of belonging.

Our school uniform consists of:

  • Grey skirt, pinafore, trousers, or shorts
  • Blue or White polo shirt
  • Blue sweatshirt or cardigan.
  • Blue and white checked dresses may be worn in the summer.
  • Black shoes or trainers
  • Our PE kit consists of blue shorts or joggers and a white T-shirt, and either trainers (outdoor) or black
  • Jewellery is not permitted to be worn in school, with the exception of a small ear stud which should be removed for Physical Education lessons

School uniform is available to purchase from Ram Leisure & Workwear Limited, Trinity House, Whitegate Industrial Complex, Wrexham. Tel 01978 360360 or www.ourschoolwear.co.uk

School Uniform Price List

Click on link to access our School Policies School Policies

Governing Body

The role of the Governing Body

The Governing Body has a substantial range of responsibilities, particularly as Minera School is a Church in Wales, Voluntary Aided School.

Our Governing Body:

  • Supports the school staff in deciding what is taught.
  • Setting standards and policies relating to behaviour and inclusion.
  • Interviewing and selecting staff.
  • Determining how the school budget is set.
  • Managing the school admission processes.
Our Governors
  • Sue Banner (Chair) - Foundation
  • Will Ollerhead (Vice Chair) -Community
  • Sally Roberts-Dennis - Local Authority
  • Nicola Griffith -Foundation
  • Jennie Smallman- Foundation
  • Marie Owen - Foundation
  • Kathryn Wright -Foundation
  • Vacancy - Foundation
  • Alison Salmon-Williams - Parent
  • Jane Tennant - Teacher
  • Kelly Armstrong - Staff
  • Spencer Williams - Headteacher
  • Lisa Curley - Clerk to Governing Body

Wrap Around Care

The school is proud of the facilities that it has to offer Breakfast Club, After School Club and Holiday Club. These are offered by the Governing Body for all children. Breakfast Club is provided by the Local Authority

  • Breakfast Club - 7:50am to 8:50am ( £1 for 7:50am to 8:15am, free afterwards
  • Nursery Plus - 11:30am to 3:00pm
  • After School Club -3:00pm to 6:00pm
  • Holiday Club 8:00am to 6:00pm during school holidays

The current costs for these provisions and further details regarding the Holiday Club are available from the school office, or minerakidzklub@gmail.com

We accept tax-free childcare, the 30 hour childcare offer and childcare vouchers, as well as online payments

Minera Church in Wales Voluntary Aided School

Minera Hall Road, Minera, Wrexham, LL11 3YE

Tel: 01978 269500

Email: mailbox@minera-pri.wrexham.sch.uk
