“The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him.” NAHUM 1:7

A NOTE FROM OUR Executive Director

The few words of Nahum 1:7 relate several important principles. The common refrain in Uganda is “God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good and that’s His nature. Wow!” I love the addendum to that statement of God’s character... Wow!

GSF finds many children and adults, young and old, in need of refuge. Facing tragedy, trauma and trials, desperate and vulnerable people come searching for hope and help. We are grateful to be the hands and feet of Jesus, a Refuge in times of trouble!

The trainings highlighted in this booklet are grounded in the Word of God. We pursue stories of transformation that equip children, families and communities for every good work that God has planned.

The office and clinic constructions are new tools enabling training and outreach to take place.

These highlights are only a glimpse into the bigger stories God is weaving through Good Shepherd’s Fold. Thank you for partnering with us to show the Lord’s goodness in Uganda!


Mark Gwartney, Executive Director

A Better Future through Training

This year, the GSF leadership team underwent a process of strategic planning and concluded the new five-year objectives for the ministry. These objectives include restoring and building families, propagating a model school mindset, exhibiting a model scholarship mentoring program, cultivating food security, promoting the significance of every child in the communities, and initiating church partnerships that promote Biblical values.

In order to accomplish these objectives, GSF has partnered with several other organizations to provide trainings for staff members and those from the community.

Within the community, 300 farmers are being trained in Farming God’s Way. This will allow them to increase their yields and provide more food for their families. The Ekiggo program assisted 22 families that have children with special needs. These caregivers were provided training on how to best meet the needs of their children.

Family Life Groups provide training in Trauma Healing, the Stoplight Approach to self-awareness and behavior management, personal finance, how to deal with medical issues, how to help victims of domestic abuse and caring for children who have suffered loss. Fifteen trainees are being equipped to launch 5 new Family Life Groups next year.

These trainings create a lasting impact within the lives of those who participate and cause their families to thrive. God is using these trainings to change lives and bring people into His Kingdom.

“So why should I fear the future? For your goodness and love pursue me all of the days of my life.” PSALM 23:6

Child Care & Advocacy

The Child Care and Advocacy team works together to ensure that each child under our care is thriving. With loving house moms and aunties, the children are engaged in activities that promote togetherness. With a goal of family reunification or foster care, social workers engage families through trainings, psychosocial support, and family tracing. During trainings, parents are equipped with better parenting skills. The trainings also re-emphasize parental responsibilities, and help to resolve challenges and design care plans for the children. Join us in praying that each child would know how much God loves them!

“But Jesus called to him and said, ‘let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of god belongs to such as these.” LUKE 18:16-17


At GSF Nursery and Primary School, the dedication shown by loving teachers is evident in the joy the students have and in their excellent test results. This year, 20 qualified teachers served 374 students. Teachers went through a number of equipping trainings, which included; Continuous Education in Roots to Fruits Curriculum, Teacher Transformation Training, Bible Study Training, Stoplight, and Paths to School Improvement.

The Scholarship Program and International School students were discipled throughout the year. They continue to excel academically and form deeper relationships with Christ. Within all of our school and education programs, students are shown the love of Christ. When we holistically invest in students’ lives it makes a difference far beyond the classroom.

“God has really worked in my life through the Scholarship Program. We have conferences and camps where we are able to meet many people who know God and share God’s word together. I personally got baptized when I went to camp. I hope to live a life that is God centered and full of prosperity because I know that I have a good foundation for my life. I hope that others can become part of the program so that they can have a bright future too.” Eseza - Scholarship Program Beneficiary

Community development

Our Community Development Programs focus on empowering and supporting vulnerable infants, elderly, students, and farmers. A variety of programs provide food, therapy, training, discipleship, and support for those in need. We continue to actively engage and connect with local churches by following up on spiritual growth and referring people from the community. God uses each Community Development Program to build relationships with His people. Each program is an opportunity to share God’s word and mentor those who are already believers.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 THESSALONIANS 5:16-18

2022 financial summary

thank you

Thank you for demonstrating a faithfulness that comes from a deep love of Christ. Your generosity is transforming real lives, families, and communities. We continue to be amazed at God's provision for this ministry. The new ministry block along with the and clinic, will improve the ministry and allow us to share God's love with even more people. It is because of you that we are able to continue creating disciples and teaching His word.

Thank you for becoming a part of our team, working to show God's love in Uganda!

"From Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever! Amen.” ROMANS 11:36