A Window into SJS: Welcome to "The Junior Journal"

Dear Readers,

Every year, SJS comes up with something unique and creative to foster the young minds with curiosity, innovation and critical thinking. "The Junior Journal" is another unique feature of the school which aims to showcase and celebrate the exceptional events and achievements of the students learning at SJS, Naraina. The publication is released on a monthly basis, providing a comprehensive overview of the notable accomplishments, events and projects undertaken by the learners in a month, within our educational community. This monthly journal will serve as a platform to recognize and applaud the outstanding efforts of the students.

Stay tuned every month to witness, discover and explore the remarkable talents and accomplishments of the learners at SJS with deep and meaningful learning experiences which are curated keeping in mind the skills, attitudes and beliefs of the children at this age.

Happy Reading!

Welcome Assembly Report

A Warm Welcome: Commencing a New Academic Year at Salwan Junior School

"Embarking on the path of education is a journey of endless possibilities."

On 1st April '24, Salwan Junior School hosted a welcoming assembly to greet the students of Classes I to V to the commencement of the new academic session. Amidst an atmosphere charged with anticipation, teachers adorned with alphabet banners spelling "WELCOME" and vibrant balloons extended their greetings to the young learners. The assembly hall echoed with the sounds of excitement and joy, signaling the promising start of a journey marked by growth and exploration. This inaugural event not only fostered a sense of belonging but also ignited the spirit of curiosity and learning within our students. As we embark on this new chapter together, we anticipate a year filled with enriching experiences and educational milestones.

First Day Smiles! Our teachers can't wait to make this session a memorable one for all.
Baisakhi Blooms at SJS: A Celebration of Harvest, History, and Harmony!

Baisakhi Blooms in Pre-Primary!

Our youngest learners celebrated Baisakhi with a vibrant display of culture! Arriving in colorful traditional attire, they brought smiles and the spirit of Punjab to school. An engaging presentation explored the festival's history and customs, while a student's soulful shabad performance filled the room with devotion. The festivities then turned lively with a traditional folk dance, showcasing the joy of harvest through graceful movements. Finally, students shared a spirited "boli," adding a touch of rhythmic poetry to the celebration. Filled with joy, laughter, and cultural pride, this Baisakhi celebration fostered a sense of unity and connection for all!

Sparkling eyes and eager ears! Our littlest learners are discovering the magic of Baisakhi.
Moving to the music of Baisakhi, together!

Learning & Laughter: A Primary Look at Baisakhi

The spirit of Baisakhi filled the halls of SJS with a vibrant assembly that resonated with cultural pride and joyful energy.

The program commenced with a serene touch. Mehar Kamra, a third-grader, captivated the audience with a soulful performance of a 'shabad,' setting the tone for a reflective and spiritual celebration.

Next, Ajooni Singh and Anshveer Singh, both from Class IV, took the stage. Their eloquent narration delved into the rich history behind Baisakhi, illuminating the cultural and traditional roots of this vibrant festival.

The informative segment seamlessly transitioned into a lively performance. Students of Class 4 filled the air with the melodious strains of "Balle Balle weh Aa gayi hai Baisakhi mitro," a popular Baisakhi song. Their enthusiastic rendition perfectly captured the festive spirit, inviting everyone to join in the joyous celebration!

Bhangra beats & happy feet!
Sweet melodies, strong roots!
History comes alive! Young storytellers keeping the traditions of Baisakhi strong.
Building Good Habits and Great Students: Class I Takes Center Stage

Class I presented a thought-provoking assembly on the importance of good habits and the qualities of a good student.

The assembly emphasized the idea that "health is the real wealth," reminding everyone that a healthy lifestyle is the foundation for achieving our goals. They showcased the positive impact of good habits like brushing teeth, eating healthy foods, and getting enough sleep.

In the second part of the assembly, students explored the valuable qualities of a good student. Following school rules, being respectful, and actively participating in class were highlighted as key contributors to a positive and productive learning environment.

Healthy Habits & Happy Hearts!
Young Hearts, Big Devotion: Class III Celebrates Ram Navami

Ram Navami, the birthday of Lord Rama, holds immense significance in Hindu culture, symbolizing righteousness, virtue, and the victory of good over evil. Through this assembly, students delved into the timeless teachings of Lord Rama and reflected on the values he epitomized. The assembly commenced with soul-stirring devotional songs “Ram - Ram Jai Raja Ram, Ram - Ram Jai Sita Ram” and chants dedicated to Lord Rama. Students offered their reverence through melodious hymns, setting a serene and pious ambiance. Embracing the theatrical arts, Class III students presented captivating moral values, teachings preached from the life of Lord Rama. Shivansh Kawatra presented a Chand from Ramayana written by Tulsida ji as “भये प्रगट कृपाला दीनदयाला कौसल्या हितकारी।“

Creativity flourished as Brihaan Khurana, showcased his artistic talents through his melodious Bhajan as “राम जी की निकली सवारी, राम जी की लीला है न्यारी……” The assembly witnessed a spiritual Dance performance by Pavika on the bhajan “Meri Chaukta Par chal Key aaj charo Dhaam aaye Hei, Merey Ghar Ram Aaye hei“ Through collaborative efforts, the assembly was concluded by Jaigosh of “JAI SHREE RAM”, reinforcing the spirit of unity and harmony..

Devotion in Motion: A Dance Performance for Lord Rama
Festivities Come Alive: Celebrating Ram Navami with Faith and Fun
Sharing the Legacy: A young voice narrates the Ramayana
Students Celebrate World Heritage Day!

On 18th April '24, students from Class IV led a special assembly in the school foyer to celebrate World Heritage Day. The assembly focused on the importance of preserving our heritage - historical sites, monuments, and traditions - for future generations.

Students explained how heritage shapes our identity and sense of belonging. They also discussed threats like pollution and neglect, and highlighted the role of organizations like UNESCO in protecting world heritage sites.

Empowering students to take action, the assembly provided practical tips like respecting historical sites and participating in clean-up drives. An engaging video showcased iconic world heritage sites, sparking curiosity and appreciation for diverse heritages.

Students sharing the rich tapestry of Indian Heritage
Who knew history could be so exciting?
Young hearts, strong commitment! Students take a pledge to preserve India's rich heritage.
Little Voices, Big Message: Class II Celebrates Earth Day with Song, Dance, and Skit

The spirit of environmental stewardship blossomed brightly in a vibrant Earth Day assembly presented by our energetic Class II students. Through a captivating blend of dance, song, and a short skit, they delivered a powerful message about the importance of protecting our planet.

Earth Day Champions Take the Stage!
A World Worth Saving!
Promoting Peace and Justice: An SDG 16 Awareness Assembly for Young Minds

The United Nations has established a set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to guide global efforts towards a better future. SDG 16, focusing on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, is a crucial pillar in this vision. Recognizing the importance of fostering these values from a young age, the RiseUp4Peace initiative organized a special assembly for students in Grades III, IV, and V.

Engaging presentation explained key concepts: living peacefully (no violence, war), fair treatment for all (Justice), and the importance of rules and helpers (Strong Institutions). The assembly highlighted the positive impact of SDG 16, like reducing bullying and protecting children. Students were inspired to be kind, embrace diversity, and stand up for what's right, empowering them to contribute to a more peaceful world.

Learning about building a better world!
Sparking young minds!
Beating the Heat: Class V Champions Summer Health!

Students of Class V took the school assembly by storm on 29th April '24 by presenting an informative session on how to stay healthy and hygienic during the scorching summer months.

The young presenters emphasized the importance of sun protection, reminding everyone to carry umbrellas and hats when venturing outdoors. Sunscreen application was also highlighted, urging students to choose a product with SPF 30 or higher.

Staying hydrated was another key point. The students creatively emphasized the importance of water, using catchy slogans and even a short skit demonstrating the consequences of dehydration.

The assembly concluded with a focus on healthy eating habits. Class V recommended incorporating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables into our diets, as they provide essential vitamins and minerals to keep us energized throughout the summer.

Sunny days call for juicy eats!
"Beating the heat the smart way! ☀️ ☂️
Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader: Class I Inspires a Love of Books!

Class I presented a lively assembly on, "Today a Reader, Tomorrow a Leader" and ignited a love of books in their peers. Eight students presented on the importance of reading, highlighting its benefits for learning, imagination, and personal growth.

Inspiring quotes and captivating posters featuring book covers brought their message to life. The assembly concluded with a heartwarming pledge from all presenters to read a book weekly, setting a positive example and fostering a school-wide love of reading.

Opening Doors with Words: A Celebration of Reading
Friday Activity: Virtual Voyage Across the Globe!

Get ready for lift-off! On Friday, 5th April '24, our amazing students from Grades I to V embarked on an unforgettable virtual adventure across the globe! Buckle up as we explore the incredible destinations they visited:

Grades I & II: These curious explorers went on a wild safari through Corbett National Park! Using a special 360-degree tour, they got up close and personal with majestic tigers, playful monkeys, and a dazzling array of wildlife.

Grade III: Grade III journeyed to the National Museum in Delhi, where they explored fascinating artifacts and learned about incredible historical periods. It was like stepping right into the past!

Grade IV: Grade IV did the next best thing - they took a breathtaking Google Earth tour of the mighty Himalayas! Soaring over snow-capped peaks and exploring glaciers, they learned all about this awe-inspiring mountain range.

Grade V: Ready for some stargazing? Grade V rocketed into space with a virtual expedition to the Nehru Planetarium in Delhi! They learned about the solar system, explored distant galaxies, and even got to imagine being astronauts.

This virtual trip was anything but ordinary! Each class experienced a unique and exciting adventure, igniting their curiosity and sparking a deeper understanding of the world around them. It was a day filled with discovery, wonder, and a whole lot of fun!

Buckle up, class! Our virtual journey starts now!
From exploring to learning! Students use worksheets to solidify their virtual discoveries.
Celebrating Baisakhi with Creative Fun!

Friday, 12th April '24 witnessed a vibrant celebration of Baisakhi for our energetic students from Nursery to Class V! The classrooms were buzzing with energy and creativity as they explored the rich traditions of this harvest festival through engaging craft activities.

Young learners of all ages participated in a sensory adventure, sorting colorful corn kernels, a playful nod to the bountiful harvest season.

Others showcased their artistic talents by creating vibrant collages depicting various aspects of Baisakhi, from farmers rejoicing to traditional attire. It was a day filled with cultural exploration, artistic expression, and most importantly, pure Baisakhi spirit!

Look at our corn cobs grow!" Pre-primary students practice sorting for their Baisakhi art.
Dot, dot, dot... our corn pictures are getting festive!
Bringing the Baisakhi fields to life!
Celebrating Baisakhi with a splash of color and creativity!
Celebrating Our Earth: A Green Day Extravaganza!

On 22nd April '24, our school transformed into a hub of environmental action as we celebrated Earth Day! With the theme "Go green and make our Earth a beautiful place to live," we engaged students from Classes I to V in exciting activities that sparked a passion for protecting our planet.

The pre-primary students celebrated Earth Day with a focus on environmental responsibility. They planted seeds in the school garden, connecting with nature and learning about sustainability. Additionally, they created handprint "promises" to reduce their environmental impact, showcasing their commitment to a healthy planet.

Our youngest learners in Class I got excited with vibrant Earth Day coloring sheets, learning about our planet's diverse ecosystems. Class II followed suit, unleashing their creativity with colorful illustrations that celebrated the Earth's beauty.

The excitement grew in Class III, where students became eco-warriors by crafting their own Earth Day headgear! Taking things a step further, Class IV students participated in an Earth Day pledge craft activity. By creating visual reminders of their commitment to the planet, they solidified their eco-friendly mission. Finally, Class V delved deeper with a NIE workshop, gaining valuable insights from environmental experts.

This Earth Day wasn't just about coloring and crafting; it was about igniting a fire within our students to become responsible stewards of the Earth. From their colorful creations to their heartfelt pledges, our students proved that even the smallest actions can make a big difference.

Children create handprint promises for a greener future!
Sprouting smiles and seedlings!
Our littlest Earth Day artists! Class 1 colors the world green with their Earth Day masterpieces!
Crowning themselves Earth Day champions!
More than just words – a promise for our planet!
Ditch the plastic, embrace the paper!
RiseUp4Peace Project: Cultivating Young SDG Warriors at SJS

The RiseUp4Peace project at Salwan Junior School, Naraina successfully raised awareness about SDG 16 among students. Through engaging assembly, follow-up activities, a heartfelt pledge, and creative projects, students gained a deeper understanding of the importance of peace, justice, and strong institutions. Empowered by this knowledge, they are well on their way to becoming responsible SDG warriors and contributing to a more peaceful and just world.

Students received worksheets to reinforce their understanding of SDG 16 and equip them to act as responsible SDG warriors. These worksheets included activities that encouraged students to reflect on the concepts of peace, justice, strong institutions and creating a sustainable city.

Colouring a brighter future!
From understanding to action! Students explore SDG 16 through a worksheet challenge !
Nature Paints Beautiful Pictures": Young Poets Plant Seeds of Change Through Hindi Recital

The Hindi Poem Recital, themed 'Save Environment/Nature Conservation,' held on 26th April '24, saw enthusiastic participation from students in classes I to III. They showcased their love for nature through simple verses in the preliminary round, conducted within their classrooms.

The event aimed to raise awareness among young minds about the importance of preserving nature. Students passionately recited poems, highlighting the significance of actions like planting trees and protecting wildlife habitats in safeguarding our environment.

Overall, the contest served as a platform for students to express their concern for the environment creatively. It fostered a sense of responsibility towards nature and inspired everyone to take an action to protect it. The event successfully conveyed the message that even small actions can make a big difference in preserving our planet for future generations.

Earth Day voices raised high! Young poets share their love for our planet through heartfelt verses.
Nature's tiny champions take the stage!
Words that bloom like flowers! Earth Day takes root with a vibrant poetry performance.
Rhyming for a greener future!
A Day Cloaked in Crimson: Celebrating Red in Nursery

Nursery students embarked on a vibrant journey into the world of red on 19th April '24! This Red Day celebration was a sensory feast, packed with engaging activities that introduced and reinforced the color red in a fun and memorable way.

Red Hot Activities:

Selfie Corner: Students struck a pose against a red-themed backdrop, capturing the day's spirit with a photo.

Dancing Feet: The school foyer echoed with lively music as students danced their hearts out to songs celebrating the color red.

Art Attack: Sponges became paintbrushes in a creative strawberry-themed sponge printing activity, promoting artistic expression and fine motor skills.

Crimson Dress Code: A sea of red flooded the school as students actively participated in the celebration through their attire.

Ladybug Love: Adorable ladybug headgear, crafted by teachers, added a dash of fun and served as a cherished memento.

Fruity Exploration: Students brought red fruits, promoting healthy choices while exploring various shades of red found in nature.

Red Rush Scavenger Hunt: A classroom and schoolwide search for red objects kept students engaged and added an element of playful learning.

A sea of red takes over as we celebrate Red Day!
Selfie Time with a Splash of Red!
Red-y to Learn and Create!
Young Innovators Shine at Inter-Salwan Competition: SPARK

Ayesha Afroz and Astitva Kataria, shining stars from Class V, brought home the first prize in the Junior Category at the Science and Innovation Fest 2024! It was held on 9th April '24 at SPS, Trans Delhi Signature City. Competing in the Inter-Salwan Competition: SPARK of Ingenuity, Ayesha and Astitva impressed the judges with their innovative creation – a solar car crafted from eco-friendly materials. Their dedication to sustainability and scientific exploration earned them well-deserved recognition.

Future Stars Shine Bright! First Place Winners Receive Award at Science & Innovation Fest!

From space exploration wonders like models of a space shuttle and Chandrayaan to interactive experiences with Merge Cubes and innovative creations like power press machines, dream houses, and a depiction of Mission Mars, the SJS team displayed remarkable creativity and scientific curiosity.

Unveiling Innovation! Young Scientists Showcase Their Creations
A Spark of Ingenuity! Students Present Their Science Fair Models
Bhangra Beats & Giddha Grace: Students Celebrate Baisakhi with Dance Extravaganza!

The final round of the Bhangra competition witnessed a spirited battle between Class IV A and IV B, as well as Class V A and V B. The esteemed judges, parents of Ronit Sharma and Kaira Dhawan, had their work cut out for them as they evaluated the performances based on strict criteria: rhythm, choreography, coordination, expression, and presentation.

The students put their hearts and souls into their routines, dazzling everyone with their talent and dedication.

Competition Results:

Class V

I position : Class V A Boys

II position: Class V B Boys

Class IV

I position: Class IV B Girls

II position: Class IV B Boys

III position: Class IV A Girls

Consolation: Class IV A Boys

The Baisakhi Special Assembly and Inter-Class Punjabi Dance Competition went beyond mere events; they were vibrant celebrations of cultural heritage, talent, and unity.

Energetic Bhangra takes center stage!
Giddha gracefulness on display!
Team spirit and cultural pride!
Soaring High: Celebrating Student Achievements in Competitions

Congratulations to Vanika Bhatia of Class IV for clinching the second place in the online poetry recitation competition, "Kavyadhara," organized by APNI SANSKRITI on 14th April, 2024.

Vanika's poem not only showcased her talent for recitation but also brought a touch of humour! The poem explored the all-too-familiar theme of exam stress and the rollercoaster of emotions students experience. We're incredibly proud of Vanika's ability to turn a relatable struggle into a captivating performance.

A world of poetic promise!

Congratulations to Kavish Monga of Class IV as he bagged the second place as the batch topper in the Abacus category of the International Online Open Championship 2023.

Sharpened Skills, Shining Achievement!

Suryansh Sharma, a talented student from Class V, brought glory to our school by participating in the 10th Inter-SSCA Tournament held at the Hari Nagar Sports Complex. Not only did he showcase exceptional skills throughout the competition, but he also emerged victorious, clinching the coveted title! Adding to the special moment, Suryansh received the prestigious "Promising Player" trophy presented by none other than Sanjeev Sharma, a former Test cricketer.

Promising Player recognized!

Praneet Singh of Class V participated in the Saturday Knight 9th Ed. Chess Tournament, held from 27 April 2024 to 28 April 2024 at Delhi Chess, Model Town being organized by Braingames Chess Academy and has scored 5 out of 6 points. He has won a certificate of merit and a trophy for the same.

All hail the chess master!
Nurturing Young Minds: Growth Beyond Academics at Salwan Junior School

SJS believes in providing excellent growth opportunities to the age group 3 to 10 years. Right from classes Nursery to class V, these foundational and primary years of development carries every specific milestone in muti dimensional way. Apart from providing the obvious academic support, Salwanians at Salwan Junior School are also given exemplary opportunities to grow in co-curricular aspects, developing their skills and competencies through learning to speak, to hone their personality, to create mechanic robots and coding by excelling their critical and analytical thinking to enjoying sports, arts, pottery, aerobics, Zumba and much more!

The school has introduced many coaching clubs for the little ones to the senior classes as per their age and aptitude to grasp the maximum benefits of studying in a primary set up.

The clubs for Montessori students are: skating, aerobics, pottery, and western dance.

The clubs for primary classes are segregated into sports clubs and co-curricular clubs ranging from Monday to Thursday like: badminton, coding, robotics, Zumba, aerobics, skating, art and craft club, personality development club, literary club, junior chemist club, and so on.

Finding their balance: Montessori students at SJS develop coordination and confidence
Salwanians having a blast and getting fit in our energetic aerobics class!
From cartwheels to handstands, these Salwanians are gymnastic stars in the making!
From grip to footwork, our young Salwanians are mastering the art of table tennis
One glide at a time: Our young Salwanians are learning to rock and roll
Strength, Focus, Discipline: Salwanians honing their skills in our exciting martial arts program
Salwan Education Trust Launches "Early Learning Foundations" Podcast Series

Salwan Education Trust, celebrating its 82nd Founder's Day in 2023, launched the "Early Learning Foundations" (ELF) podcast series. This initiative aims to disseminate knowledge on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) to parents, educators, and caregivers worldwide.

The monthly podcast series, hosted by our faculty member Ms. Sabinder Kaur, features renowned ECE experts like Dr. Romila Bhatnagar and Dr. Seema Negi. Each episode explores various topics related to early childhood development, from fostering a peaceful environment to navigating artificial intelligence and personalized learning.

These insightful podcasts offer tips and techniques for creating safe and nurturing spaces for children, fostering collaboration between parents, teachers, and caregivers. Listen to the episodes here:

Cultivating Well-Rounded Individuals: A Symposium on Early Childhood Development

The "Holistic Development in Early Childhood" symposium, a collaborative effort between ECDF and Salwan Education Trust on 20th April, 2024, brought together experts to explore nurturing well-rounded young minds.

Dr. Venita Kaul's session emphasized a comprehensive approach to early childhood development, encompassing emotional, social, cognitive, and physical well-being. Creating nurturing environments that prioritize children's emotional security, promote active learning through play, and encourage exploration were key takeaways. Collaboration between educators, families, and communities was highlighted as essential for optimal growth during these formative years.

Dr. Vasavvi Acharjya's session focused on fostering emotional intelligence in children. Strategies for building empathy, social-emotional skills, and peaceful conflict resolution were discussed, emphasizing the creation of harmonious environments conducive to emotional well-being.

A panel discussion explored the need to revise and update early childhood program standards and curriculum to reflect current research and best practices. The focus shifted to designing curricula that caters to the diverse needs of young learners and promotes holistic development.

Ms. Sonia Wadhwa shed light on innovative pedagogical approaches that leverage technology responsibly. Discussions centered on integrating technology to enhance learning experiences, while maintaining the importance of human connection and creativity.

Ms. Amrit Nagpal stressed the importance of fostering a growth mindset in children. Encouraging resilience, perseverance, and a belief in the power of effort and learning were highlighted as crucial for navigating challenges.

Mr. Manish Naidu explored the interplay between genetic predispositions and environmental factors in shaping cognitive development.

A concluding panel discussion emphasized the importance of creating a supportive ecosystem encompassing families, communities, and educational institutions. Strategies for fostering partnerships and collaboration to provide a nurturing environment for holistic growth were discussed.

The symposium served as a valuable platform for knowledge exchange and exploration of interconnected aspects crucial for the holistic development of young children.

ECDF & Salwan Education Trust Felicitate Early Childhood Educators
Learning Without Limits: A Dive into Our Online Program

Interactive learning is at the heart of our program. Engaging online sessions not only help students grasp core academic concepts but also equip them with practical life skills necessary for success. Problem-solving through math, EVS incorporated to nurture a deep appreciation for our planet and its ecosystems. and unleashing creativity through artistic expression are just a few examples of our well-rounded curriculum.

This innovative learning environment makes every lesson an adventure. Students gain knowledge, skills, and resilience – the foundation for thriving in a constantly changing world. Our online program helps them become well-rounded individuals who are ready to embrace the future.

Curious Minds Engaged!
Learning Without Walls!
A World of Stories: Students Meet Author Paro Anand on World Book Day

Five students from our school had a captivating encounter with renowned children's author Ms. Paro Anand at a special World Book Day session held at Salwan Public School Rajendra Nagar. Ms. Anand, celebrated for her novels, short stories, and plays for young audiences, engaged the students with thought-provoking questions about their reading habits and the power of storytelling.

The session explored the theme "Finding Yourself in Stories." Ms. Anand compared books to doors opening new worlds, windows offering fresh perspectives, and curtains shielding from distractions. She emphasized the lasting impact of good literature, sharing excerpts from her work, including the fantastical "Wingless" and the heartwarming "Milk." These stories, along with her experience working with children facing challenges, inspired students to see themselves and their potential within narratives.

Ms. Anand's captivating storytelling and engaging personality held the audience spellbound. She encouraged the students to embrace writing, even for just fifteen minutes daily, and offered aspiring authors the "BIC" rule – Bottoms in Chair – to cultivate regular writing habits.

An enriching Q&A session concluded the event, allowing students to quench their curiosity and further connect with the author. This inspiring interaction ignited a passion for literature and creative expression within the students, leaving a lasting impression on their journey of self-discovery through stories.

Engaged and Inspired! Students eagerly ask questions of Ms. Paro Anand after her captivating presentation on World Book Day
Sharing the Power of Stories!
Empowering Parents: Saturday Training Session

Salwan Junior School held a successful Microsoft Reading Programme orientation for parents of Grades I-III on 27th April '24 The session was led by the school principal, Ms. Sonia Wadhwa, the session aimed to equip parents with the new reading software on Microsoft Teams. The program focuses on improving students' reading fluency, literacy, and comprehension. Parents saw a demo of the software used by teachers and students and learned how to access it and implement suggested corrections at home. The interactive session fostered collaboration between parents and educators, emphasizing the role of technology in nurturing young readers. Parents expressed enthusiasm for the program and look forward to working with their children. This session sets the stage for ongoing parental involvement in their child's reading development.

Building Future Readers: Parents Attend Reading Progress Orientation

On Saturday, 27th April, 2024, SJS hosted an online session for parents of Classes IV and V, in line with its ongoing commitment to providing holistic learning opportunities for its students. Ms. Tajinder Kaur led the session, introducing the "Brighter Minds Programme" designed to enhance student skills and competencies.

The session provided an overview of the Brighter Minds Programme, offered under the Heartfulness Initiative. This program aims to create a unique learning experience for students in Classes IV and V. Developed by the Heartfulness Institute, Hyderabad, the program is a world-renowned and research-backed initiative. It focuses on igniting students' senses and cultivating an awareness of their surroundings, even with their eyes closed. The program was presented as a tool to help students to reduce stress and anxiety, foster a positive outlook and develop a growth mindset.

The session detailed the program's diverse activities, including : circle time, mindfulness exercises, cognitive games and stress management techniques.

The online session provided a comprehensive overview of the Brighter Minds Programme. Parents expressed excitement about the program's potential to positively impact their children's overall well-being and academic performance.

Engaged Parents, Empowered Learners!
A holistic learning initiative for Salwanians!
Democracy in Action: Report on Online PTA Executive Committee Election

The School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) plays a crucial role in fostering collaboration between parents and teachers. This collaborative effort is fundamental in ensuring the holistic development of students. Recognizing this partnership, the school actively promotes communication, co-operation, and a conducive learning environment for our children.

We deeply appreciate the dedication and support of our parent community. Your unwavering commitment has been instrumental in the school's success, shaping the educational experience of our students. Various events, activities, and initiatives are made possible through this valuable partnership.

The PTA recently conducted online elections for the following positions within the Executive Committee (2024-2026):

* Vice Chairman (Male)

* Hon. Secretary

* Hon. Jt. Secretary (Male)

* Members

The election process was conducted in a transparent and democratic manner, ensuring fair representation from the parent body.

Open a Book, Open a World: Adventures Await!

Ever felt like shrinking down and jumping right into a story? With books, you can! Open a book, open a world, and embark on exciting adventures with amazing characters. From soaring through the clouds with dragons to exploring hidden jungles with talking animals, stories can take you anywhere you can imagine. So, grab a comfy spot, open a book or the ones suggested below and let your imagination soar!

Click, Explore, Learn: Adventures on the Web!

Learning doesn't stop at the school bell! The internet is a vast playground filled with educational websites that can take your learning to exciting new heights. You can dive deeper into your favorite subjects, discover hidden talents, or even meet other curious minds from around the world. So, pack your thirst for knowledge and get ready for some amazing learning adventures online! Give below are two good educational sites to explore:-

National Geographic Kids

Packed with vibrant visuals, engaging games, and fun facts, National Geographic Kids is a treasure trove for curious young minds. It offers age-appropriate articles on a wide range of topics like animals, science, history, and culture. Children can explore interactive maps, participate in citizen science projects, and even watch captivating videos about the natural world. This website fosters a love for learning and ignites a sense of wonder in young explorers.

Khan Academy Kids

Focusing on core subjects like math, reading, and writing, Khan Academy Kids provides a safe and playful learning environment for young children. Through interactive games, sing-alongs, and animated stories, the site makes learning engaging and effective. There's also a personalized learning path that adapts to each child's progress, ensuring a fun and enriching educational experience. This website is a valuable tool for both independent learning and supplementing classroom lessons.

"The key to success is dedication to lifelong learning."

We will continue to bring together more holistic activities, cognitive projects and creative innovations for our readers to have a brief glance into the school with every edition of the SJS E-Newsletter: "The Junior Journal," after every month.

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