
CRA Newsletter 10.11.2023 Half Term 2 - Nov 2023

Senior Leadership Team Update

This week in whole school assembly, Mrs Harvey spoke about Mental Health week and the focus being on ensuring we do not tolerate when someone is not being treated properly and speak out if something happens. She reminded students of the avenues of support within the academy and spoke about the external agencies that are available to all students to ensure they feel supported in school and at home. KOOTH, an online counselling service available to students will be presenting in assembly 27th November.

On Monday we will have our Remembrance assembly followed by the whole school walking to Corby Glen War Memorial to lay a wreath on behalf of CRA and pay our respects. Any students who take part in cadets or other services, can of course wear their uniforms for the day on Monday. Students should bring a coat to wear. Poppies are available for donations in school and our student leadership team have been supporting with distributing these.


If you drop your child off/collect your child at the end of the day, this must be done at the rear of school. Parents should not enter the school bus park, but park along the road outside. Students can use the pedestrian entrance at the rear of school. Parents are not permitted to drop off/collect at the start or end of the day from the front. If you are collecting your child outside of normal drop off/pick up for an appointment, this should be from the front, where your child can sign out correctly.


All visitors to CRA must go to reception to sign in before going anywhere else on site. Visitors are not allowed to go straight to the bungalow without signing in first. This is to safeguard all our staff and students and ensure we have an accurate record of who we have on site.

Important dates to remember

  • 13th November 2023 - Remembrance assembly and whole school to walk to war memorial. Students who have service uniforms such as cadets can wear them on the day.
  • 19th December 2023 - Christmas carols in church
  • 20th December 2023 - Christmas House Party, Santa Fun Run and last day of term


Please can we ask that if your child may require medication such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, calpol or anti-histamine, that you send it to school with them and ask them to hand it to the office for safekeeping and future use if the need arises. Unfortunately, we do not have a supply to give to students.

Year 11 Focus

Year 11 students have now completed the first week of their mock exams, mirroring the process of how it will look for the formal GCSE exams in the Summer. Students conduct and attitudes towards the exam has been exemplary, ensuring that all exam protocols are being followed and their organisation of where they need to be in comparison to a normal school day. A reminder that students should be completing regular revision around the mock exams of subjects that they have approaching, prep homework has been paused for the duration of the mocks exams to provide Year 11 students with additional time to be completing revision.

Despite students who were absent from any of the mock exams completing them as catch-ups during lesson time, can I please make you aware that this is not an option for the formal GCSE exams in the Summer. If a student misses any exam in the Summer, this will result in a negative impact towards their final grade.

CRA Character

It was great to celebrate Shania in Year 7 this week for being the first student this academic year to be awarded the Executive Principal's Resilience Award. All staff are asked at the end of each half term to nominate a student who they believe has shown one of the 7 Cs of Resilience that term. The 7 Cs of resilience are Coping, Character, Confidence, Competence, Choice not Chance, Connection and Contribution. As a school we focus on resilience to support our students to deal with the challenges that life throws at them. Resilience is one of our CRA Values and we believe strongly it is an important value for life. Shania was chosen for Coping and received a certificate, star badge and amazon voucher. Her interview of why she believes she deserves the award can be read in the school canteen.

Why we do what we do?"

Every year we commemorate Remembrance Day. We have an assembly in school and reflect on the learning from the world wars and other conflicts across the world. We walk the whole school down to the memorial in Corby Glen, in silence, to show our respect for those that have lost their lives and those that fight for us in more recent conflicts. Our Head Boy and Head Girl lay a poppy wreath on the memorial, we listen to the Last Post and the reveille and share some prayers and thoughts for lost ones.

This year due to events across the trust we will be commemorating Remembrance Day on Monday the 13th at 11:00am at the Corby Glen memorial.

Table Talk

Nationally there has been a recent spike in students reported to be carrying and using vapes in schools. The purpose of this is to inform you of the issue, give you resources if you feel your child is involved in this kind of behaviour, as well as alert you to possible repercussions if your child engages in vaping on the school site, on the school bus or whilst in CRA uniform. We would ask that you discuss this with your child and then potential health ramifications as well as the consequences if found to have a vape or have been using one in school. We take this issue very seriously due to the negative health effects vaping can have on children. We often find that parents are frequently not aware of the risks around vaping and/or they do not recognise the signs, or the devices themselves. You may be familiar with vapes that emit a plume of smoke, this is not the case with many devices on the market now. Vaping is the act of inhaling a vapour produced by an electronic vaporizer or e-cigarette. The vapour can contain nicotine and other substances which is concerning.

The liquids that are vaporized come in many different flavours and might even smell fruity. For example, many of the flavours of these liquid concentrates, or ‘vape juices’, are sweet and even have names such as cinnamon roll, marshmallow, grape, strawberry, bubble-gum, lemonade and cookies. The flavours are designed to be appealing to children and the marketing often supports this. Vaporizers or e-cigarettes come in all different shapes. Some common styles we see look like a thick pen, a stylus for an iPad, a flash drive, or a small flask with a round chimney coming off the top. Some are disposable whilst others require a refill. The devices are very small and can easily be hidden on a person or blend in with normal backpack or pencil case items. Like cigarettes, it is a criminal offence to sell an age-restricted product to someone who is underage. However, we are aware that there are many shops that turn a blind eye to the sale of such devices to children. Where we become aware of premises selling vaping devices to children, we will report this to Trading Standards. Devices can be purchased online or bought from older siblings, friends, or unfortunately even parents. The Surgeon General reports that nicotine is addictive and can harm brain development, which continues until about age 25.

We know that using nicotine may make it harder for school related tasks such as learning and concentration. Students may not be aware of the harmful effects of vaping. Vaping is prohibited in our Behaviour Policy. If your child is caught using, carrying, selling a vape or vape items there will be a suspension. Finally, to help you identify these devices I have included a series of images of electronic cigarette or vapes to help you understand what these devices look like. The odour emitted from these devices is often very sweet smelling and will linger on clothes and possessions for some time. We would advise you to search your child’s belongings if you become suspicious.

I have also included this link if you wish to know more

Times Tables

At the end of all lessons students stand behind their chairs in silence to prepare for themselves for the next lesson. From September, on a weekly rota, Years 7 and 8 will be reciting their timetables to help embed them in their long term memory.

Week commencing 13th November 2023 - 11

Accelerated Reading

Week commencing 13th November 2023 - Period 5

Teen Support.

How to talk to children about the Israel-Hamas conflict | ITV News

Speaking to children about conflict and violence can be difficult. Here is some advice from experts on how to speak to children about the Israel-Hamas conflict. | ITV National News


Thinking Ahead – My Future, My Choice

Each week we will show you examples of the various careers linked to the subject you are studying. This week’s career idea is ‘Jobs related to dance'

Mr Rees - Careers' Support


Attendance – Term 2, Week 2

Year 11 have achieved 1st place with a top attendance score beating all the other year groups, well done Year 11, great effort.

The boys have smashed their attendance this week beating the girls to 1st place by a very respectful 5%.

Well done Terra 9 who have had 100% attendance x 3 this week, fantastic effort.

Terra have finished first with the highest overall attendance this week, just beating Caeli and Aqua, well done Terra! Special mention for Aqua 11 who have achieved 96%, Caeli 8 with 97.4% and Terra 11 with 97.3%.

Friday has seen our highest percentage of absence this week, missing just one day can have an impact on students learning experiences and outcomes.

If your child is absent from school, please ensure you contact school daily either by email/MCAS or by telephoning the attendance line 01476 550333 ext 502. It is vital we are notified everyday of any absence for safeguarding reasons, unless previously authorised. A reason for illness will always be requested, this is to observe attendance patterns and outbreaks of illness amongst students.

Please do not hesitate to contact myself kcoleman@charlesreadacademy.co.uk on 01476 550333 ext 515 or tsandison@charlesreadacademy.co.uk ext 502 to discuss ways to support your child's attendance.

CRA - Lets work together to make every day count!

Mrs Coleman - Attendance Manager

Holiday Warning Letter

House News

Term 2 Mystery House Competition

Next week we will be revealing this terms mystery house competition. Last term saw the inclusion of our first ever mystery house competition, The Masked Speaker.

Students across the academy provided feedback at the end of last academic year with requests for some different house competitions to be included on the calendar. We have taken the feedback on board and have added a mystery competition each term from the list of requested competitions.

Keep an eye out on our various social media platforms for this terms Mystery house competition.

DRET Santa Run

It is that time of the year again when the Christmas period will soon by upon us. We are excited to share details of this years annual DRET Santa Run which will be taking place on Wednesday 20th December (Last day of term!).

Run, walk, skip or hop your way around your school grounds and raise money for the Inspiration Fund! Every Santa Runner will receive a medal! You can wear your Christmas jumper, favourite Christmas accessory or costume!

Raise £9 or more and get a Santa t-shirt and hat or Reindeer t-shirt and antlers to wear every year! £20 or more and receive a house Christmas Party ticket!

Sponsorship forms will be available from your tutor or PE office!

Term 2 House Competitions

The Sporting Post

We have an open event for our football academy &education scholarship in Grantham tomorrow (11/11/23) which is starting September 2024, we have our first open event which will consist of a football sessions and a quick powerpoint.

Sports Newsletter - Term 1 - 2023/2024

DRET Sport Term 1 Newsletter 2023/2024

Term Dates

Please see the latest term dates for 2022-23.

Academic Term Dates 2024-25

A list of diary events can also be found on the CRA Website by clicking here