15th November 2024
Save The Date
Every Thursday in term time – Tiny Tiddlers - 8.50am – 10.30am
Monday 18th November – Tea & Talk: Phonics in reception – 8.50am
Wednesday 27th November – Individual and sibling photographs
Friday 29th November – PTA Christmas Fayre
Friday 13th December – Year 6 Cake Sale
Friday 20th December – Last day of term – 1.30pm collection – no after school provision
Monday 6th January 2025 – Academy open
Christmas at Darlinghurst
Around the academy there is a buzz as we are busy preparing for Christmas!! Please keep checking Keeping in Touch and SchoolPing for information on key dates over the next few weeks.
Dear parents and carers,
Welcome back to the Academy and the second half of our Autumn Term.
I hope you had a wonderful extended half term break and enjoyed your family time together.
As the season changes can I please remind you to check that jumpers and coats are labelled. We can then get them back to you as soon as possible.
Children are wearing additional external layers if they are cold which is either our academy jumper or PE sweatshirts. They can also wear equivalent school unform jumpers from supermarkets or high street stores. However, other branded clothing is not permitted and ‘sleeves’, ‘long sleeved vests’ are not to be worn beneath our polo tops. Thank you for your support in this.
It has been such a positive week back with our focus on Personal Development.
In the spotlight
Do your children talk about SPACE lessons?
We do cover the subject content of SPACE within our connected curriculum but we use SPACE as a term for a different area of the curriculum.
SPACE lessons cover all the Relationship, health and personal education, including sex education. These lessons are a vital part of our personal development programme.
So what is SPACE - RSHE?
RSHE teaches children about:
How to be healthy – both physically and mentally
How to become good members of the community – living in the wider world
Our end goal is to grow children who know how to be safe and healthy and able to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.
Over the last half term and this week we have engaged in learning and deeper days that link to this subject area. It has been a busy week with important messages shared.
Anti-bullying week
Every November, schools throughout the United Kingdom take part in Anti-Bullying Week. This is an opportunity to spotlight bullying and consider the steps we can take together to stop it.
KS1 had a special assembly which included a story about children dressing up as princesses and knights. In the story, one child wanted to be a dragon, and they heard how the children showed understanding and compromise to include the dragon in their game (showing our sense of belonging, that we are all unique and have a choice to show respect)
KS2 had assemblies which looked at what respect means, how they can show respect in their lives and how it can lead to Darlinghurst being one of the happiest and kindest places on Earth. They were also set a challenge to creating their own ‘respect pledges’ after hearing some Scouts and Beavers promises. If any of your children create one, please share them with their class teacher.
Children then took part in lessons which focused on Anti-bullying week and the theme of respect taking a deeper look at what bullying, and respect mean. Some classes created a respect web and learnt how all our interactions are linked.
Our junior governors, read and reviewed our anti-bullying policy which we are in the process of editing to include their thoughtful contributions.
Odd socks day
Tuesday was ‘Odd socks day’ It was an opportunity for the children to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and uniqueness! It was fantastic seeing odd socks proudly displayed during gymnastics and in all lessons. Children came in excited to share their odd socks with everyone with most ensuring that they could be seen over their school uniform.
Positive noticing day
On Wednesday, we had ‘positive noticing day’. At Darlinghurst Academy, all staff positively noticed the children throughout the day, and we wanted to encourage the children to do the same. All children will have come home with a brown luggage label which their peers have written or drawn something positive they noticed about the child. Everyone wore their labels with pride and loved showing them off . The children want to keep the wave of positive noticing going and we set you the challenge of positive noticing at home.
We received a comment from ‘theadultschange'
‘We are so glad that the day was a success, such lovely images! ‘
There is so much power in positivity! Use positive noticing to talk about kindness and to think about friendships and a chance to remind one another about positive behaviours.
Perhaps Positive Noticing Day can be the start of daily noticing at home?
Children in Need
Today is ‘Children in Need’. Children in Need believes that every child should have the chance to thrive and be the best they can be. For this to happen, we want every child to have someone they can turn to for help or support to overcome challenges they face.
We remind our children that here at Darlinghurst we are a listening school. They know that Mrs Grant and Mrs Hahn are our safeguarding leads and that the Marina is a safe space. They can talk to Mrs Wheeler, our behaviour support about their feelings or they can find any other trusted adult.
At Darlinghurst, we support our children holistically and empower them to be:
- Successful Learners,
- Prepared for change
- Active citizens
- Confident Individuals
- Effective Contributors
Next week, we continue to focus on RSHE with road safety week. The children will have special assemblies looking at how they can be safe when around roads. Perhaps you could practise crossing roads safely while coming to school next week maybe teaching rhymes or rules as you go?
Should you wish to know more about RSHE take a look at our website.
Faith & Well-being – Darlinghurst Academy
Thank you for taking the time to read about this important part of the curriculum.
Ms Rosso – RSHE lead
Mrs Nicholls ‘Faith and Wellbeing’
At Darlinghurst Academy this week, children across the academy considered Remembrance Day and its importance within British History. Children came to school dressed in various uniforms including Scouts, Beavers, Brownies, Rainbows, St Johns Ambulance and Badgers and Cadets. Staff also wore their Scout leader uniforms with pride.
At 11am, a 2 minute silence was observed by all with sounds of the Last Post in many classrooms. Children were encouraged to explore why this day is of such significance and how some things have remained the same since the first Poppy Day on 11th November 1919. Discussions were had and respect shown for those who have protected our freedom and still do today.
To support this, and with a particular focus on becoming better historians this term, the children were provided with various clues or ' sources' and encouraged to ask further questions to develop their historical enquiry skills.
Clue: Arthur wrote a letter to his parents.
Why didn't he email or text?
Is he a teenager?
Clue: He was 17 at the time.
When was his birthday?
Was he living away from home and if so, why?
Clue: He was born in 1897.
What was happening in Britain at that time?
Clue: Arthur had to get his eyes tested and went camping where he ate lots of tinned beef.
Was he part of the Scouts? Why was it important to have good eyesight? Was he blind?
Clue: He visited France
Was he going on holiday? Is there any other evidence on the map?
After each 'clue', pupils worked together to ask more questions, helping them better understand who Arthur might have been.
Last Clue: He died in 1918
The children were very happy to know that they had been true historians and used the evidence to guess correctly. With their talk partners, they discussed whether they thought Arthur was an important person.
It was also lovely to see some poppy art from year 1.
Year 2 Trunk Theatre
On Thursday, Year 2 stepped back in time to 1666 and experienced events of the Great Fire of London. Through story and song, a theatre group enriched our children’s learning, bringing history alive and arousing curiosity. Children were encouraged throughout the performance to think about many questions. How did the fire start? Who was to blame? Why did it spread so quickly? Pupils helped Samuel Pepys find his hidden wine and cheese, rowed across the River Thames and danced with King Charles II!
At the end of the show, the children ‘rebuilt’ London with their drawings of buildings and houses found in the city today. These included hotels, Big Ben, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace and even a London tour bus! The experience was truly immersive and helped children recall key facts in addition to understanding why things happened and the consequence of these events.
Back in class, pupils assembled various Tudor houses, ready for our own burning, to help pupils understand why the fire spread so quickly and the reasons for the choice of specific materials used in housing today.
Pumpkin Trail
On the 31st October we opened our gates to our fantastic Pumpkin trail. The trail was well supported by lots of staff, PTA, and prefects. We had over 140 children attend from the academy, other pre-schools, friends, and family. There were lots of different activities for everyone to take part in; a science zone with spooky experiments, expanding caterpillars, frozen fizzy hands, spider lava lamps, googly eyed pom pom monsters, pumpkin bowling, welly throwing and a visit to the Spooky Wood, where the children made lots of potions!
All the children and staff arrived in their Pumpkin trail fancy dress, and we had prizes for the best dressed with Fox and Rosie being the winners. We raised over £600.00 in support for Outdoor Learning which will help with our pond restoration which will be starting very soon.
In the first half of the autumn term our whole school attendance has been better than statistics published by the DfE. They share that in state-funded primary schools, attendance for 09/09/24-27/09/24 was 93.2%, our attendance was better at 95.7%.
Our weekly comparison to both national and regional data is also better:
There are fewer children categorised as ‘persistent absentees’ compared to the same time last year, this means that more children are attending school regularly.
Please be reminded that our whole school target for attendance for the academic year is 97%+ and everyone can make a positive contribution to achieving that goal. Any absence impacts on percentage attendance, please try and avoid booking non-emergency appointments during the academy day and be present for AM and PM registers.
Be punctual to start the day positively, regular routine provides structure and can reduce stress, instils good habits, and can contribute to better mental health and mood stability.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Starfish 99.3%
Lobster 99.6%
Dune 100%
Darlinghurst School
Pavilion Drive
Leigh on Sea
T. 01702 478379
F. 01702 509207