Yarns from the TarnS ~ Comox District Mountaineering Club

WElcome to

"Yarns from the Tarns"

Summer 2024 Edition

Please note that the edition published in May was the Spring 2024 edition, not summer as originally noted.

Welcome to the summer hiking season where adventure awaits and every trail leads to new friendships and unforgettable memories! Happy summery hiking days are here!


For CDMC trips to happen, we need members who are willing and able to plan and lead hikes. As we head into summer and see several more trips posted, I'd like to express thanks to those members posting trips!

The number of trip postings can only be determined by members leading members so if you're inspired to share your favorite trails and support the club roster, consider reaching out to another leader or the trip coordinator (cdmctripcoordinator@gmail.com) for details on how to become a trip leader.

As an added bonus, new leaders and their mentors for this year will be entered into a draw for a year of Membership and gift card from a local gear shop.

There is a step-by-step process for becoming a co-leader or leader under the Guidelines tab on the Member Resources Page.

You'll find the Leader List under the Reference Documents tab on the Member Resources page.

Is there a hike you'd like to do this year and would be willing to lead for other club members? Have a look at our Trip Catalogue of previous club trips to get some ideas.

BC Parks survey

BC Parks is conducting a survey on park user satisfaction. Their survey in 2023 was useful, and therefore they want to conduct another one this year.

CDMC's Board of Directors recommends members fill out the survey using the link below. It has been noted that backcountry users have been under-represented, so feedback from many CDMC members who camp or hike/snowshoe/ski in the backcountry of Strathcona or other BC Parks would be helpful. The deadline to respond to the survey is September 16.

For those interested, the results of the 2023 survey are also available at the link below.

Meetup/Technology Challenges

In the spring newsletter, the Board of Directors addressed the difficulties members were having with receiving Meetup emails in March. That issue was universal and was resolved by the end of the month. More issues are being reported by members, including with email notifications and technology. The Board of Directors has been proactive in speaking directly with Meetup staff and other experts, and will continue to work to find solutions to any issues that arise. If you are experiencing problems receiving emails from Meetup, please email comoxdistrictmountaineering@gmail.com, and we will work together toward a resolution.

While we work on solutions to notification issues, members can check for updates on the CDMC Meetup page or use the Meetup app (Android) (iPhone).

In our ever-changing world of technology, Meetup is also changing. Two changes that may impact leaders and members have been identified:

  • Some members have noted pop-up menus suggesting users purchase a meet-up subscription that will allow payers to get advanced notification of events and enjoy meetup ad-free. It is important to note that a paid Meetup membership is not necessary for CDMC members. Your CDMC annual membership fee entitles you to free access to our meetup group. CDMC pays an annual fee to use meet-up to post events, and therefore purchasing the additional subscription with meet-up is not needed.
  • As of July 18, message boards and event chat on meetup will no longer be available. Message Boards will be replaced with a new communication feature called Discussions. Event chat will be removed in exchange for event comments. We appreciate your patience as we navigate meet-up changes with you.

Thank-you for your continued patience, understanding, and communication on this issue.

Summit Registries

As you are gearing up to explore and summit some familiar or new peaks on the Island, consider the list of summit registries maintained by the Alpine Club of Vancouver Island.... they are always happy to have our members check and update online about the various registries.

Photo Contest Winner: Lex Klassen

At the AGM, photo contest entries were voted on and Lex had two photos chosen as winners.

Flora & Fauna category winner: Whiskey Jack

A young and curious Whiskey Jack at Kwai Lake. The Canada Jay is a "scatterhoarder", caching thousands of food items during the summer for use the following winter. They use their saliva to stick food into balls that they hide in the forest.

Winter category winner: Snow Angel

Seizing the moment to make snow angels is the perfect addition to a fun snow shoe outing. As we move through life it becomes even more important to maintain an active lifestyle as well as doing the things that bring us joy.

Congratulations, Lex!

Be BEar & Cougar Aware

Exploring the great outdoors is a thrilling adventure, but it’s important to be prepared and stay safe. As you hike through our beautiful wilderness, keep these essential tips in mind to avoid unexpected encounters with bears and cougars. Your safety and the well-being of our wildlife depend on it!


  • avoid surprise encounters – sing, talk, make noise as you walk the trail.
  • be cautious in known bear territory, plus in berry-heavy areas and during spawning season near streams/rivers.
  • keep dogs leashed to prevent them from chasing bears.
  • use bear caches or hang food 3 metres off the ground and 1.3 metres from the top of the tree branch/side supports.
  • tent, cooking area and food storage should all be a minimum of 50 metres apart.
  • make sure all scented items including bug spray, citronella, toothpaste and deodorant are in the food cache.


  • Be especially aware at dusk and dawn.
  • Make lots of noise.
  • If you encounter a cougar, maintain eye contact and speak in a loud, firm voice.
  • Fight back if attacked - use rocks, sticks, or anything else within reach.
  • Keep pets in your tent at night.
  • If you find a feeding site, leave the area immediately. Cougars will stay close until the prey is completely consumed.

If you encounter an animal:

  • stay calm
  • don't run
  • back away slowly, do not turn your back on the animal
  • get your bear spray/bear banger/air horn ready to use

And, never feed any wildlife, including birds and squirrels. Feeding wildlife harms wildlife.

Find more information at WildSafeBC.com

Easy Backpacking Recipes

Looking for some new ideas for what to take backpacking? Here's some member favorites to try.

U-Design Granola Bars ~submitted by Dave Osmond~

Food is an essential part of our travels in the backcountry. The 10 essentials will keep us safe, but food actually contributes to our comfort and enjoyment of the experience.

The following home-made granola bar recipe is a mainstay of our snacks on our hikes and is a great kick of energy and special treat at the same time. Ingredients can be ‘tweaked’ to suit your tastes.

  • 2½ cups large flake Oatmeal
  • 2 cups crisp rice cereal (Rice Krispies)
  • 1 cup unsweetened coconut
  • 1 cup nuts (walnuts or nut of choice)
  • 1 cup dried fruits (dried blueberries/cranberries)
  • 1 cup seeds (sunflower or Costco salad topper works great)
  • ½ cup butter/margarine/coconut oil
  • ½ cup honey
  • 1 cup brown sugar

Combine oats, crisp rice, coconut, nuts, dried fruit and seeds; set aside

Place butter, honey and brown sugar in a large pot. Over medium heat, stir to combine ingredients so butter melts. When mixture starts to bubble, add dry ingredients and stir well. Cook about 7 minutes, until mixture is light golden brown, stirring constantly to avoid over browning. Lower heat if mixture is darkening too fast. Press into lightly greased pan (line bottom with parchment paper). Press down firmly. Cool completely. Cut into bars. Yields 20-24 bars.

Pina Colada Cream of Wheat

  • 3 tbsp cream of wheat
  • 1 tbsp dehydrated pineapple
  • 1tbsp shredded dried coconut
  • 1-1/2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • pinch of salt

On the trail, boil 1.5 cups of water and bring it to a simmer. Add the main ingredients, stir and bring to light simmer for 1 to 2 minutes, until thickened. Add coconut oil and turn off stove. Stir constantly until all is mixed and coconut is soft. Enjoy.

Moroccan Couscous

  • 1/2 cup couscous
  • 1 cup dried chopped apricots
  • 1/4 cup sliced nuts (almonds recommended, peanuts work too)
  • pinch of salt
  • 5 tsp ras el hanout (I made my own of cumin, ginger, pepper, cinnamon, coriander, cardamom, allspice, cloves, turmeric, salt
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • Freeze dried chicken (I used dehydrated chicken which I dehydrated from a rotisseries chicken, but you can purchase freeze dried chicken for ease)

On the trail, boil ¾ cup of water and add all ingredients. Cover and remove from heat, let rest 5 minutes. Mix well and then enjoy.

The CDMC has been building and maintaining trails for 96 years and in 2023 contributed a whooping 1340 hours of volunteer work!!

From highly visible projects such as a new deck and platform at Croteau Lake, tent pads at Lake Helen Mackenzie, bridges at Murray meadows and Moat lake to the not so glamorous but essential tasks of removing blowdowns, clearing overgrown brush and repairing eroded trails, our members past and present have been fundamental in keeping local trails open and safe.

Every year we devote resources necessary to continue this legacy. Projects/trails under consideration this year: Battleship Lake trail (continuation), Plateau Traverse Trail ( ongoing yearly maintenance), Lady Lake to Croteau Lake trail maintenance,  Aldermen Pond Bridge (Traverse trail), Kitchen pad and amenities at Croteau Lake (early Oct), Wood lakes trail.

How can you help? Easy!

First, consider helping with a work party posted just like our other events. Watch our Meetup.com group for work party event postings and sign up!

Second, if you're hiking and encounter a section of trail in desperate need of TLC report this to cdmctripcoordinator@gmail.com so it can be added to the list of maintenance needed.

learn new skills with island alpine guides

Looking to upgrade or learn new skills this year?

Based in the Comox Valley, Island Alpine Guides are Vancouver Island's most experienced mountain professionals, and your ticket to learning more about how to safely explore the spectacular alpine and coastal areas on the island and BC's Coast Ranges.

IAG is offering courses to upgrade your skills in climbing, navigation, alpine hiking, backcountry hiking, and more.

Check out their upcoming trips and courses on their website and increase your skills and confidence for your summer adventures!

Mount McBride views, strathcona park