
Behaving The Moorlands Way... Ready, Respectful, Safe

Here at Moorlands, we are developing our revised behaviour and relational policy in 2023-24.

Our focus is ensuring a consistent and fair approach to behaviour, whilst embedding a nurturing, calm and caring environment for all, supporting emotional well-being and academic success.

Our key aims are to based on our 3 rules:

  • Ready
  • Respectful
  • Safe

With these values at the core of all we do, we will expect the highest standards of personal conduct, acceptance of responsibility for behaviour and mutual support and respect.

Staff and children will work in partnership to support each other through positive recognition, praise and time to reflect on behaviours.

Embedded within our rules are our core values:

  • Resilience
  • Positivity
  • Respect
  • Kindness
  • Making good choices


We wear the correct uniform.

We arrive to school on time.

We are ready to learn.

We try our best, even on difficult days.


We listen and speak politely; we say please and thank you and we don't call each other names.

We greet each other politely and make everyone feel welcome.

We care about our environment; we tidy up our mess and join in with ways to make school a lovely place to be.


We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.

We ask for help from adults if we are worried about ourselves or others.

We make sure we are always where we are meant to be; in our lessons, and at break and lunchtimes.

What will our rewards be?

The Golden Book

Every classroom celebrates 'Behaving the Moorlands Way' with a recognition board. Each week, every child has the opportunity to be entered into 'The Golden Book' by becoming 'Learner of the Week' or awarded the 'Behaving the Moorlands Way' certificate. The achievers will be announced in our Monday assemblies, with the opportunity to choose a friend to line up first with for lunch and the option to wear their own clothes to school on the Friday of that week, if they wish.

We will celebrate achieving targets within class with celebrations, praise and positive recognition for 'Behaving the Moorlands Way.' We will no longer have a merit system as in previous years.

Going above and beyond...

All children have the opportunity to achieve the prestigious 'Moorlands Marvel' Award for outstanding contributions to school, by going above and beyond the 'Moorlands Way'. On receiving this very special award, Moorlands Marvels will be rewarded with a yummy hot chocolate and time to relax with Mrs Denney and Mrs Freeman.

What if 'Behaving the Moorlands Way', becomes challenging?

We all have blips in life, when things are challenging and following routines and expectations is tricky. Moorlands is here to support. We work by using a restorative approach with reflection time to help children return to learning as quickly as possible and to feel as supported as possible with clear next steps.


Gentle encouragement, a reminder of the expectations for you to be Ready, Respectful, Safe. Children have the choice to do the right thing.


A clear verbal warning to make children aware of their behaviour and clearly outlining the consequences if they continue.

Children will be reminded of the expectations.


A clear verbal caution making children aware of their behaviour and clearly outlining the consequences.

Time Out

Children are directed to time out, 3 minutes (KS1) or 5 minutes (KS2), leave the classroom and go to an appropriate location depending on the time of day and staff in class. In the case of early years, they will go to a thinking chair within the setting.

Children will complete a ‘Behaviour Diary’ which is taken home/handed to the parent at the end of the day. It must be signed and returned to school.

We will always let parents and carers know when your child is not 'Behaving the Moorlands Way' or when they are unsafe and / or persistently disrupting learning in school for themselves or others. We believe working as a team at an early stage.

We believe that Behaving The Moorlands Way will support children in becoming responsible and respectful, giving them skills for life.