RE Family News A monthly guide to Religious Exploration for children, youth, and families at the Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara

August 2024

Dear RE Families,

The first day of school is right around the corner, but there's still plenty of time to celebrate summer here at USSB. This month we've got water play in children's RE on August 4, we start building games for our Cardboard Arcade on August 11, and we've got a pool party on August 16th. There's even more summery fun to look forward to in September with a special Nature Playdate with Wilderness Youth Project (watch your Friday emails for details) and our now annual fall campout at Lake Lopez (scroll down for details).

I want to urge parents to consider signing up for a Connection Circle this fall. By participating in a Connection Circle, you will be exploring the same monthly theme with adults as your children will in their CRE class. Kyle Stewart & Sarah Davis are facilitating a Connection Circle that will meet two Sundays a month following services, with childcare offered. Connection Circles begin meeting in September (scroll down for more information). The deadline to sign-up is August 25th.

Our YoUUth Group has been laying low this summer, but we will be ready to kick off regular meetings and gatherings in September. In the meantime, if you know an 8th or 9th grader who could benefit from a comprehensive, age-appropriate sexuality education program, it's not too early to get them signed up for our OWL program (scroll down for details). This 12 week program begins September 8.

Be sure to read your Friday emails and the USSB monthly newsletter, Kaleidoscope, for more congregational news and updates. Read on here for more ways to connect this summer and beyond.

Yours in community,


At a glance

Dates to Remember

  • August 11: Cardboard Arcade creation begins
  • August 16: RE Family Pool Party
  • August 25: Deadline to sign-up for a Connection Circle
  • August 27: 8th-9th grade OWL parent orientation
  • September 1: RSVP for fall campout
  • September 8: Nature Playdate with Wilderness Youth Project
  • September 8: 8th-9th grade OWL begins (sign up now)
  • September 15: Ingathering Service
  • September 20-22: RE Family Fall Campout
  • September 29: CRE classes begin

Children's Religious Exploration

Cardboard Arcade Games!

Beginning August 11 we'll focus our Sunday morning Makerspace time on creating games for a CRE Cardboard Arcade, which we will roll out to the congregation during coffee hour following the Ingathering Service on September 15 (Julia's first Sunday back from sabbatical). Bring your imagination and design and build a game for the whole congregation to play. Parents are welcome to make a game too. The more the merrier!

Throwback to our 2021 Cardboard Arcade games


Loving childcare is available on Sunday mornings in Starr King for toddlers and preschoolers ages 2-5 from 9:45-11:30. Most Sundays, children play outside in the Starr King play yard in the sandbox, on the swings, the zipline, or other fun activities. You are welcome to bring a snack for your child, but please note that Starr King is a nut free zone. Our childcare staff is Sydney Tomlinson, Childcare Coordinator, and Emma & Dillon Sunday morning staff.

Children under two are invited to remain in the sanctuary with their adults. We have a baby corner with toys in the back of the sanctuary and we do NOT believe that children should be seen and not heard!

Georgia & Jasper enjoy a book with childcare staff, Sydney Tomlinson & Emma Parent

YoUUth Group

Stay tuned for information about our YoUUth Group for fall. Christina and Charla will be put our heads together with YG leaders soon to brainstorm and plan!

8th-9th Grade OWL

Sundays, September 8 - November 24

Honest, accurate information about sexuality changes lives. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives. For these reasons and more, we are proud to offer Our Whole Lives (OWL), a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education curricula for use in both secular settings and faith communities.

While Our Whole Lives is secular, it is not value-free. The program gives clear messages about the following key sexuality issues:

  • self worth
  • sexual health
  • responsibility
  • justice and inclusivity

Our Whole Lives recognizes and respects the diversity of participants with respect to biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and disability status in addition to cultural and racial background. The activities and language used throughout the program have been carefully chosen to be as inclusive as possible of this human diversity. (

Beginning September 8, USSB is offering a 12 week OWL program for 8th & 9th graders. There will be a mandatory parent orientation on August 27. Please take a moment to complete our interest form to save a space for your child.

Contact YoUUth Group Coordinator Christina Boardman at for up-to-date information about YG and to get on our YG WhatsApp


August 16 Pizza & Pool Party!

Put on your swimsuits and grab your towels. Our August Pizza Picnic will be at Charla's pool! As always, we'll provide the pizza. Please bring beverages, plates, and utensils for your family. You are also invited to bring a side or dessert to share. RSVP by 5:00 the day before. Friday, August 16, 5:30-7:30 PM.

USSB & uuslo RE family fall Campout

September 20-22, Lopez Lake

RE families are invited to spend a fall weekend at Lopez Lake in Arroyo Grande. We have reserved the El Jardin small group site, which holds up to 40 people. Camping at Lopez Lake in the fall is peaceful. The water park is closed and the crowds have left. Lake swimming, kayak or boat rentals, and nature walks are lovely ways to spend a Saturday.

You are invited to camp for Friday and Saturday nights, just one night, or just join us for the day on Saturday. Families provide their own meals and bring a dish to share at a Saturday evening potluck. We hope you'll join us for all or part of the weekend.

This year we are extending the invitation to our RE campout to families from the UU San Luis Obispo congregation. They have traditionally held their own campout at Lake Lopez. We thought it would be fun to bring the two congregations together this Fall.

Please RSVP to the campout at the link below by September 1!


Connection Circles Begin in September

Join Kyle Stewart, Sarah Davis and other RE parents and USSB congregants in a Connection Circle this fall. Childcare will be provided at our Sunday circle. Other times are available as well. These small groups create meaningful connections with other folks in our congregation. Together groups reflect on a different theme each month, using a practice of deep and respectful sharing and listening, which creates a safe, confidential, and welcoming space. Each group is guided by a facilitator and meets twice monthly. In person or online – we have two ways to gather! Join us for our next session, meeting twice a month. Each meeting is an hour and a half long.

Connection Circles will explore the same monthly themes children will explore in their CRE classes this fall including the practice of invitation, deep listening, inclusion, story, and joy among others. Sign up by August 25th here:

Fall Ingathering Service

Save September 15th for our annual ingathering service. This will be Rev. Julia's first Sunday back in the pulpit following her sabbatical. Rumor has it, there will be a pancake breakfast prior to the service. And coffee hour will feature the CRE Cardboard Arcade.

The Chalice and Neighbors Weekend Retreat at Camp de Benneville Pines

Friday, September 27 through Sunday September 29, 2024. Join many of our neighboring congregations in (or near) Chalice, including Ventura, Santa Barbara, Goleta, Emmerson, Santa Paula, Studio City and others for this weekend retreat in the mountains. Look for coming communications and registration forms. Sign up early and join in a beautiful weekend among the towering cedars, oaks and pines of this beautiful camp owned and operated by the Pacific Southwest Service Area of the UUA. The atmosphere is one of congeniality, camaraderie and friendship. This weekend is a chance for the whole family to relax, hike, sing, play games, swim and enjoy the fresh air among other UUs in our area.

For more information, registration, or to volunteer for programs and workshops contact Annie or David Barker (,

Thank you for reading

We welcome your questions, concerns, and great ideas.

Charla Bregante, Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration & Janey Madlani, Children's RE Coordinator
Christina Boardman, YoUUth Group Coordinator

For more information about the Unitarian Society, visit our website or email Charla Bregante, our Director of Religious Exploration at

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