Prep School Newsletter Friday 24 May 2024

Year 6's performance of Alice in Wonderland on Thursday evening in the Countess of Wessex Theatre was spectacular and they richly deserve huge congratulations! Pupils showcased so many of the qualities which we admire -communication, cooperation, creativity and empathy- and made us incredibly proud! A brilliant ending to a busy half term.

What happened in School this week?

Wednesday 22nd May marked National Numeracy Day. In our Key Stage 2 assembly, Mr Sullivan marked the occasion by sharing some mathematical magic tricks and discussing how all jobs need some form of numeracy.

He shared with KS2 the Number Heroes Competition being run by the National Numeracy charity. To take part, create a picture of how you will use numbers in your dream job or hobby. Be as imaginative as you can and let your imagination run wild. And maybe you could win a £50 voucher and £1000 of resources for the school. If you would like to enter, you can get entry forms from Mr Sullivan or follow the link for full details and an entry form.

Forest Explorers

We have had a very busy last week of the term. We have been coding the Bee-bots which was great fun and trying to get them to our different friends. We have been working very hard with our numbers and our teachers kept tricking us when hiding the numbers and we had to guess which number it was. We also have been enjoying the rainy and sunny days down in the forest and looking for ladybirds and bugs. Happy Half Term!


Our story in Reception this week has been Handa’s Surprise. We discussed the similarities and differences between living here and in Kenya. The children talked about what was happening in the story, anticipating what would happen next and they loved the surprise at the end. In the story, there are eight different fruits and we have had fun talking about each of the fruits and tasting them. Some of the fruits were familiar to us and others were new. The children also practiced their cutting skills and created their own baskets of fruit.

Year 1

Year 1 really enjoyed their DT day creating a moving book. They learnt how to make pieces move on the page and pop up! The children were also introduced to technical language such as “mechanism” and directional language including horizontal and vertical. We based it on our topic of Pirates, creating a moving pirate ship and a pirate climbing the rigging as well as being made to walk the plank! Lots of children added brilliant details such as crocodiles and hungry sharks to their creations.

We have carried the language into our Maths topic of position and direction and after half term we are looking forward to directing our friends round a map.

Year 2

Year 2 went to sleep peacefully in their cabins aboard the Titanic on 14th April 1912. Little did they know, the unsinkable ship was about to sink. In the middle of the night they were awoken by their families, wrapped in blankets and placed into lifeboats. In the darkness, they watched the luxurious ship sink to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Luckily, each of them survived the ordeal and were soon rescued by the Carpathia.

During DT week, Year 2 learnt how to make their own pouches. With their 'sewing hats' on, they quickly learnt how thread a needle, tie a knot in the end of the thread and sew a running stitch. Each and everyone of them should be very proud of their final product!

Year 3

This week Year 3 enjoyed a trip to the Museum of Kent Life to take part in a WWII workshop. Dressed as evacuees, land girls and a variety of military officers we enjoyed learning how people in the 1940’s made do and mend, dug for victory and all about the evacuee experience. Learning how to march, with a very strict officer, was a highlight. Although he did suggest we needed to practise!

Year 4

This week in Year 4, we have been tying up a lot of loose ends before we break for half term. We have all finished making our slingshot cars in DT, which look marvellous! We also continued working on our podcasts - watch this space for their release soon. Finally, we have finished off our Science topic by experimenting with increasing the number of components and cells in a circuit. Have a lovely, restful half term.

Year 5

Year 5 have been preparing wood for their automata design technology project by measuring, marking and cutting each piece. In their pairs they discussed the need for accuracy and took such care. Following health and safety rules was another focus, along with keeping the design brief in mind.

Year 6

“Every adventure requires a first step, and we hope that first step was at KC. We are so very proud of you and wish you well on with your next adventure. Thank you for all your hard work during the rehearsals and last night. You were brilliant! Mrs Lawson-Wood

Gardening club got to enjoy the fruits of their labour today.

After harvesting broad beans yesterday in Gardening Club, Year 5 gave them to Luke Hall and his team in the kitchen, and a delicious broad bean salad made its way onto the lunch menu today. Look out for more more broad beans, potatoes and garlic on the menu after half term.

We are pleased to announce that Kent College Prep have been recognised as an nrich Problem Solving School.

Nrich who are part of the Maths Faculty at Cambridge University, aim to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners. As part of this they have launched a scheme to raise the profile of problem solving in schools and to nurture better problem solvers. Kent College Prep are proud to be part of the inaugural schools for the programme. For more details follow this link.

To promote problem solving we will be having some Maths problems or Maths themes in the weekly newsletter. This week we will look at counting. This is an interesting activity to do with all the family. Look at the image of dots. How many are there? How did you count them?

Discuss it with your family and friends. Did you all count it the same way? The chances are you didn’t. Does that mean there is a wrong and right way? If you are getting the same answer, then no. But there are more efficient ways. This is how we as a school see Maths. How can we become more efficient? With improved efficiency in calculations, it decreases the cognitive strain and enables the brain power to be put towards problem solving.

Coming back to the dots, you most probably spotted patterns of 5 dots, like on a dice. This is called subitising and is an essential skill in counting and calculation. If your child is counting individual dots, expose them to dot patterns, dice and dominoes and encourage the recognition of number in certain patterns. By playing games with these resources, it is a fun way to help develop their counting skills. If you would like random dot patterns to practice subitising, try the White Rose Maths 1 minute maths app.

Mark your calendars - EYS Sports Day 4th July!

Our annual Key Stage 1 and 2 Sports Day, filled with fun, competition, and celebration, is just around the corner on Friday, 5th July 2024 starting at 9:00 am. Join us for a day of exciting field and track events, followed by a delightful picnic lunch on the Prep School terrace. The children will come to school dressed in their PE kit and house T-Shirts and in the afternoon will culminate in the eagerly awaited prize giving ceremony. We can’t wait to see you there! Mrs Hughes

South East Regional Floor and Vault Championships, Guildford

Our pupils recently participated in the South East Regional Floor and Vault Championships in Guildford, achieving remarkable results. Well done Sadhbh in Year 6 who came 3rd in the Competition.

These fantastic results highlight the dedication and skill of our gymnasts as they competed against clubs from across the South East region. Well done to all! Mrs Cox


Summer Fete Information

Calling all families, friends, and neighbours! Mark your calendars for Saturday June 15th as it is time for the KCPPA Summer Fete and it’s going to be an unforgettable day of fun and laughter! Book your Tickets NOW!

We are raising money to fund wonderful new wooden play equipment that all of our children can use, which will sit alongside the boat that the KCPPA installed last year! Family, friends, neighbours and dogs are all invited! We hope to see you all there! KCPPA

Discovery Day - Saturday 8th June 9am-1pm

Inviting Year 5 girls to a morning of fun activities to discover more about life at Kent College Senior School. Challenge yourself on our Confidence Course and use your skills in our Escape Room!


Have a lovely Weekend!