WEEK 10 TERM 2 2024


As we reach the end of the second term, I am filled with pride and gratitude for our school community’s collective efforts and achievements. This term we have seen a very positive energy across our school marked by academic progress, extracurricular triumphs, and a strong sense of participation, kindness and resilience.

Our students have demonstrated commitment to their studies which is reflected in their quality performances in classwork and recent assessments. I commend our students for their hard work and determination. Our teachers have been instrumental in this success, providing not only quality lessons everyday but also invaluable support and encouragement. I urge students to continue seeking help when needed and to approach challenges with a growth mindset.

This term has also been vibrant with various extracurricular activities. Our sports teams have shown tremendous spirit and skill, bringing home numerous victories. There was a great display of school enthusiasm on the spectator’s hill, when we recently hosted Tempe HS for a tough encounter in the Boys soccer. A great effort from our team to progress to the next round. Our recent MADD night and our student’s involvement in Starstruck were both a resounding success, showcasing the incredible talents of our students both on stage and behind the scenes. Additionally, our debaters and Sustainovation groups have also experienced success in their recent competitions. These activities enrich our school experience and foster essential life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and creativity.

It was delightful to celebrate the achievements of our students at our Semester 1 recognition assemblies in week 10. These award ceremonies recognise students across a range of categories. The awards, consistent with our schools award and recognition program published on our school website, are nominated by class teachers. At our most recent ceremonies we awarded our recognition of student achievement and school sport merit awards. Teachers select up to 2 students from each of their classes to receive awards against the Semester 1 criteria: demonstrating the schools PBL values, learner expectations, consistent effort and academic achievement. Student participation and achievement in extra curricula programs and school sport representation was also recognised, All award winners also met the school’s attendance standards with attendance an important aspect of our learner expectations and criteria for our school awards programs. We are very proud of the young men and women who have received awards this Semester and we actively encourage all students to continue to work hard to achieve their learning goals in Semester 2. Thankyou to the many parents who joined us to celebrate our students at these ceremonies, your presence and support is appreciated.

In the spirit of recognition, we were also pleased to see Mr Martinelli presented with a Regional North Education Award for Teaching Excellence at a ceremony in Term 2. Mr Martinelli continues to provide quality teaching and extraordinary wellbeing and outdoor education experiences for our students and is a highly valued member of our teaching staff. Our school is fortunate to have such a high performing staff team and it is lovely that we get the opportunity to celebrate them.

Our sense of community remains strong, as evidenced by the successful fundraising events and volunteer initiatives carried out this term. The recent SRC hosted event for the Mark Hughes Foundation which saw some of our wonderful shave their heads to raise much needed funds and the Business Studies Market Day were both heartwarming examples of our school’s commitment to making a positive impact beyond our school gates. I encourage everyone to continue participating in these initiatives and to support one another, especially as we recognise the way in which we, can and do support others across the wider community. It is important to remind ourselves that it can be the simplest acts of kindness and consideration that make a difference in someone’s day.

As we prepare for Semester 2, it is important to maintain our momentum and finish the school year on a high note. I encourage students to set realistic goals, manage their time effectively, and prioritise their well-being. Parents, your ongoing support and involvement in your child’s education are crucial, and we deeply appreciate your partnership. We have previously shared a simple guide to communication at WHS. As we are a large school with lots of events and activities occurring each day, we do our best to ensure families are well informed. The simple guide to communication at the end of this report, provides an overview of the different ways we communicate with families and the purpose of each of our communication platforms. We have recently introduced a new school events calendar on the home page of our website to help families stay informed of upcoming excursions. If ever you are in doubt please do not hesitate to contact our school office where our friendly admin team will be happy to assist you.

I am excited about the upcoming term’s opportunities, including new projects, competitions, and learning experiences. Our Year 12 students and accelerated learners will take their next step in their HSC preparation with trial HSC examinations taking place early in Term 3. My thanks to our staff who are running workshops and revision sessions during this holiday break to further support students. It will be a big Term ahead for our Year 12 students as they make their final run into the HSC, completing their class learning programs, submitting major works and working hard on their revision as they approach their HSC examinations. Our Year 12 students will conclude Term 3 with their Year 12 Formal and Graduation Assembly on 25th and 26th September. We wish them a very successful Term ahead.

Wishing you all a restful break. Let us all return with renewed energy and a positive attitude, ready to make the most of the remaining 2 Terms of the school year.


N Harvey


It has been a very busy start to 2024. Our school continues to provide quality education through a diverse range of programs. It was great to see so many family and friends at our recent Semester 1 Achievement Assembly where we celebrated the outstanding efforts of many of our students in academic, cultural, sporting and creative pursuits.

Your child will now have received their Semester1 report. The report important information on what your child has achieved and areas for further development. I would encourage families to discuss their child’s report with them and use the report as a guide to improve in Semester 2. In addition, every student in the school has had the opportunity to reflect on their learning through self reported grades. Often we are very critical when self reflecting – but this allows students to identify their strengths and areas for growth. The creation of Individual Learner Portfolios further supports students in the self reflective process by having them collate work samples that support their judgments of how they are working.

Our aspirant students in the High Performance and Gifted Education (HPGE) Aspire programs continue to be provided with a range of enrichment opportunities. Whitebridge HS students have participated in extracurricular opportunities including Sustainovation Challenge, STEM days, Camp NOVA, Starstruck, HSC Experimentfest, MADD night and countless sporting opportunities to name a few. Special mention to our Sustainnovation team who recently were crowned runners up in the Hunter Region for their presentation on promoting the future growth and development of the Port of Newcastle.

Whitebridge High School has seen some awesome displays of sportsmanship and skill throughout the semester. We have seen teams compete in numerous sports including basketball, volleyball, netball, rugby league, rugby 7s, squash and hockey. Recently, the Open Boys Football team had an important 3-2 win over Tempe HS to progress to the final 8 in the State. Students from Yr10 Sports Coaching class have been amazing ambassadors of our school by working with many of our feeder Primary schools running their Athletics carnivals. A number of students have also been selected to represent both the Hunter Region and NSW State teams in a variety of sports. These students will be recognised formally at the end of the year.

Finally, thank you to our dedicated staff. We have an amazing team of teachers who are experienced, professional and committed to supporting each and every student to achieve their personal best. Without whom all these outstanding opportunities for the students would not be possible. I wish all families and students a restful beak and look forward to achieving even more success in Semester 2.


Year 7 have had a fantastic Semester One! They have been involved with some great extra curricular activities from Starstruck to debating to Hunter Cross Country to Bill Turner Cup.

I have been very proud of everyone’s diligence and enthusiasm which was recognised at our awards assembly. Congratulations to all the award recipients.

I hope everyone has a beautiful and safe holiday and we look forward to a big Term 3 where Year 7 will be receiving some exciting information about their electives for next year.

Ashley Fry - Year 7 Advisor


Well another term is out of the way in what has been a very busy 10 weeks for Year 8 students for 2024. Firstly, thank you to all parents and caregivers for attending the Subject Selection Evening in Week 9. I am sure the child in your care has a better idea of what subjects they are interested in for the coming years after the event.

In recent weeks with the weather cooling down a number of students have borrowed jumpers and my stock is currently running low. If you have any surplus jumpers or jackets around the house could you please donate them to the school by dropping them off to the school office.

I hope all families have a safe and enjoyable break and see you all in Term 3!

Andy Holahan - Year 8 Advisor


Where to start…. I would like to say a huge congratulations to the following students for receiving their White Card - Kiedis Asprey, Archie Blatchford, Marcus Cleland, Morrison Coates, Costa De Haan, Koby Farina, Ethan Filmer, Kane Finch, Myles Foord, Luke Goldshaft, Eddie Grainger, Iziah Larsen, Alby Lawrence, Austin Pringle, Joshua Tausinga, Blair Webster, Billy West and Mitchell Woodrow. It is a huge accomplishment, and you should be very proud of yourselves. There is a second session for the White Card Course taking place next term with even more Year 9 students actively involved.

Our year group were also wholeheartedly involved in the whole school athletics carnival. I was lucky enough to capture some great photos from the day. Well done to Lacy Barnes for being recognised as the U15 Age Champion!

Well done to Year 9 students for actively being involved in school sporting teams (volleyball, soccer, hockey, tennis and rugby league). Our U/15 Bill Turner Cup Team played Swansea High in a home game. The game was played in great spirits and our boys improved markedly and won a hard-fought game 3-0. We look forward to playing our next opponents, yet to be determined.

Well done Year 9! It is great to see everyone enthusiastically involved and embracing the culture of learning, responsibility and respect here at Whitebridge High School.

Bronte Osland - Year 9 Advisor


Year 10 have had a very busy end to the term. The main focus for these last few weeks has been about preparing them as they start to transition into the senior students of our school.

Year 10 have participated in Year 11 taster lessons, spoken with teachers about senior subjects on offer and have taken part in an interview to help select their subject choices for next year.

Throughout these last few weeks, Year 10 have shown respect and responsibility during all activities and Ms Turner could not be more proud of the young citizens they are developing into.

Year 10 have also been very busy on the sporting fields, participating in soccer, golf, volleyball, and Hunter Cross Country. They even had the opportunity to participate in a collaborative sports day against Monaro High School where all students showed great sportsmanship!

Special shout out to our Sustainnovation Challenge Team who placed 2nd overall at the two day event in Newcastle against many other schools. GO WHITEBRIDGE!

Our Sustainnovation Team

The term has ended with a fabulous display of Year 10 talent at MADD night and excellent dancing skills in the Annual Op-shop Formal.

Year 10, please continue this amazing work ethic into next term - Mrs Morrow and Ms Turner are so excited to see where the next half of the year takes us!

Courtney Turner - Year 10 Advisor


Year 11 have had an eventful and exceptional semester in senior learning and achievements! Students have participated in a range of study workshops to help prepare for assessments and examinations learning skills in developing literacy, metalanguage, memory and time management. In the arts, our creative students have represented the school in MADD Night, Lizottes and Star Struck this term while preparing for practical assessment tasks in the classroom. Our SRC leaders did a fantastic job supporting the Mark Hughes Foundation in Week 8 assisting with fundraising efforts. It was such a fun day at the Athletics Carnival earlier this term thanks to the work of our motivated sports coaching students who displayed outstanding skills in leadership and teamwork. Year 11 have also had the opportunity to start considering future pathways with the support of the University of Newcastle's Early Entry Program. Thank you to the students and families who attended the information night in Week 7. Anyone who would like further information in the program is encouraged to see myself or visit the Yr 11 2024 Google Classroom. Next on the agenda for Year 11 is the Ski Trip in Week 1 next term! Exciting times ahead for our last term before the commencement of learning in our HSC courses.

Georgia Lindsay - Year 11 Advisor


Year 12 students have had a busy term, completing their final assessment tasks in preparation for their Trial HSC exams next term. To support their studies, many teachers are offering holiday study sessions. Everyone is encouraged to check with their teachers to see if these sessions are available for their subjects.

Additionally, some of our Year 12 students participated in a High Achievers Day this term where they engaged with experts in various subject areas, learning about effective study habits and mental health strategies as they approach their HSC exams.

Year 12 also had the chance to attend the University of Newcastle Schools Visit Day. This event provided an opportunity for them to explore different university subjects and interact with lecturers, helping them to prepare for their post-HSC goals.

Not long to go now Year 12!

Emma Beecham - Year 12 Advisor


Recently, Year 10 students participated in a series of activities designed to help them make informed subject selections for Year 11. The process included an information night where students and parents attended a formal presentation about Stage 6, followed by an informal tour of different faculty stands that outlined the subjects on offer. Additionally, students experienced three days of taster lessons in subjects of their choice. These taster lessons provided insight into the structure, requirements, and typical activities of Year 11 classes. The feedback from these sessions was overwhelmingly positive. Year 8 students also had an information evening where the curriculum for Year 9 in 2025 was outlined. Students and parents also had the opportunity to speak individually with teachers about elective subjects offered next year. Both Year 8 and Year 10 students are now selecting their subjects online.

In Term 3, a similar parent information evening will be held for Year 9 students, focusing on VET early commencement and the 200-hour elective selection for 2025. Additionally, Year 7 students will receive information about their semester electives for the next academic year, and both Year 7 and Year 9 students will then complete their selections online.

Glen Mulhearn - HT Secondary Studies

Subject selection information sessions


The Teaching and Learning faculty at Whitebridge High School has had a busy term supporting students to improve their engagement and personal achievement. Students involved in the Quick Smart program have demonstrated remarkable success, with impressive improvements in literacy and numeracy skills. Our careers program has supported all Year 9 students to complete their Ready for Work Experience Certificate and 18 students from this group completed their Construction White Card Course to work in the construction industry. Fifteen Year 10 students have successfully submitted TVET applications for their HSC subject selections to enhance their vocational readiness in TAFE based courses. A number of Year 11 students have successfully secured an apprenticeship and signed out of school. This week, 62 from our Year 12s have eagerly attended the University School Open day to learn more about potential Tertiary Education options.

Looking ahead, we are now preparing for the Check-in Assessments scheduled for Week 2 of Term 3. These assessments are pivotal in gauging student progress and refining teaching strategies to meet individual needs effectively. Check-in Assessments are completed by students in Years 7, 8 and 9. There will be more information emailed out soon regarding the equipment students will need, and the timetable for when the assessments will be held.

Angela Bettison - HT Teaching and Learning


There is a collection of achievements to celebrate in the Creative and Performing Arts Faculty this term. Students have taken a motivated and focused approach to their learning and the many opportunities for showcase and performance. In Week 7 our enthusiastic dancers and drama performers worked tirelessly at rehearsals and a weekend of shows for Star Struck at the Newcastle Entertainment Centre. Many of these students also rehearsed every day throughout the term to prepare for MADD Night in Week 10 and are to be commended on their work ethic. Year 10 VET Entertainment Industry students have also put their industry skills to use in the coordination and running of MADD Night... an enormous effort and success. The end of Semester One concludes Stage 4's first creative class rotations for the year. Year 8 have explored the work of contemporary Australian artists in their learning while developing a series of vivid, graphic illustrations and mixed media works. A huge congratulations to all of our engaged and cooperative students who have taken on so many exciting opportunities and challenged themselves throughout the term.

Georgia Lindsay - Teacher CAPA


Congratulations to the amazing students who performed in Star Struck, Love It 2024.

Thank you to the staff who have supported our performers during auditions, rehearsals, costume organisation and being with you at the shows.

Ms Fry, Mrs Perry, Ms Binkins and Ms Vipen - thank you for your dedication to making sure our students have these opportunities to do what they love and shine bright.

Well done Public Education staff and students. You certainly put on a glittery and professional show!

HPGE Drama Star Struck Puppets

For the past month, some of our very talented drama students have been designing and building the puppets for Star Struck. Their collaboration, creativity, and problem solving skills have been outstanding.

We could not have done it without the wonderfully patient, talented, and wise Whitebridge local stars John and Julie Deacon! Thank you so much for your time and expertise.


On July 2 we celebrated our talented creative and performing arts students at our annual MADD Night.

Student artworks were on display in an exhibition and our dance, drama and music students performed to a crowd of family members, peers and staff.

The night was a huge success and we are incredibly proud of all the students involved in the event. A special thank you to everyone who attended!


&Juliet Excursion

Drama students from Years 8, 9 and 11 travelled down to Sydney in Week 8 to watch the musical "&Juliet". Our young people were fabulous audience members and learned a lot about the performing arts industry from the Q&A with the actors after the show.

A lovely member of the public emailed our school with this message which is a testament to the students outstanding representation of WHS: “I’m writing this as I travel home via train from Sydney. I wanted to compliment the students who travelled on our carriage. They were most respectful and polite. It is lovely to encounter such lovely young people”


Sports Coaching

Congratulations to our Early Commencement VET Sports Coaching classes and Year 10 PASS class who assisted at the Redhead Public School athletics carnival. Amazing students.

Annual Op-Shop Formal

In Week 9 our Year 10 PDHPE students participated in our annual students end of unit dance at the Annual Op-Shop Formal.

Everyone involved dressed up for the occasion and showed great respect for each other and had fun as a whole year group.

Mrs Turner was a skilled dancer as well as the amazing PE staff who ran the unit all term and provided the end of term celebration dance session.

Well done to all involved.


Thanks to the students in Years 7 and 10 who participated in the Australian History Competition earlier in the term. Also a big congratulations to Year 11 Business Studies students who made an impressive donation to Charlie’s Run For Kids using their profits from the recent Market Day.

Well done to Year 10 Geography students for undertaking the coastal management field trip to Nobby’s Beach and surrounds while Year 12 Geography students learned more about viticulture through visiting Tamburlaine Organic Wines. Meanwhile Year 12 Modern History students developed some interesting multi-modal presentations about the impact of the Vietnam War while Year 12 Extension History students finalised their individual research projects.

Thanks also to teachers who organised all these activities and also were involved in our recent NAIDOC Day activities which are always a special part of the school’s acknowledgement of our local community and Aboriginal heritage.

Sue Nunn - HT HSIE/Languages

Year 10 Coastal Management Field Trip
Year 12 Geography Excursion - Tamburlaine Organic Wines


It is worthwhile to pause and appreciate what the Science team has accomplished in this busy term. Students in Years 7 to 10 finished their second assessment items. Some very inventive items were created in the Year 7 infographic task, while Year 9 examined the historical evolution of the atomic structure. Year 11 and 12 have advanced in their HSC courses. Many have enjoyed some field trips to industries or sites that are not usually open to the public. Chemistry students learned about the processes involved in wine production at Tyrell's Winery, biology classes spent the day at Awabakal studying abiotic and biotic features of ecosystems. Year 12 Science students all went to the University of Newcastle in Week 9 to join in the HSC Experiment Fest. Physics students had the opportunity to do different experiments with more accuracy than at school. This included investigating charged particles in electric and magnetic fields, the photoelectric effect, projectile motion and hydrogen spectrum analysis. Students also had the chance to go on a tour through the physics laboratories to see some current research projects.

HSC Experiment Fest
Chemistry students at Tyrells Winery

On the 26th June Mr Moore and Mr Jones took Year 12 Biology students to a new level at the University of Newcastle.

During several hands-on laboratory sessions, students extracted DNA and then treated it to separate the DNA in an electrophoretic gel to observe the bands of DNA in several types of organisms. Later in the day they used sperm from sea snails to observe conditions that affect sperm motility and fertility. Then they performed artificial insemination with eggs from the sea snails in the laboratory and observed this process live, under specialised high powered microscopes.

An excellent day was had by all and students were inspired by their delve into genetic technologies.

Stephen Edwards - HT Science


Year 12 Engineering Studies and VET Metals & Manufacturing students visited Tighes Hill TAFE to see some of the amazing facilities and resources available in courses offered through TAFE NSW.

Our students were shown skills by 3rd and 4th year apprentices in World Skills for Bricklaying and Tiling trades. They also were given a tour through Metal Fabrication and Electrotechnology / Electronics areas.

TAFE teachers in Aeronautics gave students the opportunity to see a plane being built and to sit inside the plane. They were also shown the building of avionics inside the plane and how a gas turbine engine works. Students were shown how modern drone technology is used with a drone equipped with infra-red cameras.

The Maritime Ship Simulator was a big hit with students. This was followed by a visit to the replica of an engineering room inside a ship with diesel generators and electrical switchboards.

Year 9 Industrial Technology Engineering completed their Term 2 bridge building activity.

Shane Lloyd - HT TAS



Premier’s Reading Challenge

The Premier's Reading Challenge closes on Friday 23rd August. Students need to read a total of 20 books (10 of which need to come from the Premier's Reading booklists) and log online by this date. Congratulations to the students who have already finished reading and logging their books:

Poppy Beveridge, James Brown, Axl Bryant, Isla Clark, Ashley Clinton-Muehr, Grace Denny, Ruth Donaldson, Wilbur Feenan, Lillian Forbes, Abby Gordon, Flynn Hill, Manu Lewis, Maya Maloney, Evelyn Nash, Eva Rodgers, Sherry Nixon, Ella Stone, Sienna Egan, Kyle Price, Luka Wolfe, Grace Hill

All students completing the challenge will receive their certificates in Term 4. If you need any help to locate books or log them, please see Mrs. Walker in the library.

Sarah Walker - Teacher/Librarian

New Resources

Gone Girl series by Michael Grant

Gone is a bestselling book series written by Michael Grant. The series is centered on the fictional Southern California town of Perdido Beach, in which every human aged 15 and older vanishes.

The Edge Chronicles series by Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell

The Edge Chronicles consists of four trilogies, plus four additional books, and other books related to the universe (The Edge). The stories of The Edge Chronicles take place in the fictional world of the Edge, a vast cliff with no apparent bottom. The majority of books are grouped into sagas, with each saga focusing on one character. The series covers a 600-year period, divided into three "Ages of Flight". In the first age, floating rocks were used to stay airborne but then stone sickness, which made the rocks crumble, hit. Then, floating wood was used, and finally phrax-power. The power of flight is a major theme of the books, with each age defined by the current technology used for air travel.

Wereworld series by Curtis Jobling

Wereworld follows the story of 15 year old Drew, a shepherd’s son, as he comes of age and discovers he’s the last of the long line of Werewolves, and rightful (yet reluctant) ruler of the land of Lyssia, where lycanthrope ‘Werelords’ reign. Before long he’s hurtling headlong into an epic journey of fantasy and horror, from one deadly encounter to the next, meeting exotic Werelords at every turn as he’s drawn inexorably towards his destiny.


Come and Try Football Excursion

We had a beautiful sunny day at Speers Point, where we had 10 students participating in the Come-and-Try Football day. We began with a rotation of skill based drills, followed by a number of short games against other schools. Not only did the Malang Academy show off some impressive soccer skills, but showed a great ability to let all students have a turn. Malang proudly represented Whitebridge High, with a number of competitor schools complimenting us on the kindness and inclusivity of our students. What an awesome day!

Inside Out 2 Excursion

In Week 10, 23 of our wonderful students attended an excursion to the cinema to see the new movie, Inside Out 2. This was an end of term celebration wrapping up our Videos for Change unit of work where students created short films centred around bringing awareness to various social justice issues. Some of the videos were focused on sustainability and also the benefits of music on physical and mental health. A fun day was had by all!

PROPERTY COUNCIL OF AUSTRALIA | NSW Hunter Girls in Property Program 2024

The Property Council of Australia champions the industry that employs 1.4 million Australians and shapes the future of our communities and cities. Property Council members invest in, design, build and manage places that matter to Australians. The Girls in Property program raises awareness amongst high school students about the raft of career paths the property industry offers and encourages greater female participation in the property industry.

Three groups from Whitebridge High School participated in this year’s program and presented their projects to a panel who provided feedback and judged one group as overall winner. All three groups demonstrated a unique approach to their topics and presented confidently. The high quality of evidence and research highlighted the time and effort all groups contributed. The students involved were:

Group 1: ‘Commercial – The Evolving Workplace’ Asha Forder and Isobel Kellock.

Group 2: ‘Residential – High Rise Living’ Bridie Rigney, Aniston Pavlou, Tiana Beaumont and Ali Booth.

Group 3: ‘Redefining Retail’ Charlie Weekes-Bentley, Lacy Barnes and Olivia Jones.

All students are to be commended for their efforts and for speaking with confidence in front of an audience.

The overall winning group from WHS was Asha Forder and Isobel Kellock who presented an engaging and insightful look into the impact of Covid 19 on the workplace. Congratulations Asha and Isobel, who will now be judged against the winning teams from three other schools in the Hunter Region. The overall winning team will be invited by the Property Council to attend a lunch in Newcastle.


Recently, Whitebridge High School celebrated NAIDOC day. NAIDOC day allows us to celebrate, recognise the history and achievements of, and share the wonderful culture of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The theme for this year was “Keep the fire burning! Blak, loud and proud.”

The following is from the Naidoc website:

“The fire represents the enduring strength and vitality of Indigenous cultures, passed down through generations despite the challenges faced. It is a symbol of connection to the land, to each other, and to the rich tapestry of traditions that define Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. As we honour this flame, we kindle the sparks of pride and unity, igniting a renewed commitment to acknowledging, preserving, and sharing the cultural heritage that enriches our nation."

"Blak, Loud and Proud" encapsulates the unapologetic celebration of Indigenous identity, empowering us to stand tall in our heritage and assert our place in the modern world. This theme calls for a reclamation of narratives, an amplification of voices, and an unwavering commitment to justice and equality. It invites all Australians to listen, learn, and engage in meaningful dialogue, fostering a society where the wisdom and contributions of Indigenous peoples are fully valued and respected.”

"Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students were able to lead a number of events for Year 7 and 8. Culture was shared through making Johnny Cakes, playing the didgeridoo and clapsticks, playing Bourinjin- a traditional Aboriginal game, cooking with bush tucker ingredients, basket weaving, art and mark making. We sampled some kangaroo sausages at lunch time and the day culminated with a performance from our wonderful Aboriginal dance group for the whole school."

Our fantastic students were supported by an equally wonderful group of dedicated teachers who assisted to make the day a roaring success. NAIDOC day remains a highlight on the Whitebridge High School calendar.

Want to know more about NAIDOC day? Follow the link below to get involved in local activities


During Week 5 we had our whole school athletics carnival which was held at the Fearnley Dawes Athletics Centre. It was a fabulous day with high participation in all events. Our students displayed excellent sportsmanship, enthusiasm and athletic ability. Jindabyne was the winning house with Tingira a very close second. The Age Champions were as follows:

12 Years - Sibylla Williams and Axl Bryant

13 Years - Maeve Kent and Lucas Hobbs

14 Years - Lucy King and Jack Campbell

15 Years - Lacy Barnes and Dakodah Scott

16 Years - Leah Campbell and Will Griffiths

17+ Years - Cassier Corder and Lachlan Barnes

Ashley Miller - PDHPE Teacher, Rep Sports Coordinator


On June 18, the Whitebridge High School community came together to raise money and awareness for the Mark Hughes Foundation. This is a charity that is very close to the school community, and one we raise money for every year.

This year we had five brave students; Eddie Grant, Claude Yates, Tjay Harrison, Charles White and Lola Best from Years 9 and 12 volunteer to shave their heads to support the charity. They together have raised $6583.60 in total!

Everyone rocked their favourite sports jerseys and beanies to show support. The SRC also ran a fundraising BBQ and hot chocolate stall which made extra money for the charity.

At lunch we had a Staff vs Year 12 touch footy game with excellent sportsmanship shown!

A huge thank you to everyone who was involved in this fundraising effort and a massive thanks to the SRC for their organisation of the event.


Collaborative Sports Day

A huge thank you to Monaro High School for including us as part of their Newcastle Sports Excursion on Wednesday, making the trip all the way from Cooma, NSW.

Students from Years 10 and 11 had a fantastic day competing against the Monaro students in volleyball, basketball and touch football.

The afternoon session saw students from both schools work collaboratively to compete against each other in a friendly game of speedball. It was great to see so many friendships formed over the course of the day. We are very excited about the prospect of continuing this relationship long into the future!


In Week 8, our Open Boys Volleyball Team competed in the Hunter Boys Knockout Competition at Broadmeadow Basketball Stadium. Unfortunately, we lost our first game to Merewether High School, which placed us in the consolation round. The boys won their next two games and played with great spirit and energy before losing to Irrawang High School. They are to be congratulated for their effort, enthusiasm and sportsmanship throughout the day!

The Girls Volleyball Team showed up to play with great heart and dedication. They all played well and unfortunately were knocked out in the early rounds of the day by a team that had them working hard on their defence. Our girls skill level, determination and team spirit was high, but the game didn't fall in our favour.

This awesome bunch of young women are team players who support and encourage each other to do their best. Well done girls!


It was an amazing effort by our Girls Hockey Team at Broadmeadow in early June. It was lovely to see our juniors really stepping up with our team coming entirely from Years 7,8 & 9 with only four of our girls having played hockey before. This week’s game was a true showcase of school spirit and participation. The team took the field with only nine players and no goal keeper. Our girls put in a triumphant effort to finish 0-0 against Merewether High School at full time. A first round of shoot outs to decide the winner had us locked up at 3-3 before Merewether snuck ahead in the sudden death round to secure the game. Our girls then played their next match against Toronto High School coming away with a 2-0 win. Both games were played with outstanding sportsmanship and commitment and drew praise and compliments from those in the crowd. Great effort ladies - you did us proud!



Congratulations to Anastasia and Maria Binkovska on being selected in the Hunter Region Tennis Team!


Congratulations to all our students who participated at the Eastlakes Zone Athletics Carnival .

Our students showed excellent enthusiasm, determination and sportsmanship.

Those who have qualified for the Hunter Region Carnival will be notified in the coming weeks.

Congratulations also to our wonderful Early Commencement Vet Year 10 and 11 Sports Coaching students who helped with the events throughout the day.

Cross Country

Congratualations to the following students who have qualified for the CHS Cross Country Carnival next term:

Lacy Barnes, Lachlan Barnes, Gabi Parmeter, India Davidson, Alby Ayton


Olivia Sullivan was selected in the All Schools NSW AFL Team and will now compete at the National Carnival in July. Congratulations Olivia!