
Lower School Newsletter 17.11.23

A very colourful week in Lower School, celebrating and learning about lots of new things!

Nursery have been learning all about the festival of Diwali. They have loved using bright colours all week in our colourings and in the different areas of the classroom. They made diya lamps out of clay and have patiently waited for them to dry to paint them, they can't wait to take them home to show their families!

Nursery have also been focussing on mark making and having a go at writing their own name, Mrs Davies was very impressed with everyone having such a good go for their first try. We have also been continuing with our Autumn colour mixing and making new colours and describing them.

Reception have been learning about anti-bullying week and all about friendship. They wore odd socks to school on Monday to learn about differences and then used the socks in their maths work to match and double. They even designed their own new socks!

Reception read the story 'Lost and Found' and then talked about who they would turn to if they were feeling upset or lonely. They did lots of activities linked to friendship including making friendship chains to show they are special and unique but linked through friendship.

Both Nursery and Reception ended their week celebrating Children in Need and being 'spotacular' wearing spots to school and giving a donation to the charity. In total we raised £57! Diolch yn fawr to all our parents for supporting this!