What is World Malaria Day?
Recognized each year on April 25, World Malaria Day is an occasion to highlight the profound successes reached by the global community in the fight to beat malaria. With continued bipartisan U.S. leadership, strong global partnerships, and increased commitment, future generations may live without fear of a child dying from a simple mosquito bite. U.S.-led programs like the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) work with multilateral institutions like the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (Global Fund) to ensure endemic countries can chart the path toward elimination.
Malaria is a mosquito-borne parasite that affects vulnerable and marginalized populations, including children, pregnant women, indigenous people, refugees and other displaced individuals. Though this disease is entirely treatable and preventable, it still infects 247 million people around the world and kills 600,000 people every year – 76% of those killed are children under five years old. Only through continued investment and a renewed commitment from endemic countries and the global community will we see an end to this ancient disease.
PMI and the Global Fund, along with UN agency and other partners, have driven the incredible progress against malaria, working with partner countries to build capacity and systems to not only combat malaria, but also equip them to better respond to other public health threats like COVID-19. In only two decades, these programs have averted 2 billion cases of malaria, and driven death rates down by over 60 percent. Help us recommit to this important endeavor as we honor this World Malaria Day.
If you have any questions, please contact Wendy Dimas at wdimas@unfoundation.org
Twitter/TikTok: @BeatMalaria
Instagram: @UnitedtoBeatMalaria
Facebook/Linkedin: /UnitedtoBeatMalaria
5 Actions you can take this world malaria day
Action 3
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🏛️Thanks to decades of bipartisan support on Capitol Hill, the world is closer than ever to ending malaria for good this #WorldMalariaDay. Let's step up the fight, fully fund @PMIgov and @GlobalFund, and be the generation to #BeatMalaria! @BeatMalaria