
Cowbridge Lower School newsletter 27.09.23

Such a busy week in Lower School this week and it has only been 4 days! It has been a hive of activity in our new building, we have welcomed lots of visitors, both in human and animal form!

Some pupils from our Health, Social and Childcare department came over to talk to us about Early Years provision and the role of a primary school teacher. We absolutely loved having so many big children to play with! They helped us to complete our activities and also to reach the bricks on top of our tall tower!

Another lovely feature of our school is helping our Sixth Form students. One of them would like to study to become a Speech and Language Therapist in University, and asked if she could pop over to have a chat during her free lessons, which we of course said yes to! Reception had a lovely time learning some new signs to communicate.

We also found a frog hopping around our outside area! Nursery found it first and then we excitedly went to show Reception! We put it carefully back in our pond area so he could find somewhere dark to hide. Reception pupils also found a caterpillar on their colour walk. So far we have found caterpillars, dragonflies, frogs and a newt!

As well as welcoming visitors to us, we have become very curious about what is going on in the 'big school'. Mr Davies took 2 very keen volunteers up to the main reception to meet a very excited Mrs Lawrence who has been busily ordering all of our lovely resources- diolch Mrs Lawrence! They also popped into the main office to pick up the hearts that nursery had made to give to someone special.

It's not only 'big school' we are curious about, the top of our school is also a source of interest and we needed to know what was happening up there! So two other very keen volunteers braved the stairs to ask our friendly Tyfu neighbours if we could borrow some pins- diolch Mrs Sweeney!

Reception have been celebrating all things Grandparent related this week. They have been reading books about how special Grandparents are and have made them something special to keep! They have been making emotion pictures using loose parts and painting all the adults that help them for their portrait gallery.

Nursery have also been learning about feelings and emotions, they read a story about a penguin and a boy and talked about how they were feeling at the beginning, middle and end of the story. They also made a heart to give to someone special using lots and lots of glitter and sparkles!

As you can see, what a week! We are grateful for the INSET day to have a rest and charge our batteries ready for next week!