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Why do we practice?

What do we practice?

Where do we practice?

How do we practice?

Sharing practice, discovery, and experiences. Meeting together in vitality and well-being.

Addressing ways we can explore together and incorporate new resources, ideas, connections with nature, history wisdom, movement, playful experimentation, and the open creative process.

Technique is the means of enabling us to speak a language, a musical language of relevance, of meaning, of joining --- a means of meaning and meeting with context, environment, even an expectation. Yet, as life changes over time, as it always will, so do our ways of speaking, and what we speak about. And we learn other things, our understandings change and grow, and we find meaning in other things. Life also simplifies, or becomes more complex... There's nothing to prove. What it's about is our state of consciousness, our access to perception, to just being and the vaster reality, and how breath and vibration and shape transport us out through our vitality and we find expression. And it's always us. If we think technique is somehow "less", it's actually not. The reasons we've arrived at where we are now are because of that journey through all of the technique that served its purpose at one period of time, and how it reflected music we were learning about and putting into our bodies then.

Music is a vehicle. And as we learn it, we're knowing we want to climb inside of it and experience the ride, the form, see how and where it takes us and what kind of vehicle it is. There are so many different kinds of vehicles, how they handle, what kind of terrain they're for... So the music represented that, and eventually, we start learning about another music that is of a different form of expression and terrain. So even if now we feel like we are warming up and into expressing ourselves with little or no technique, it's not true. Actually it's all there within it. It's a very stretched and suspended flesh that holds it. The meaning we're in now is because of that. It's a deep trust and surrender and realization. Because, in the back of our mind there can sometimes be a questioning -- a questioning of oneself, "Am I avoiding looking at something? Am I bypassing something I need to work on, that I should do?" We can imagine hearing other's voices too, feedback, or opinion... And yet we're on this journey with our self, and no one else can really know or understand this path we've been on musically and all of the music we've experienced and practiced or just been influenced and touched by differently and utilized in our life.

The way everyone utilizes music is different -- how we use it and sing it through us. We become timeless in our day's process and opening. And just like when we sit and meditate and thoughts come in, we let them pass, and we don't judge ourselves for it, for that wavelength of mind that comes in -- that's just part of it. It goes, it passes, it's a frequency we transform out of in our letting-go, and we come into touch with our truth and being nature beyond time. Such is life and our personal development work with music, and that's honest practice and dignified practice, and meditation is with it all the time.