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Berkley Beat May 17, 2024

What's Inside?

  • Norup Students Raise and Release Salmon - with Video
  • BHS Student Athletes Participate in Signing Day
  • Board of Education Honors Artists at Regular Meeting
  • District Art Show Displays 200+ Pieces of Art
  • Burton Elementary Hosts Annual Culture Fest
  • Rogers Students Celebrate Mother’s Day
  • AMS Science Students Visit Angell Kindergarten
  • Norup 8th Graders Visit Washington D.C.
  • ATP Celebrates Arab American Heritage Month in April
  • BHS Students Honored by the Detroit News
  • Burton 3rd Grade Learns the Story of the Voyageur
  • Berkley High School Celebrates Sources of Strength Week
  • Introducing Kathy Konon, Assistant Superintendent of Finance, Facilities and Operations - with Video
  • Community Chat with Superintendent Francis - Topic: School Finance 101
  • Kids’ Zone Enrollment for 2024-25 School Year
  • Berkley Summer Learning Programs - Registration Closes Today for Elementary and Middle School
  • Summer Drama Camp Registration is Open
  • Berkley Robotics, DaBears, Now Accepting New Members
  • Oak Park Invites the Community to Family Fun Fest
  • 2025 Travel Opportunities
  • May Calendar Highlights - Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, Jewish American Heritage Month, Mental Health Awareness Month, Orthodox Easter, Cinco De Mayo, National Teacher Appreciation Day
  • How to Subscribe to the District Calendar
  • Join the Berkley Schools Family - Now Hiring
  • Sign Up for Text Messages

Norup Students Raise and Release Salmon

On Wednesday, May 1, Norup 7th grade students traveled to the Valley Woods Nature Preserve in Southfield to release Chinook salmon they raised into the Rouge River. At the start of the school year, students in Brett Greer’s Science 7 classes at Norup received salmon eggs as part of the Michigan Salmon in the Classroom program.

Throughout the year, students learned the history of the Chinook salmon in the Great Lakes and why the species was imported from the American Northwest. Students fed the salmon daily and tested the water quality twice a week to maintain a temperature of 52 degrees fahrenheit. At the end of the project, students helped remove the salmon from the classroom tank into buckets for transport to the release in the river. Valley Woods Nature Preserve was chosen because of its proximity to the Berkley Schools community and that the Rouge River is part of the watershed that will eventually lead to the Great Lakes.

Watch the video below to see students releasing the salmon into the wild and hear from teacher Brett Greer to learn more about the Salmon in the Classroom experience.

BHS Student Athletes Participate in Signing Day

On Friday, May 10, 14 BHS senior student athletes gathered in the West Gym for college signing day. Students and their families listened to coaches share highlights and well wishes for the athletes as students prepare to embark on their collegiate careers. At the conclusion of the event all athletes signed their letters of intent to play at their college/university. Below is a list of athletes and where they will be attending school and playing college sports this fall.


  • Ally Pollock - Aquinas College
  • Mia Hubble - U of D Mercy


  • Sunny Kadlitz - Albion College

Boys Soccer

  • Andrew Cook - Lawrence Technological University
  • Will Knight - Fisk University
  • Jaxon Cain - Concordia University
  • Dennis Hayes - Alfred University

Girls Soccer

  • Maddie Welsh - Albion College
  • Maeve Nolan - Kalamazoo College


  • Ben Streetman - Henry Ford College
  • Thomas Dauphin - Olivet College

Girls Swim

  • Bryce Scully - George Washington University


  • Alex Beard - Albion College

Cross Country

  • Oliver Moss - Carnegie Mellon University

Board of Education Honors Artists at Regular Meeting

At the May 13, 2024, Regular Board Meeting, the Board of Education honored student artists during Board Recognition. The artists all advanced to state-level competitions for the MAEA Young @ Art, Scholastic and PTA Reflections shows. Congratulations to the following students on their art accomplishments. Below, you’ll see the students' school, name, grade, title of piece and material/media.

MAEA Young @ Art Show

State-Level Adjudication


  • Kardiaire Mapp, Grade 6, Portrait of Riley, mixed media
  • Lola Young, Grade 7, Girl on a Swing, oil pastel and acrylic


  • Anna Harthen, Grade 8, Silver Lining, cardboard, collage, foil and paint
  • Ava Glibota, Grade 8, Eternity, ebony pencil


  • Carly Figlak, Grade 9, Buddha, colored pencil
  • Sage Krysiak, Grade 9, Rubik's Cube, metal
  • Olivia Church, Grade 10, Timeless Feelings, pencil

Top 100 Elementary Pieces


  • Branwen Chen, Grade 2, Line Repetition Collage, mixed media
  • Mason Pascual, Grade 4, Self Portrait, colored pencil


  • Joseph Elftman, Grade 2, Yayoi Kusama Inspired Pumpkin, construction paper, crayon and tempera
  • Amelia Shuler, Grade 5, Candlelight, oil pastel on construction paper


  • Parker McFall, Kindergarten, Self Portrait, paint, oil pastel & paper
  • Henry Darin, Grade 1, Birds and Branches, paint & paper
  • Aniya Price, Grade 2, Aniya’s Art, ink & oil pastel
  • Chloe Herzig, Grade 5, The Squirrel, yarn & glue


  • Vivian Cowell, Kindergarten, Polar Bear with the Northern Lights, chalk pastel and tempera
  • Lucy Schelberg, Grade 1, Striped Lucy, tempera paint cakes

Top 100 High School Pieces

  • Jackson Reynolds, BHS, Grade 9, Clone Trooper, metal

Top 100 High School Pieces & Governor’s Top 18 – BHS Students

  • Mia Echlin, Grade 12, All Eyes On Me, paint/canvas
  • Lauren Schnieders, Grade 12, Keys of Life, colored pencil and marker

Scholastic Art Awards – BHS Students

Southeast Michigan & Thumb Region of the Scholastic Art Awards

  • Mia Echlin, Grade 12, a Gold Key for a portfolio
  • Lauren Schnieders, Grade 12, two Gold Keys for individual pieces and one Honorable Mention

PTA Reflections Art Contest

State-Level Award of Excellence


  • Penelope Levine, Grade 1, Love, Care, Togetherness, Visual Arts, Primary Level


  • Peyton Peasley, Grade 5, Keep Climbing, Dance Choreography, Intermediate Level
  • Sophia Banyai, Grade 4, That's Hope to Me, Literature, Intermediate Level

State-Level Award of Merit

  • Gigi Karavouzis, Burton, Grade 4, My Place, Literature, Intermediate Level

District Art Show Displays 200+ Student Art Pieces

On Monday, May 13, prior to the Board of Education meeting, the Berkley Schools Art Department hosted the District-wide Vision Art Show. 200+ pieces of student art were on display at the Administrative Offices ranging from charcoal to yarn to paint to ceramics. Art teachers from each school selected pieces to bring from their school.

Families and friends were invited to visit the art show after school and students had the opportunity to show off their work. As part of the show, each art teacher raffled off a stool, decorated by students, to raise funds for the department. The Art Show was well attended for the two hours it was open.

Burton Elementary Hosts Annual Culture Fest

Burton Elementary held its second annual Culture Fest on May 15, 2024. Burton’s Diversity Alliance Club and PTA planned this event together with the goal of sharing and celebrating the cultural heritages of Burton families.

Participating families set up booths representing India, Mexico, Canada, Israel, Jamaica, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ghana, Poland, and a booth on immigration and migration. Families shared facts and stories, along with their displays featuring a flag, map, information, photographs and videos, artifacts, and treats.

Participants were given passports to take to each table, earning stickers as they learned about each culture. Families could also place stickers on a large world map showing where their families are from, which will be displayed at Burton.

This year, the PTA also arranged to have food trucks available for families, representing many cultures as well.

Rogers 1st Grade Students Celebrate Mother’s Day

On Friday, May 10, Rogers students celebrated Mother’s Day with tea and a dance. Mothers and caregivers visited Rogers to be celebrated as Mother’s Day approached. Students began the celebration by singing special songs they were practicing in class. After the concert, students found their special visitor and spent time dancing together before enjoying a snack. This year, students created clay necklaces for their loved ones during art class and presented the gifts at the Tea.

AMS Science Students Visit Angell Kindergarten

On May 13 and 14, Anderson 8th grade students in Laura Russell’s classes visited Angell kindergarten classrooms as part of a project-based learning science assignment. Anderson students created team-designed board games that utilized concepts of filters and light and wanted the opinions of their younger peers prior to finalizing their designs.

Before this visit, Anderson students went through their Engineering and Design Processes to create their game prototypes. The students researched board games for young children (5-6 year olds), created the designs and collaborated to make their final prototypes. Students utilized materials brought in from home to build their games. The designs also included directions as well as an insert about the science of their “magic” revealers to show their understanding of light and filters. At Angell, the kindergarten students had a chance to try the games and share their thoughts.

After the visit to Angell, 8th graders took feedback from their kindergarten peers to create a final presentation about their prototype to present in their science classes at Anderson.

Norup 8th Graders Visit Washington D.C.

From May 8-10, Norup 8th grade students had the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. Students had the opportunity to apply what they learned in their Social Studies classes and experience the curriculum within the context of their own lives.

Students had a full three days, visiting the following on the trip: Mt. Vernon, Museum of the US Army, Spy Museum, Smithsonian Museums (Natural History, American History), Lincoln Memorial, World War II Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, Korean Memorial, Pentagon Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument, The Capitol, Kennedy Theatre Rooftop, Holocaust Museum and the African American Museum.

Trip organizer and Norup middle school teacher Prima Dailey shared, “I was especially impressed at our student's engagement while visiting the National Museum of the US Army and Holocaust museum. Students took the time to read, listen and watch all the information that was available to them.”

This trip is also a time to connect with friends and solidify the community they built over the years before they head off to high school. Ms. Dailey added, “For some, this trip was a once and a lifetime opportunity and I'm glad we were able to provide that for them.”

ATP Celebrates Arab American Heritage Month in April

Students in the Berkley Adult Transition (BAT) Program celebrated Arab American Heritage during the month of April. Students learned about a new person daily and their contributions to America and the world. Students then picked a person of interest and researched more about them and shared it out with the class in the BAT Newspaper.

The last lesson took place at a visit to the Arab American National Museum in Dearborn. The visit was sponsored by a Berkley Education Foundation Innovation-Grant. Teacher Jennifer Plater shared, “The students enjoyed learning about the many countries, differences and similarities in culture, and the minimization of our past history. The guides that welcomed us were so kind and took time with each of the students. Everyone left with huge smiles.”

The Berkley Education Foundation funds staff innovation-grants twice a year to enrich students' experiences, to enhance their learning and to open opportunities for Berkley Schools staff outside of the traditional school budget. To learn more about the BEF, visit their website. To support the BEF and the grants program, visit the BEF’s donation site.

Detroit News 2024 Outstanding Graduates - Image: The Detroit News

BHS Students Honored by the Detroit News

The Detroit News has an annual program that honors a group of Michigan’s best and brightest high school seniors, called the Outstanding Graduates program.

Students are selected on the basis of grades, test scores, honors, community involvement and a demonstrated ability in one of the academic areas.

Final selections were made by panels of judges that included teachers, counselors and other academic specialists. Two Berkley High School seniors are included in this year’s Detroit News Outstanding Graduates.

Congratulations to Sophia Baron, BHS senior, for being honored by the Detroit News’ Outstanding Graduates Program. Sophia was the recipient of the honor in the Science category. She plans on attending the University of Michigan next year to study neuroscience (pre-med), and is planning on pursuing a job in pharmacology or dermatology.

Congratulations to Lauren Schnieders, BHS senior, for being honored by the Detroit News’ Outstanding Graduates Program. Lauren was the recipient of the honor in the Visual Arts category. She plans on attending Savannah College of Art and Design next year to study Illustration and is planning on pursuing a job in the film industry.

You can see all the honorees in this Detroit News Article.

Burton 3rd Grade Learns the Story of the Voyageur

On Wednesday, May 15, the third grade classes at Burton were visited by Genot Picor, Storyteller. He presented to the third graders stories, songs, and dances of the Voyageur. Genot Picor is an experienced interactive storyteller who engages students in stories told in the first person, allowing them to become active travelers through Michigan’s fur trade. His visit was sponsored by the Burton PTA.

The presentation is set in Michigan after the point of contact between the French explorers and the People of the Three Fires. Genot was invited to Burton as enrichment to the social studies inquirED - unit 2, Our State’s History. In this second unit, “students investigate the physical environment of their state and how early and historical Indigenous peoples were connected to the land. They explore how these interactions between people and the environment impact culture and way of life.”

Burton teacher Christie McVean shared, “The students had an enjoyable experience while learning a lot about the Native American and French people interacting in Michigan.”

Berkley High School Celebrates Sources of Strength Week

The week of April 29th, Berkley High School’s Sources of Strength class hosted Sources of Strength Week. Sources of Strength is a leadership class that works on reducing the stigma of mental health struggles and connecting students to the strengths that surround them each day.

Throughout the week, students planned theme days that highlighted some of the strengths on the Sources of Strength wheel.

Themes for the week included:

  • Generosity: raising money through Penny Wars
  • Mentors: take a picture with your trusted adult in the building
  • Healthy Activities: Puppies & Projects where students made slime and spent time with therapy dogs
  • Positive Friends: Courtyard Karaoke at lunch singing songs with friends
  • Celebration: Feels (Field) Day Mashup with games in the gym

Peer Leaders were able to use their ideas and creativity to spread the message of hope, help and strength throughout our school.

Introducing Kathy Konon, Assistant Superintendent of Finance, Facilities and Operations

On January 1, 2024, Kathy Konon, CPA, joined the Berkley School District as the new Assistant Superintendent of Finance, Facilities and Operations. Kathy took the reins from former Deputy Superintendent of Finance, Facilities and Operations Larry Gallagher, who retired on December 31, 2023.

Kathy joined the Berkley Schools after working in the Lakeview Public Schools, where she was the Executive Director of Business Services. Kathy has over 20 years of audit and administrative experience in schools managing budgets, bonds, grants, state and federal compliance and operations teams. Kathy also spent time as a Food Service Director in addition to her Business Services responsibilities while in Lakeview.

The Communications Office sat down with Kathy recently to hear about her goals for her first year on the job. Watch the video, below, to learn more about Kathy!

Community is Invited to a Community Chat with Superintendent Francis

Superintendent Scott Francis will host a community chat this semester. Community members are invited to share thoughts about the Berkley School District at this informal community forum on Monday, May 20, 5:30-6:30 pm, at the Berkley Schools Administrative Offices, 14501 Talbot, Oak Park. Refreshments will be provided.

Topic: School Finance 101

Kids’ Zone Enrollment for 2024-25 School Year

The Kids’ Zone Latchkey application window for the 2024-25 school year begins on Thursday, May 23 and runs through Friday, May 31. Families with children attending Angell, Burton (AM only), Norup, Pattengill or Rogers, who will be entering grades TK-5 for the 2024-25 school year are welcome to apply. Students must be 5 years old to participate.

Students will be considered in order of their scheduled days, with 5 days/week students first, after all applications are received. Signing up for 5 days/week and changing to less days at a later date may result in families going on the waiting list. Families are encouraged to only sign up for the days needed, so Kids’ Zone can try to accommodate everyone that turned in applications during the application window. If availability allows throughout the school year, Kids’ Zone will accept new students on a first come first served basis until each class reaches maximum capacity.

Completed forms can be returned online, in person at Berkley Building Blocks, by fax 248.546.9238 or via email by May 31, 2024. Families will receive notice of acceptance into the Kids’ Zone program by mid-June, and the first month’s tuition will be due in September.

Once the program is full, students will be placed on a waiting list and contacted when space becomes available. If you are placed on the waitlist for Kids' Zone care you will be notified when ANY day you have requested becomes available.

Registration fee is $60 or $100 max per family.

Each location must have 18 students register in order for the program to operate.

For any questions reach out to BBB Secretary Andrea Megroet at

Application forms are available on the Kids' Zone website.

Berkley Summer Learning Programs - Last Day for Elementary and Middle School Registration

The Berkley Summer Difference program details are now available for students TK-12. High School summer options will be held in person, for students in current grades 9-12. Classes will focus on Credit Recovery.

Registration is now open for all students in the MISTAR Parent Portal.

See program descriptions and registration instructions, below.

Elementary Program - Math & Language Arts + STEM

The Berkley Summer Difference Math & Language Arts program is intended for students currently in Grades TK-5 who need to maintain or grow in their academic achievement from the 2023-24 school year. Students who enroll in the program will have both math and language arts instruction throughout the summer program.

The elementary Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) program will focus on problem solving, engineering design and offer hands-on opportunities.

All classes will be taught in person by certified, highly-qualified elementary teachers. Depending on enrollment, multi-grade sections may be organized to better meet staffing needs. The summer program will be educational and enjoyable!

Program Details for Math & Language Arts

Program Details for Elementary STEM

  • June 17-21 (No class June 19)
  • All classes held at Rogers Elementary School
  • 8:30-11 am
  • Breakfast will be available daily at 8 am for a fee, or free/reduced price for those who qualify for free/reduced meals

Additional details are available in the Elementary STEM Program document


Middle School Program

Students who just completed their 6th - 8th grade school year can participate in the Berkley Summer Difference program. All classes will be offered in-person. Students have the option to take three types of classes: Math, English Language Arts and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Availability of sections will be determined based upon registration.

The middle school summer English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics school programs are intended for students currently in Grades 6-8 who need to maintain or grow in their achievement.

The middle school summer STEM program is intended for any students interested in exploring STEM topics which could include Coding/Robotics.

Classes will be taught by certified, highly-qualified middle school teachers. Depending on enrollment, multi-grade sections may be organized to better meet staffing needs.

Program Details for Math & English Language Arts Classes

Program Details for the STEM Class


High School Program: Credit Recovery

The high school summer program will be focused on Credit Recovery Courses. Credit Recovery Courses should be selected in consultation with each student’s school counselor. Credit Recovery coursework will be delivered through the APEX online learning system, assisted, facilitated, and overseen by certified teachers. Students will complete the coursework in person. These courses are tailored to each student and are mastery-based, which means the length of time students must spend in Credit Recovery will vary and is dependent upon mastery of course objectives.

Program Details for Credit Recovery


Summer Drama Camp Registration is Open

Summer Drama Camp, led by Berkley High School Drama Coordinator John Hopkins, consists of multiple classes in different dramatic and performance techniques. The focus of the camps will be on musical theater and acting. The cost is $175 per session or $150 per session if you book more than one session in one transaction. Drama Camp will be held in the Berkley High School Auditorium, 2325 Catalpa, Berkley, MI 48072.

Session One: General Musical Theater Camp

  • For students entering 6-8 grade
  • June 24 - 28, 2024
  • Mon-Fri, 10 am - 3 pm including a 45 minute “brown-bag” lunch

Session Two: Acting Camp

  • For middle and high school students entering grades 6-12
  • August 5-9, 2024
  • Mon-Fri, 10 am - 3 pm including a 45 minute “brown-bag” lunch or off-campus lunch for high school students only

Session Three: Musical Theater Camp

  • For middle and high school students entering grades 6-12
  • August 12-16, 2024
  • Mon-Fri, 10 am - 3 pm including a 45 minute “brown-bag” lunch or off-campus lunch for high school students only

Questions? Contact District Drama Coordinator, John Hopkins at

For additional information and to register visit this link.

Berkley Robotics, DaBears, Now Accepting New Members

The Berkley High School Robotics Team, DaBears Team 247 is now accepting 8th-12th graders interested in joining the 2024-25 robotics season!

Team 247 competes in the FIRST Robotics Competition every year. During the season, mentors and coaches help to expand student knowledge on engineering, machining, programming and marketing. Robotics also allows students to engage with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning.

By building robots and competing against other schools, students learn the following skills:

  • Programming
  • Engineering
  • 3D Modeling
  • Media
  • Business


Email Coach Kinney at

Visit the Team’s website.

Oak Park Invites the Community to Family Fun Fest

The Oak Park Corridor Improvement Authority is thrilled to announce the inaugural Family Fun Fest on 9 Mile, taking place on Saturday, June 1st from 1-4 pm.

This FREE event will be held along the scenic 9 Mile Linear Park and from Scotia to the Sherman pocket park (on 9 Mile, east of Coolidge), offering a vibrant space for families to enjoy a variety of activities.

Activities for all ages:

  • Local daycare facilities will showcase interactive activities within their designated spaces.
  • Live music, captivating puppet shows, and energetic face painting will keep the little ones entertained.
  • Unleash your inner artist with vibrant chalk art stations.
  • And much more!

Adding to the festive atmosphere, businesses along the 9 Mile corridor will be hosting sidewalk sales and special events. This is a fantastic opportunity to support local shops and restaurants while enjoying the family-friendly activities.

Learn more on the event’s Facebook page.

2025 Travel Opportunities

Panama - Spring 2025

Students in grades 6-9 (during the time of travel) and their families are invited to travel to Panama on our upcoming trip: From Pirates to the Present in Panama: Spring 2025! On this tour to one of the most diverse countries in the world, have lunch with Indigenous people, snorkel along the country’s Caribbean coast, and explore bustling Panama City. Also discover how, long before the canal was built, Panama’s central location attracted pirates like Sir Francis Drake and Henry Morgan.

Check out the presentation to learn more! Panama Enrollment Meeting Presentation

Click on the following link to visit the tour enrollment page: Panama Enrollment Site

If you have any other questions contact Liz Reynolds at

France & Spain - Spring 2025

Students in Grades 6-12 are invited to travel to France & Spain during Spring 2025! This stunning trip will explore cultural experiences, local immersion, and iconic sights of this stunning country. See the itinerary online.

Contact Athena Troher for more information.

Australia & New Zealand - June 2025

Students in grades 6-12 (during the time of travel), and family members are invited to join an educational travel experience to Australia and New Zealand!

View the itinerary on the EF Tours website.

If you have any questions, contact Athena Troher at

Japan - Summer 2025

Students in grades 9-12 (during the time of travel) are invited to travel to Japan during the Summer of 2025. This trip will explore cultural experiences, local immersion and iconic sights of the country.

If you have any questions or would like to attend the trip, contact Saundra Rathburn at or Tracy Burroughs at

Calendar Highlights - May

The Berkley Schools printed calendar highlights heritage months, holidays, days of observances and recognition days. In the Berkley Beat, we’ll highlight these days with more information for community learning to help us achieve the District goal of creating an environment where all staff, students and community members feel a sense of belonging.

May is Jewish American Heritage Month

May is Jewish American Heritage Month. On April 20, 2006, President George W. Bush proclaimed that May would be Jewish American Heritage Month to honor the contributions and achievements of Jewish Americans and to educate all Americans. It’s been continued every year since then by Presidential Proclamation. Jewish American Heritage Month is a celebration of the contributions and experiences of Jewish Americans and highlights how America’s Jewish communities have shaped, and been shaped, by the cultural, social, and economic fabric of the United States.

Learn more about Jewish American Heritage Month:

Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month

Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month is a celebration of people of Asian and Pacific Islander descent in the United States. A broad term, Asian/Pacific encompasses all of the Asian continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia (New Guinea, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji and the Solomon Islands), Micronesia (Marianas, Guam, Wake Island, Palau, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Nauru and the Federated States of Micronesia) and Polynesia (New Zealand, Hawaiian Islands, Rotuma, Midway Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, French Polynesia and Easter Island).

Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week was first signed into law by President Carter on October 5, 1978. During the next decade, presidents passed annual proclamations for Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week until 1992 when Congress annually designated May as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month.

The month of May was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese person to the United States on May 7, 1843, and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. The majority of the workers who laid the tracks were Chinese immigrants.

Source: Asian & Pacific American Heritage Month website

Resources to learn more about Asian/Pacific Heritage Month:

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Since its inception in 1949, Mental Health Awareness Month has been a cornerstone of addressing the challenges faced by millions of Americans living with mental health conditions. Mental health refers to our emotional and social well-being and impacts how we think, feel and behave. It plays a role in connecting with others, making decisions, handling stress, and many other aspects of daily life.

The Berkley School District has many resources available for families on our Emotional Support and Wellness Resources webpage. From emergency hotlines to community resources, to mindfulness, to grief and loss resources, our mental health professionals have built a comprehensive site for the community to use.

Additional resources to learn more about Mental Health Awarness Month:

Cinco De Mayo - May 5

Cinco de Mayo, which translates to the fifth of May and is celebrated on May 5, is a holiday recognizing when the Mexican army claimed victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War on May 5, 1862, according to History. Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence Day (September 16), a popular misconception. Instead, it commemorates a single battle. Today, Cinco De Mayo celebrations are more popular in the United States than Mexico.

Learn more on the National Geographic Kids website and Britannica website.

Orthodox Easter - May 5

Eastern Orthodox and Greek Orthodox believers celebrate Orthodox Easter, the Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Greek Orthodox Church uses the Julian calendar, not the Gregorian calendar that most other Christian believers use, which is why Orthodox Easter and Easter are on separate days. Orthodox Easter is also dictated by the Hebrew calendar because it always falls after Passover.

History shares, “Although it is observed as the holiest day by both Orthodox Christians and non-orthodox Christians, it is a movable feast, and is recognized on different days by both religions each year. Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter later than most Christians in the western world because the churches calculate the holiday by different calendars.”

National Teacher Appreciation Day - May 7

National Teacher Appreciation Day is on the Tuesday during first full week in May as a reminder to show appreciation for teachers everywhere. The National Education Association describes National Teacher Appreciation Day, "as a day for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives."

In Berkley Schools, it allows the District to say thank you to all our outstanding teachers for all they do for their students.

Did you know you can subscribe to our school and District online calendars?

Sync the online calendar to your personal device to ensure you won’t miss a thing!

The District’s online calendar system uses iCal Feeds. To access all the iCal links, visit the District’s Calendar page, and click on the red and white calendar link to the top right of the calendar that’s displayed on the page.

Use this Foxbright tutorial to walk you through connecting our calendars to yours.

Be sure to subscribe to both the District AND your school calendar to ensure you have all important dates in your device.

Join the Berkley Schools Family - Now Hiring!

The Berkley School District is hiring! We are looking for talented individuals to fill a variety of positions. Visit our website to apply and share our postings with your networks!

Now Hiring:

  • High School Math Teacher - Berkley High School
  • Special Education Teacher of STudents with Cognitive Impairments - Pattengill
  • Special Education Teacher of Students with Emotional Impairments - Norup
  • Special Education Teacher of Students with Autism - Location TBD
  • Secondary Instructional Coach - Berkley High School
  • Family Consumer Science Teacher - Anderson Middle School
  • Special Education Teacher Consultant for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) - Multiple Buildings
  • Community Education Secretary - BBB
  • Campus Monitor - BHS
  • Executive Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent of Finance, Facilities and Operations
  • GSRP and Head Start Substitute Teacher - Berkley Building Blocks
  • GSRP and Head Start Associate Teacher - Berkley Building Blocks
  • Assistant Teacher(s) - 6 Open Positions - Berkley Building Blocks
  • Early Childhood Special Education Substitute Paraeducator - Berkley Building Blocks
  • Kids’ Zone Assistant Teacher - Pattengill
  • Lunch Aides - Pattengill
  • Head Custodian - Anderson Middle School
  • Afternoon Part-Time Custodian - Angell
  • Permanent Substitute Custodian - District
  • Middle School Girls Swim and Dive Head Coach
  • High School Girls Diving Coach
  • High Schools Boys Tennis Program Assistant
  • School Social Worker Long Term Substitute - Berkley High School (Beginning of the 2024-25 School Year)
  • School Social Worker Long Term Substitute - Berkley Building Blocks/Beth Jacobs (Beginning of the 2024-25 School Year)

Sign Up for Text Alerts

Quick Steps to Receive Text Alerts from Berkley Schools

In order to receive text messages from the District or your school, you must opt-in. Text messages will be sent out when the District closes or there is an emergency situation. Texts may also be sent from the District and schools for reminder messages during the day that are not urgent.

In order to receive text messages, every parent/guardian must opt-in each cell phone listed in MISTAR.

Steps to Opt-In

  • Text the word YES (in the message field) to the phone number 67587 (in the To field). Then you are all set!

District News Online

Want to keep up with the latest District news stories? Visit our new News page to see stories, messages from principals, weekly reminders and more. News articles posted on the District News page will also populate each respective school’s News page. Articles that don’t make it into the Beat will also be posted on our News pages, Facebook and Twitter.

Connect with us on our social channels @BerkleySchools