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Hunter Sports High News Term 4 - Week 10 - 2024

What's On?

  • Wednesday 18th December: Last Day Term 4 for Students
  • Thursday 19th - Friday 20th December: Staff Development Days
  • Friday 31st January - Wednesday 5th February: Staff Development Days
  • Thursday 6th February: All Years (7-12) Day 1, Term 1 2025
  • Thursday 6th February: HSHS Zone Swimming Carnival - Competitors Only
  • Thursday 6th February: Sports Academy Year 7 2026 Applications Open
  • Monday 10th February: Year 7 Photo Day

principal's message

Dear Parents, Carers, and Students,

As we approach the end of another remarkable year, we reflect on the incredible journey we've shared in 2024. It has been a year filled with triumphs, challenges, and countless moments that have shaped us into the extraordinary community we are today. I am overwhelmed with pride and gratitude for each of you - our dedicated staff, our resilient students, and our supportive parents and guardians.

We are thrilled to announce our outstanding HSC results, marking our best performance in over 15 years. With six Band 6 results (PDHPE x 2, Mathematics Standard x 2, Business Studies, Community and Family Studies) and a remarkable 50% increase in Band 5's, these results highlight the exceptional dedication and hard work of our students and truly reflect the high standards and excellence within our school community.

A heartfelt thank you to all our staff who have tirelessly supported our Year 12 cohort, and congratulations to our students for their incredible effort and commitment. Thank you for showing resilience, adaptability, and an unyielding thirst for knowledge. You've embraced change, overcome obstacles, and continued to shine. Your enthusiasm and determination inspire us all, and I am confident your future holds limitless possibilities.

Our NAPLAN results were also outstanding this year, with Hunter Sports High School identified as one of 30 NSW Public Schools (out of over 2200) that are making a difference in literacy and numeracy. These results, in addition to our incredibly successful HSC outcomes and university offers are testament to your hard work and perseverance both in and out of the classroom.

Again, my deepest appreciation to our exceptional staff, your unwavering commitment to our students' growth and success is truly commendable. The sacrifices you make, the late nights spent preparing lessons, and the constant encouragement you provide do not go unnoticed. You are the heart and soul of our school, and I am forever grateful for your tireless efforts in making this year one of growth and achievement.

Parents, your ongoing trust, support, and partnership have been key in shaping a nurturing and inclusive learning atmosphere. Your active involvement in our school community has helped build strong relationships that have had a positive impact on our students. We are grateful for the opportunity to be part of your children's education and for the vital role you play in their development.

Beyond academics, our school has become a vibrant hub of artistic expression, athletic excellence, and cultural pride. From the CAPAL Showcase Night, where students shared their talents through performances and art displays, to our Sports Academy programs which have seen their most successful year on record, we have much to be proud of.

Our Minimbah team has also played a crucial role in enriching our school community, hosting events such as the Sorry Day assembly, NAIDOC celebrations, Bro Speak/Sista Speak and more. The continued success of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students was celebrated at the Minimbah Celebration Night, highlighting their achievements and growth.

The LEAP team has made a significant impact this year, organising events that raised funds for charity, including Charlie’s Run4Kids, and brought our school community together. Their tireless work exemplifies the spirit of service and leadership that thrives within our school.

Our GEM Academy has been a beacon of creativity and enthusiasm. Through programs like the Personal Interest Projects and the Coffee Shop program, students have explored their passions and engaged with the community. Work Experience and TAFE opportunities have expanded this year, and we are proud to have given our students practical skills and insights into their future careers.

The T2 Academy has paved the way for student success through school-based apprenticeships, traineeships, and work experience. Many students have transitioned seamlessly into full-time employment, and with the success of our T1 program, which commenced this year, and its significant improvement in student engagement, we aim to continue preparing more students for life beyond school.

Our newly introduced Hunter Academy has seen tremendous growth this year, especially in literacy and numeracy. It has provided a nurturing environment where students have flourished socially, personally, and academically.

I wish you all a safe, restful holiday season, filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments with your loved ones. May the new year bring us renewed energy, fresh opportunities, and continued success. Together, we will build on this year’s achievements and make the coming year even better.

Warm regards,

Ms. Rachel Byrne - Principal


This term, the Creative and Performing Arts team had their annual Showcase Night which was an extraordinary celebration of music, drama and art. Students dazzled the audience with their remarkable performances and captivating artwork, showcasing the immense talent and creativity within our school community.

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported our young artists, actors and musicians - your encouragement helps to support their passion and future endeavours. Thank you to the CAPA staff for their tireless work, commitment and passion to organise and run the night.

We look forward to sharing more of the talents of our creative and performing art students in 2025!

CAPAL Showcase


VET Hospitality

2024 has been a fast-paced and successful year for the TAS faculty! Our students have excelled across all subjects, with many Year 8 and Year 10 students eagerly selecting electives in Stages 5 and 6. They’ve enjoyed hands-on learning in our state-of-the-art facilities, guided by our dedicated and experienced staff.

Our VET Hospitality students have demonstrated their skills by operating The Dugout Café, serving delicious food and beverages to staff, senior students, and guests. Most recently, they provided catering at the CAPA Showcase evening before and during intermission. Special thanks to Ms Carolan, Mrs Hearne, and Mackenzie Bell (Year 11) for assisting with service at the event. The Year 12 class has completed the course, with an impressive 93% of students earning a Certificate II Qualification in 2024 and our Year 11 cohort completed their first 35 hours of industry work placement.

Year 11 Hospitality Industry Work Placement

Stage 4 Technology

Year 7 Technology students have been hard at work in Stage 4, showcasing their creativity and skills. From designing digital comic strips and apps using algorithms and code to crafting and racing CO2-powered dragsters made from balsa wood, they've been exploring a variety of exciting projects. Whilst Year 8 Food & Agriculture students have created a thriving sustainable vegetable garden, enriched by leftover coffee grounds from The Dugout Café. This term, they’ve enjoyed preparing, cooking, and eating fresh produce from the garden, using it to make healthy Caesar salads and stir-fries. In their second focus area, Materials Technologies, students have honed their skills with specialist tools and equipment, including using a timber scroll saw for cutting wooden structures, a laser cutter for etching front panels, and a 3D printer to accessorise their Lollie dispenser projects.

Stage 4 Technology: Digital Technology, Engineered Systems & Multi Materials
Created by: Jordie Pavlou [8TecEA3]

Stage 5 Electives

Recently students from the year 9 and 10 Marine Studies classes visited Nelson Bay for a snorkelling experience at Fly Point and a trip up Tomaree Head Lookout. Thank you to Mr Davies and the ‘Dive Newcastle’ instructors for organising these unique experiences for our students.

“Mr Davies took us up to Nelson Bay where we spent the day snorkelling. We were given wetsuits, flippers, and snorkels and went into the water. In the water we saw fish, octopus, and turtles. We swam in the water with these sea creatures and we got to interact with them from a safe distance. The water was clear and a really pretty colour which made it easy to spot the marine life around us. We had a great day a Fly Point, Port Stephens!” Written by: Paige Tooth Stage 5 Marine

Year 9 & 10 Marine adventuring at Nelson Bay

This term, Sweet Design students put their skills to the test by developing and running their own bakery business. They produced a dozen cupcakes each, crafted to industry standards, and sold out completely by the end of Lunch 2!

Stage 5 Sweet Designs Cupcake Business & GEM Academy Halloween Decorating

For students interested in pursuing an apprenticeship after school, Industrial Technology offers the perfect foundation. Under the guidance of our specialist Technology teachers. Mr. Hogan's Industrial Technology Metal and Outdoor Furnishings students have excelled this term, creating high-quality projects such as beach fishing rod holders and coffee tables pictured.

Stage 5 Metal Technology Outdoor Furniture Design: Fishing Rod Holder & Outdoor Coffee Table

Stage 6 VET – Construction

With expert guidance from Mr Harmer, Year 11 students have been adding the final touches to their outdoor timber chair projects. These efforts contribute to achieving competency in the Certificate qualification they are working towards.

Year 11 VET Construction Students

Our best wishes go to the HSC cohort of 2024 in VET Hospitality, VET Construction and Industrial Technology Timber who will receive their examination results on Wednesday 18th December 2024.

From our families to your family, we wish you a safe and happy holiday!

PE Picks

Year 7 Swim and Survive Program

In Week 9 of Term 4, all Year 7 students from Hunter Sports High School took part in an exhilarating 3-day Swim and Survive Program, meeting their PDHPE syllabus requirements for Aquatics. Blessed with three days of glorious sunshine and warmth at Speers Point Pool, students enthusiastically participated in a variety of water activities.

Year 7 Swim and Survive Program

On Day 1, students underwent assessments and were subsequently divided into groups to rotate through eight diverse learning stations over Days 2 and 3. They honed essential skills such as diving and discovery, rope and object rescues, swim techniques and endurance, first aid and CPR, treading water, and clothed swims. To further heighten the excitement, we introduced novelty games, a sporting extravaganza, and thrilling water polo challenges!

Year 7 Swim and Survive Program

Throughout the program, students displayed exemplary behavior, organization, respect, and enthusiasm. Both the general public and pool staff were full of praise, remarking that this group was one of the best we've ever had!

Congratulations to Year 7, 2024! You have gained valuable aquatic knowledge and skills to take into the summer holidays, making the PDHPE staff extremely proud. 😊

Outdoor Recreation Overnight Excursion

In week 3, the Stage 5 Outdoor Rec class completed an epic 25km overnight expedition hiking from Somersby to Patonga Beach. This hike followed a section of the Great North Walk between Newcastle and Sydney. The participants were responsible for planning and navigation for this trip.

Somersby to Patonga Beach Overnight Hike

Each group member had to carry all the equipment needed for the two days....including tents, sleeping mat, sleeping bag, cookers, enough food and water, first aid and navigation equipment. Each pack weighed between 15-20kg.

The boys demonstrated great skill, fitness , organisation and resilience to complete this trek in one of the fastest times Mr Tait had witnessed in all the years he had done this expedition.

Stage 5 Outdoor Recreation - Somersby to Patonga Beach Overnight Hike

Road Whyz

Year 11 Students participated in a driver safety program which really focused on them thinking about the consequences of their actions on the road.

Accelerated Health and Movement science boot camp

Year 9 students who will be accelerating in the new stage 6 Health and Movement Science Course in 2025 were given the opportunity to participate in an intensive day where they built their knowledge around stage 6 expectations, assessment procedures as well as the key skills in writing, interpreting data and research that will all form a large part of what they will need to do in HMS.


Wow- Where did the term go?! As usual in Careers, we were super busy organising work experience, EPP and RIEP programs, excursions and TAFE courses. It is always heartwarming to reflect on the large number of students engaging in Careers opportunities. With that in mind, we asked some of our students to reflect on their Careers experiences in 2024:

“I want to be a train driver, so I jumped on this opportunity as quick as I could. I really enjoyed this day. We had 3 activities to do during the day. I was in the yellow group. Firstly, we observed people doing track work. They had to repair a broken sleeper. At first, we watched and then we actually helped. I Used a pelican pick to clean out the ballast. I had to get a good grip and use pliers when helping remove the sleeper. I was instructed to hold out a red flag, so the train stopped well before the maintenance point. The crew removed the track block and communicated with the workers. I then held up the green flag so the train could continue on its journey.

Secondly, we went into a signal box where the signals are controlled by an operator. We learned about the different levers and how they operate the signals and the points section of track between two tracks called the points. For the 3rd activity, we got to go in the cab of the locomotive. I got to blow the horn! We got 5 runs around the track.

After that, we had lunch and did an interview with people from the ARTC. We got to ask questions about jobs and TAFE courses. This was really beneficial. NBN News even came and took some footage of us!

Finally, we got to go to the engine shed and look at some locomotives. It was enjoyable to watch them put the diesel locomotive away. I have a goal to drive trains in the future, so this day was informative and highly relevant to me.” Jensen E who took part in the recent RIEP - Get on Track Rail Experience excursion.

Jensen E took part in the recent RIEP - Get on Track Rail Experience excursion

"During the course, I learnt how to solder copper pipes together and complete other pipework that plumbers often do. We had to mark, then bend the pipes before cutting them with a cutting tool. We completed some theory to gain a good knowledge of what it takes to work safely in an industrial environment. After doing this course, I did some work experience with a local plumber. We had to use an excavator to dig a hole so we could replace some pipes that weren’t flowing well. We replaced the old pipe with a PVC pipe and then connected it to the main sewer. I really enjoyed the work experience and in 2025, I want to continue investigating working as a tradesman." Ejay - Year 10. Completed the EPP Plumbing HeadStart Pre-apprenticeship course in 2024

Our Careers team

Our Careers team have been out on-site exploring work experience opportunities for next year already! We want to thank Komatsu Rutherford for providing a tour of their facilities and explaining how they can help our students into a rewarding trade in mechanical or electrical.


" The T2 program is a great opportunity for students like me to manage school, TAFE and work commitments while doing a School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship. One of the best things about the program is how flexible it is. It allows us to balance everything without feeling too stressed. In T2 we have time set aside to focus on our TAFE work which helps us stay on track with our learning and meet deadlines. This flexibility means we can take the time we need to complete our assessments and focus on the skills we are learning in our SBAT roles. Another big part of the T2 program is how it helps us become more independent. We are trusted to manage our own time and responsibilities. For example, we decide when to work on assignments, study for TAFE or prepare for tasks at our jobs. We call potential places to get work experience in what we are interested in. This teaches us how to be organised and take control of our own learning, instead of always having someone check on us. We learn how to stay motivated and get things done on our own. This skill is very important because it helps us in both our SBAT roles and in everyday life. The program also gives us support when we need it even though we are learning to work more independently, the teachers and staff in T2 are always there to help if we have questions or need advice. They guide us when we are unsure and make sure we have everything we need to succeed. This balance of independence and support helps us feel confident and prepared for the future. The T2 program is very helpful because it gives us the time, space and skills to handle our school, TAFE and work." T2 student reflection.

T2 Students

Big Picture

This has been our first year in Big Picture. It has been filled with exciting and challenging opportunities. We were all very anxious to adapt to new learning styles but have found it gets better with more experience and knowledge. It has been helpful having other, older students around to guide and support us through our first year. Being in Big Picture gives you the chance to explore more hands-on projects as well as work experience and outlearning. Big Picture not only builds your knowledge and skills but allows you to create friendships that could last a lifetime.

Our favourite team building excursion this year has to be the recent Raw Challenge trip. It was muddy, gross, and exhilarating, but everyone got involved and had a great time." By Rylee, Floss and Maddy. 

Big Picture RAW Challenge excursion

Hunter Academy

"This year I’ve had the best time in Hunter Academy for many different reasons. Firstly, the teachers are always helping and guiding us to be the best we can. For example, Miss Winter always sits down with us and explains it in a way that we understand. Secondly, I enjoyed the excursions we went on. My favourite was going to the zoo because we got to see animals that we have never seen before and learn about them. Thirdly, we had a Christmas party and Secret Santa to celebrate our year together. It was amazing. Overall, it was a wonderful year in Hunter Academy and I will miss it a lot next year." Jaxon Johnson

"This year in Hunter Academy I had lots of fun in sports, when learning and made lots of good friends. My favorite thing to happen this year in Hunter Academy was our Christmas Party because there was Secret Santa, an endless amount of food and we were all together celebrating the new year, but also the year we had had together. The best excursion has to be going to see Moana 2, as it was nice, fun and exciting. I enjoyed my time here this year and can’t wait till next year." Rawiri Thornton Puru

" In Hunter Academy this year, I learned so much and have improved in so many areas that I can’t even describe. Before I was in Hunter Academy, I wasn’t completing my assessments or work, but now I am achieving my goals, both academically and socially. I’m so grateful to have teachers a.k.a. Mr. Armstrong and Miss Winter to support and guide me constantly throughout the year. I’m so thankful for all the happy and enjoyable memories made in Hunter Academy this year." Cruz Ace Toomey

"2024 in Hunter Academy has been the greatest year. There were so many exciting things that happened this year. We went on so many excursions with the whole class. I feel like I’ve improved my literacy and numerous skills because of the amount of times I have attended school and because of the support from Mr. Armstrong, Miss Winter and Hannah. I’m thankful for being in Hunter Academy this year and I look forward to next year and what it has in store." Khalifa Ahoy-Bates

Hunter Academy

T1 Happenings - Semester 2

T1 has had a busy semester 2. The Term 3 project was Urbanisation and Migration, which included reading The Happiest Refugee by Ahn Do, watching a variety of documentaries, and discussing gratitude for our way of life. Term 4 saw our project combined with science to explore Forensics. Students have been participating in a variety of activities involving creative and critical thinking, problem-solving and teamwork. In conjunction with this, we are reading Scar Town, a novel about teenagers solving a mystery. Additionally, we have read The Line Formation which introduced the students to the issues of segregation, racism, and the importance of teamwork. We also studied films such as 'The Blind Side' and 'Remember the Titans' which covered similar themes. Students also got their first introduction to Shakespeare with Ms Scobie our passionate Deputy and English teacher completing a unit of work on Romeo and Juliet. T1 then got the chance to watch the film Romeo & Juliette, Baz Luhrmans modern take on the classic love story starring Leonardo Di Caprio.

Students in T1 also continued to engage in many outlearning experiences throughout Semester 2. Firstly, this included an excursion to the Newcastle CBD and Stockton to coincide with our urbanisation project. We had the opportunity to observe the revitalisation of the CBD before catching the ferry across to Stockton to enjoy the green open spaces and the beach foreshore. The Term 3 celebration excursion was to the Hunter Valley Zoo where our students enjoyed getting up close and personal with animals we had discussed earlier in the year during our Biomes project. With many of our students indicating their love of the water and our coastline our Term 4 out learning experience included a Swim and Survive program. The program saw T1 visit the Newcastle Baths on three occasions to improve their swimming and lifesaving capabilities through a number of structured activities.

T1 Outlearning Experiences Throughout Semester 2

T1 students are given many opportunities to develop their personal self, outside the classroom. Many of our students accessed courses, programs, and excursions such as the Year 9 Trade Awareness, Girls on Fire, Nourish Program, Fit for Work program, TAFE Start Your future courses and the International Childcare College. These programs have allowed these young adults to gain wonderful experiences, skills, and certificates to make them more employable.

Some T1 students embarked on their first Work Experience this Semester with a range of placements being organised from Mechanical and Child Care through to Lawn Maintenance and Gardening.

Finally, our some of our students were successful in representing Hunter Sports High as a part of Waiyarang teams in Cricket, Rugby League and Football. These opportunities have led them to follow these sports into local competitions.

School & Community notices

School student travel information for parents and students

School Travel Passes: Applications are now open for 2025 School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) travel. Students in the Opal network applying for an Opal card (including a Term Bus Pass) for the first time will receive their School Opal card at their nominated postal address from mid-January 2025.

Students who require a School Opal card or travel pass but have not yet applied need to apply or update their details as soon as possible.

In the Opal network, students should travel with a Child/Youth Opal card until they receive their valid School Opal card. If outside Greater Sydney, parents should contact their local bus operator to discuss their travel needs. Students living in rural and regional areas will receive their travel pass from their nominated transport operator. It may be issued via their school or be sent directly to them at home. Note: some rural and regional operators do not issue travel passes. Students/parents should confirm with their nominated operator if they do not receive a pass.

Further information can be found at Enquiries can be submitted at

Apply now for 2025 school bus travel passes

Getting to school by bus in 2025: Will your child be catching the bus to school next year? Applications are now open for a Bus Travel Pass. As it’s a busy time of year, we highly recommend you make this application before the end of the year. It’s also good to check the bus timetable to make your child’s journey to school as easy as possible. Here is how it works:

Bus passes

  • All students catching the bus in 2025 will need a school travel pass.
  • Under the School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS), eligible students can apply for free or subsided travel between home and school.
  • For more information about the School Student Transport Scheme and how to apply for a school travel pass, visit from a desktop computer.

Bus timetables

Busways is the school bus operator that runs your schools’ bus services. To find your child’s school bus timetable visit the Busways website by using the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on ‘school services’ in the navigation bar and then proceed to ‘school timetables
  3. Enter the school’s name in the field that says ‘enter a school name’
  4. Select the school’s name and the timetable should open on your device. If you are unable to find or search for the school’s name, use the drop-down menus on the same web page to find the school.
  5. Once the timetable is opened, you will be able to identify which school bus services are available in your area for your child to use.