The Richmond Primary Academy November 2024 newsletter

Principal Update

Message from Vicky Ross, Principal

Parents, Friends and Carers

What a busy month November has been! Packed full of learning, with a healthy dose of fun and, in particular sports.

Since coming back after half-term, we have continued our relentless drive to improve standards, and our recent assessments are showing that this is bearing fruit. Children’s progress is accelerating, propelled by the combination of good teaching and supportive home partnership. It is evident that children are reading at home, engaging in Times Table Rockstars, completing their gap learning tasks, and in many cases going that extra mile: many children are coming to me to show the stories they have written at home or the maths that they have been practising.

Our parent workshops have been happening nearly every week with a small, but loyal following. We are really keen to increase the number of parents that can attend these, so will be moving the time in the new year - so they are run in the afternoon. Please let us know if there are any particular themes or subjects that you would like us to cover although, at the moment, our plan is to run simple coffee afternoons, inviting parents and younger children. This will provide our community with a chance to build friendships and tap into any support that we can share.

Importantly, in January, to bring us in line with the Trust, we will be moving away from Parentpay, to My Child at School (MCAS). Any parents with children at Skegness Grammar will already be using this system. We have already sent a dojo regarding this move,and further communications will be coming out in the next week or so. Please download the app onto your phone in preparation for this (available on the App store). Also, please ensure that the school holds up-to-date email addresses for parents and carers as both medical alerts and school messages will be sent to these.

With Christmas fast approaching, we are aware that this time is tough emotionally and financially for many. If you need any support, please let us know. We want to organise a toy swap session so if you have any toys in very good condition that you no longer need, please bring them into the office and we will start to run these sessions when we have a decent supply.

With lots of dressing up events, do not feel any pressure to spend lots on these – e.g a small piece of tinsel works just as well as a Christmas Jumper. If you do have any Christmas jumpers that are too small, we are happy to accept them to swap on our Christmas toys swap stall too.

Finally, we have a number of Christmas events coming up (the dates are listed below).

December Dates

Friday 29th November – PFA KS1 Movie Night – 3.30 to 5.30pm

Thursday 5th December – PFA Wreath Making and Festive Chocolate Bingo – from 3.30pm – flyer sent with details

Friday 6th December – PFA KS2 Movie Night – 3.30 to 5.30pm

Monday 9th December – Choir and Year 6 at Trust carol service in Boston – 11.00am to 4.00pm

Thursday 12th December – Christmas Jumper Day – wear something Christmassy with your uniform for a suggested 50p-£1 donation for those who can afford to donate.

Thursday 12th December – PFA Breakfast with Santa – information to follow

Thursday 12th December and Friday 13th December – Christmas Production from 6.00pm – free to enter but we are asking for donations to fund future performances – Refreshments will be on sale from the PFA. Tickets will need to be ordered to ensure space limits are not exceeded.

Monday 16th December – EYFS Nativity 2.00pm (2 parents per child due to space limits)

Tuesday 17th December – KS1 Nativity 2.15pm – Year 1 Parents only (2 parents per child due to space limits)

Wednesday 18th December – Santa and Reindeer Fun Run – AM – Children can dress as Santa, a reindeer or just something Christmassy – please ensure that footwear is adequate for running.

Wednesday 18th December – Christmas Dinner Day – please order via Parent Pay.

Wednesday 18th December – KS1 Nativity 2.15pm – Year 2 Parents only (2 parents per child due to space limits)

Thursday 19th December – Christmas Party Day – Non-Uniform – party food provided by school to those who order dinner for that day via Parent Pay.


A reminder that we are communicating via:

X (Twitter)


Email -

Academy News

Trust and Community News

Since returning after halfterm, we have had the chance to attend the Skegness Remembrance Parade. Many of our children attended, representing the school, local scouts and guides, and many other organisations. It was fabulous to see families and friends along the route.

Our children have also been spending time working with Skegness Grammar School – competing in local competitions. Our Dynamo cricket teams came 1st and 3rd! Well done Teams!!!!

We have also participated in Fit 4 life days, and been lucky enough to have the Trust PE team join us for staff development in PE.

To top it off, we had Mr Thornally (from Skegness Grammar School) in school last week, leading a netball session with our older children. We are so grateful to have this support.

On 15th November, it was Child in Need. We were lucky to have, not one, but two important visitors on that day. Pudsey Bear came to The Richmond. He met the children in assembly - and we were all on BBC Radio Lincolnshire.

Also on that day, Olivia and Freddie in Year 6 had the big responsibility of showing Mr Tice, MP for Skegness, around the school as he was visiting local schools to find out the views of the students. Our two had some very challenging questions for him, including how he planned to develop employment opportunities out of the tourist season. We were incredibly proud of both of them for the maturity and challenge that they displayed.

Our choir are busy practising for their Trust Christmas performance in Boston. They will be one of several DRET school taking part and it is shaping up to be something very special. More news about that in our next newsletter.

Staff Spotlight

Happy Retirement, Amber !!!!

Last week, we were very sad to say goodbye to Amber Cooper. Amber is retiring after many years as the most glamorous cleaner we have ever known. Amber will be remembered for her kindness, generosity and positivity. Every day, she swept into school, looking very stylish, and worked extremely hard to clean the school - to exceptionally high standards. The choir came to her leaving event and sang beautifully for her. We wish her the very best luck with her retirement. She has earned it!!!

Community News

A message from the Lincolnshire Parents Forum....Exciting news!

The LPCF have a wealth of supportive information and events which can be accesed on

LPCF have also developed a new page on their website specifically for our publicity posters and any flyers that can be used to find upcoming events

They will keep it updated with all the relevant posters and flyers for you and the parents of children with SEND.

You can access it here:-

Hope this new page makes it easier for you.

Applications to start school in 2025

Applications for children who turn 5 between September 1st 2025 and 31st August 2026 are now open. Children who were born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 should apply on the Lincolnshire Admissions website before January 15th 2025

Applications can be made here:

Check out tonnes of other trust news here…David Ross Education Trust

You Said, We Did

Thanks to all the parents who filled in our November Parent Survey. Here are the responses we received...

You said....We love the school and the impact it has on the children attending. Staff go above and beyond to support where needed.

You said....I feel like the school is failing my child due to the lack of support for his behaviours in learning, outside the classroom and in the wider community. We said - please, please come and speak to us about this. We can offer a meeting anytime to put support in place.

You said...What happened to the school meal vouchers? During 6 weeks holiday or at Christmas we didn't receive them. We said...this is a government decision, not the academy's, however, if you qualify, there is a voucher coming your way soon.

You said...The online support/training sessions provided a few months ago via LCC was useful and would enjoy participating in more of those.

You said....A member of staff is needed on duty to watch the traffic in the morning and stop unsafe parking - the messages going out are being ignored - could potentially community support officers help? We did...We have added cones to reduce the number of parents stopping dangerously, and Mr Barker and Mrs Ross are now out the front in the mornings whenever possible. We have invited the traffic officers to visit regularly - hopefully you have seen them. We continue to ask parents not to turn around in the layby and on Richmond Drive. There has been a significant improvement but we will continue to make changes and raise the importance of safety when dropping off.

You said...I'm so impressed by the improvements so far.

You said...Holiday club during half terms / 6 weeks. We said...we will look at implementing this during the Summer. Please ask as we can signpost to local offers.

You said...Check ins with the children if they are happy with their learning partners. We did...we rotate learning partners every half-term at least and will always respond if a child is not getting on with their partner - please let us know.

You said...The children would like a wider selection of books and the chance to change them more often. We did...the PFA sent out a survey and spent a lot of money replenishing the library. We are always needing book donations to restock! Children on phonics books should have 2 books per week and all children have access to change their reading for pleasure/with a parent books daily. If your child hasn't changed their book recently, mention this to the teacher at the end of the day and they can come back to change it then

Remember, if you are concerned about anything, come and speak to us on the gates in the morning - or drop us a message on and we will get back to you.

Community News

Contextual Safeguarding is combatting the risks to children that are presented by their location - part of which is the community they live in. At the Richmond Primary Academy, we have identified that our Primary Contextual Safeguarding Concerns fall into the following three categories:

Risk/Harm caused by inappropriate supervision of children

The proximity of water (sea and waterways), the railway, busy roads and dangers caused by the influence of drugs, alcohol and gangs, means that children who are alone - or poorly supervised in the home and community are at risk - we aim to support parents with increased knowledge and access to local/national agencies. In this way we will minimise these risks and educate our children in navigating these dangers.

Risk/Harm caused by anti-social and/or criminal behaviour in the community

Domestic and sexual violence, gang crime, shop-lifting, arson and anti-social behaviour are prevalent in the area of Skegness. We are making links with the community services to support our families. Children, through PSHE and values education, will have the right character to resist these dangers.

Risk/Harm caused by exposure to inappropriate content

TV, media - including social media, streaming, and online gaming are conduits for children to access the dangers of grooming, self-harm images, explicit images and extremist views. Our PSHE and parental engagement programme will be developed to support parents in reducing the risks of exposure to these and to build digital resilience in children.