NLPS News Thursday, November 14, 2024

National Child Day in Canada

National Child Day in Canada, celebrated annually on November 20, honours the rights and well-being of children. Established in 1991 it marks the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, highlighting the importance of providing children with safe, supportive environments for growth and development. The day serves as a reminder for Canadians to advocate for children's rights, such as the right to education, health, and protection from harm. Let's make a commitment to ensure that all children are treated with dignity and respect and have every opportunity to reach their full potential.

Here are some featured resources and ways to celebrate National Child Day.

Communications Preference for Parents & Caregivers

Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools is looking for feedback from parents and caregivers about the district's communications platforms and the methods and frequency of how you prefer to receive communications from the district. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with us. Your feedback will help us improve district communications.

No personal information is required to complete the survey. Please note, employees are not eligible to enter the draw at the end of the survey.

Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence

The nomination period for the 2025 Prime Minister’s Awards for teaching excellence is now open, and they’re looking for your help spreading the word. The Prime Minister’s Awards are a chance to recognize outstanding educators who empower Canada's youth and to celebrate educators for their leadership and exemplary education practices.

Any person or group (i.e. parents, colleagues, principals, board members or students) can nominate educators in three different categories:

  • Teaching Excellence
  • Teaching Excellence in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
  • Excellence in Early Childhood Education

Ready, Set, Learn events

Families with children 3-5 years old are invited to FREE Ready, Set, Learn events in Ladysmith and Nanaimo. These events are family-oriented drop-in playtime with a variety of play-based activities. Resources will be shared and there will be pizza too. Registration is not required - drop in!

Business Committee Meeting

At the Business Committee meeting on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, the committee recommended that the Board of Education approve the minor catchment boundary changes for the Rutherford reopening. The committee also recommended that the Board of Education amend the policy committee work plan to include the review and update of Policy 2.1, Role of the Board.

Several reports and information was received, including: the 1st Quarter Financial Report; the Public Interest Disclosure Act: Annual Report; an update on Administrative Procedure 513 - Purchasing; and about the process during inclement weather.

View the entire agenda here.

Pancake Breakfast and Craft Fair

École Quarterway Elementary hosts a Pancake Breakfast and Craft Fair this Saturday at the Royal Canadian Legion, East Wellington Road. There will be live music, vendors, raffle baskets, hot cocoa and much more...

VIU Hosts Indigenous Speaker Series

VIU hosts Brandi Morin during the Indigenous Speaker Series on November 20, 2024 in Building 310 (Malaspina Theatre) or online via zoom. Cree/Iroquois/French journalist Brandi Morin delivers a powerful keynote that transforms her personal story of survival into an urgent call for change. She shares her journey from a childhood marked by intergenerational trauma to becoming a leading voice in journalism. Through raw and honest storytelling, she challenges Canadians to move beyond superficial gestures of reconciliation and confront the ongoing impacts of colonialism.

Her message speaks to everyone – not just journalists or policymakers – arguing that real change requires all Canadians to understand and acknowledge hard truths about Indigenous experiences. Drawing from her grandmother’s residential school survival to her own frontline reporting, she demonstrates how storytelling can break cycles of trauma and create pathways for justice, while urging all Canadians to find their own role in building a more equitable society.

Empty Bowl Fundraiser

Mark your calendar for the NDSS Student Council sponsored Ceramic Bowl-Making Workshop on Saturday, November 30, 2024. There are 25 spots, on a first-come first-served basis. Entry fee is $15 and the bowls made will be donated to NDSS for the Empty Bowl event in March.

One in Spirit Festival

The Vancouver Island Multicultural Society hosts the One in Spirit Festival. This festival will include music, dance, workshops for all ages, community interactive art collaboration, interfaith dialogue and Global Village Fair, comprised of diverse groups sharing their stories, clothing, games, art, and other artifacts from their culture. There will also be a Kids' zone and diverse food trucks just outside the conference centre.

The festival is a free event open to everyone. Registration is recommended as some sessions have limited spots. The festival will take place on Saturday November 23rd from 10-3pm at the Vancouver Island Conference Centre in Nanaimo.

Did you know, that we are always looking for information to share and stories to tell? Click submit below to let us know what's happening at your site.


Created with images by • Monkey Business - Portrait Of Multi-Cultural Children Hanging Out With Friends In Countryside Together • Ivan - Young teacher helps to read her student. Elementary school kids sitting on desks and reading books in classroom