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Sea Turtle Family Press IMportant things for Sanderlin families to know!

Previous Week Recap from Mrs. Cormier

We have had an excellent week at Sanderlin! Our Girls Cross Country team won 1st place in the District Championship! We are so excited for their win and congratulate them on a wonderful season. Additionally, our Girls Volleyball team and Boys Cross Country teams finished out strong seasons this week as well. Our 5th grade students also enjoyed a wonderful visit to the Mahaffey Theater on Monday.

We have another busy schedule this week. All 8th graders will take the PSAT on Monday and our Boys Volleyball team will finish their season in bracket games. Also, Tuesday October 29th is Taco and Tie Dye night with a Trunk or Treat. Please come out and join in on some of the fun!

Important Reminders for this Week

Halloween is on Thursday, October 31st. This is just a reminder that students are NOT allowed to wear costumes to school on Halloween.

Taco Tie Dye night has been rescheduled to 10/29 from 5:00 - 7:00. See the flyer below for more details. There will be a trunk or treat at this event and students ARE allowed to wear costumes. Costumes MUST be school appropriate and not have anything super scary or violent on them!

8th Grade students will take the PSAT on Monday. Please make sure they come to school well rested, with a fully charged computer and charger and on time!

Basketball Tryouts start next week. Girls Tryouts are on Wednesday and Thursday from 4:00 - 5:00 and Boys Tryouts are

Please make sure you have a FOCUS account. If you do not have a FOCUS account set up, please contact Mrs. Cumbie at

PBIS RISE Incentive Calendar

LOST ITEMS: Our pile is growing -- Please claim if any of these items are yours!


Taking Action Opportunities!

Have you helped someone recover from Hurricane Helene damage? Let us know!

All of the action opportunities listed below also "count" as taking action!

*Please remember to secure your items into a bag prior to putting it in the bin.

PICTURE DAY has been rescheduled to Friday, NOVEMBER 15, 2024
