LDBE Leadership Bulletin CPD Version September 2024 Issue 37

Support and Training Quick Links. In 2024 - 2025 some CPD events have a parallel face to face and remote learning offer, to consider the impact of budget and release costs of staff in schools, whilst appreciating the importance of collaboration and networking.

Our approach to training events in 2024 - 2025

A healthy blend!

Listening to the voices of our leaders in school, we recognise the tension leaders continue to face in providing continued, high quality CPD whilst managing the costs and practicality of staff release. In 2024 - 2025, a number of our training sessions will be offered in two ways:

  • In person events with the opportunities to colloborate and network throughout the day, and discuss key areas in greater depth with the session facilitator.
  • Twilight Sessions: The same in person training session will be repeated across three twlight sessions. Delegates must attend all three sessions, if this option is preferred.

All of our in person events seek to consider the geographical distribution of our schools across the diocese. More of our sessions will be delivered centrally (in and around the Stafford area).

For our SIAMS day event, as this is a repeated session over the year, this will be hosted in different parts of the diocese over the year. Training will be 'front loaded' in the Autumn term with three sessions being delivered across the diocese (Stoke, Stafford and Shropshire).

If you are able to provide a suitable training location (or know of a well-priced venue) that accomodates at least 30 delegates - please contact Paula Lloyd or Matthew Welton (Thank you to a number of our schools who have already offered their rooms for 2024 - 2025... We look forward to visiting you!)

NPQ Funded Places Still Remain in the Autumn term - 67 Diocesan Schools Eligible for Full funding for ALL NPQS.

Firstly, a huge congratulations to the Church of England Education Officer, who have achieved the Outstanding grading by OFSTED as a lead provider of National Professional Qualifications.

Availability of places for the Autumn Term 2024: The DFE has limited the number of funded places available on NPQs this year and at the moment any funding is only guaranteed for this autumn cohort - so now really is the time to apply for an NPQ to make the most of the funding and to guarantee one of the limited funded places.

NPQ Funding - Courses which are fully funded for all schools up to the DFE limit on places:

  • NPQ for SENCO
  • NPQ for Headship and the Early Headship Coaching Offer (EHCO)
  • NPQ Leading Primary Maths

Other courses which are funded for some schools: These will be funded for staff in PP50 schools (those in the top 50% of schools when ranked on pupils eligible for Pupil Premium) If you wish to check this please email matthew.welton@lichfield.anglican.org

Come Follow Christ, in the footsteps of St Chad