Pantysgallog Primary School "Only my best is good enough"

Pantysgallog Primary School App

All app content has been created by the Y6 pupils at Pantyspgallog Primary.

Pantysgallog Primary School is a gold rights respecting school, a great place for children to learn and thrive, make new friends, and enjoy our fantastic yard and field, which boasts a scramble net, slide, zipline, and a swing for endless fun. Our dedicated activities, including athletics club, rugby, and netball, ensure there's something for everyone.

Where is Pantysgallog Primary?

Access the About Page to find out more information about Pantysgallog. Use the Map to discover the location of the school.

About Page

Meet the Staff

Discover the staff at Pantysgallog Primary School and their unique interests! Our talented pupils have created amazing digital drawings of the staff for you to identify. Can you match each staff member with their hobbies and passions?

Pantysgallog Staff

Awards Tool

The Awards Tool is used during 'Celebration Assembly' or back in class for pupils who have achieved recognition of achievement. First choose which award the pupil has achieved. Next choose a photo from 'Selected Image' (This photo needs to be in the Camera Roll and works better when taken in portrait). Now tap on the image for a pre-designed frame to be added and finally press 'Take Screenshot' for the image to be added to the Camera Roll.

Awards Tool

Augmented Reality 3D Scan Scenes

Each class has a scanned 3D Augmented Reality Scene for you to access. Tap on the red button of the class you want to view. You will be asked to give permission to access the camera. Once permission has been granted, point the camera view to a horizontal plane where the 3D classroom scan will appear. You can now move your device and look around the room.

Minecraft School Build

The pupils have built Pantysgallog Primary School in Minecraft, and you can download the world onto your device. First, ensure Minecraft Education is installed on your device and that you are logged in. Tap the link 'Pantysgallog Minecraft Build' to access the Minecraft download page. There's a video preview available for you to watch. Tap the 'Open in Minecraft' button (you may need to tap twice), then select 'Open in Minecraft' to initiate the world download onto your device.

Minecraft Build

Class Pages

Class Pages

Each class has its own class page where you can find information from every class across the school. Keep checking back for updates.

Breathing Animation Tool

Breathing Animation Tool

The Breathing Animated Tools are designed to enhance focus and promote relaxation. Choose your favourite animation (there are four to choose from). Tap the play button for the relaxing music to begin. Simply breathe in and out in time with the animation and enjoy.



Listen to podcasts recorded in the 'Thistle Radio Recording Studio' and discover more about the staff and pupils at Pantysgallog.

Pantysgallog School Clubs

School Clubs

Keep upto date with all the news and events that take place with the many clubs at Pantysgallog Primary.

Augmented Reality Games and Tools

Augmented Reality

The pupils have created a variety of Augmented Reality games and tools for you to use. Before using them for the first time, please allow access to the camera. Once access has been granted, you can access seven games and tools by choosing and pointing at a horizontal surface.