Pennsylvania House Passes Online Gaming Bill

The Poker Players Alliance (PPA) is a leading poker grassroots advocacy group with 1.2 million members nationwide and more than 25,000 PPA supporters in Pennsylvania. We applaud the Pennsylvania House for passing a bill today that authorizes and regulates internet poker and other forms of online gaming.

"It's time – this bill is long overdue! Pennsylvanians deserve strong consumer protection and today the Pennsylvania State Legislature passed it," said John Pappas, the executive director of the PPA. "In addition, this bill will create jobs and help the Commonwealth close the budget gap. This common sense bill is a win-win for the state of Pennsylvania. The online poker industry is urging the Senate and Governor Wolf to act quickly to approve this bill."

The PPA, which has long supported online poker regulated by the Commonwealth, supports the bill and urged its members to speak up within the state. As a result, members of the PPA reached out to the media, social media, and state legislators through thousands of direct emails and phone calls urging them to pass the bill. Today's vote marks a significant milestone in our efforts to pass a bill that protects consumers online and provides a fair platform for players to enjoy playing poker online.

"Today's vote is a huge step forward not only for our members, but for all Pennsylvania residents. It's time for the law to be enacted so that every resident of the state can benefit from online consumer protection," Pappas continued. 온라인카지노사이트