Events coming up
9th December Year 11 Brockenhurst College Interviews
9th Year 9 Christmas Lunch
10th Year 7 Christmas Lunch
11th Year 10 Christmas Lunch
11th Choir visit Carpathia Care Home
11th Light up a life Service @ AFC for Oakhaven
12th Year 11 Christmas Lunch
12th Christmas Concert at 5pm
13th Wear Something Different day
13th Year 10 Food Practical
13th Year 8 Christmas Lunch
16th Year 11 Brockenhurst College Interviews
20th Half day for Students
Message from the Leadership Team
Dear Noadswood families,
We’ve talked about stepping into Christmas and this week we are very much here!
Our very first Christmas themed craft fayre had a real buzz about it throughout the whole time it was running. With the hall full of customers and over 17 stall holders, the atmosphere was a jolly one. My choir kicked the event off with three wonderful songs that were sung again halfway through the event. They did me proud – I was the only numpty to forget some lyrics, about which we had a chuckle!
All stall holders will be back next year for our second craft fayre – If you came along, you did your part to make it a lovely Noadswood family Saturday.
We’d also like to thank all families who have got behind our Darling Reads Christmas wish list. If you are a family who prefers to donate to charity rather than send Christmas cards, thank you so much for considering a donation to our lovely library.
Noadswood Wishlist - Darling Reads
We know that as Christmas approaches, despite the excitement, this can actually bring about unique pressures for families. We have Skool Kit and supermarket vouchers available, please reach out directly to your child's year team and we will process these as soon as possible.
We talk routinely about how much we value your partnership, and we would like to thank you for all that you have done to help support our Parent Staff Association bids through various events and fundraisers throughout the year. At our recent AGM we were delighted to approve the following bids:
Dance live - £300 Firstly, thank you for your kind donation. This year, we have 50 students participating in the Dance Live event in January. We will be using the funds to help purchase costumes and make-up for all the performers. Having amazing costumes and make-up can really ‘lift’ the dancers and help them perform to the best of their ability, giving them that extra boost of confidence as they take to the stage in front of hundreds of people!
Business Studies - £400 We will be using this donation to purchase materials to support students with their GCSE studies.
Music - £300. We're grateful for the donation towards our show next year, Beauty and the Beast Jr. We had an amazingly successful show last year, and the funds from the PSA meant that we could use an external company to help with set, sound and lighting, making our production even more incredible.
Prom - £500. This will be used to help purchase all those ‘extras’ which make the night so special for our students!
History - £200. We will be using the money donated to develop students' knowledge and understanding of the Suffragettes in the summer term. Enrichment speakers are such a valuable tool to offer the students and provides them with a unique experience within their school lives.
KS3 ‘This is Me’ Choir - £200 We want to continue to get the choir out and about, with good resources and something to wear to make them proud of their participation.
Science Prize - £51. This will fund the prize for the science book of the term. This competition is designed to encourage students (especially Year 7) to read non-fiction texts, in this case with a science basis. Students need to read ‘The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind’ and then write a book review. The best/most original book review receives a family ticket to the New Forest Wildlife Centre.
Maths - £150. We will be using this donation to re-stock some of our teaching aids. This will include negative number counters, 3D shapes to help with visualisation and batteries so that we can use the graphical calculators with our groups.
Computer Science - £339. The donation gives the department the chance to invest in practical computing resources that will allow the students to experience computing in the real world. Another important part is that the students understand the technical vocabulary and how the components work so, if they choose to explore the topic further, they have a robust understanding.
Flexible learning - £100 We will be adding to our tools that were kindly donated by Hythe Men Shed. This will enable us to continue maintaining the community Garden and working in the Allotment.
Year leaders - £175. We are planning to offer an enriching experience to develop students' social skills and confidence using acting, directing and technical work. It is always wonderful to have ex Noadswood students come back to share their experiences and help the new generation!
We also have our ‘Raise some Dough’ fundraiser, more details on the poster below. We do have gluten free options available, please reach out to and let us know of any dietary requirements.
Finally, we would just like to take the opportunity to remind families of our end of term arrangements – it’s coming up scarily fast!
Final Day Timings and Reward Assemblies (Friday 20th December 2024)
8:45 - 9:00 Tutor Time
9:00 - 9:45 Lesson 1
9:45 - 10:30 Lesson 2
10:30 - 10:45 Break
10:45 - 10:50 Return to Tutor Rooms for tutor-based activity (Individual tutors will confirm with their tutees)
Assembly Order
10:50 - 11:10 Year 7 Assembly
11:10 - 11:30 Year 8 Assembly
11:30 - 11:50 Year 9 Assembly
11:50 - 12:10 Year 10 Assembly
12:10 - 12:30 Year 11 Assembly
A bell will ring after the end of the Year 11 assembly as close to 12.30 as possible. We have a lot to celebrate and so, on occasion this can run slightly later, but that is roughly when the students will leave to go home. If your child is in receipt of free school meals, they must ensure that they get their food from our canteen at break time as it will be shut at lunch.
Best wishes,
Kathryn Marshall and the Leadership Team
Wear Something Different Day – Christmas Jumpers
If you have not already paid your contribution for the year for the five days, please go to the Shop area within Arbor to make your contribution of £1.00. If you are unsure if you have paid for the year, please ask your child to talk to their tutor. Students do not have to wear Christmas Jumpers if they do not want to.