
Ingoldsby Update November- Volume 2

Good news!

I would like to share my huge congratulations to Mrs Collins who has won a unison Hidden Hero (Stars in our School) award. I couldn't be prouder. Mrs Collins is in her 22nd year at Ingoldsby and her dedication, commitment and wealth of knowledge is a credit to our school.

Highlights from this month

Buzzards have been learning about managing money with HSBC and creating bunting to support their learning of new vocabulary
Buzzards had their Greek Day to support their learning in history and have been busy learning a new model text.
EYFS and KS1 have enjoyed exploring art through colour and texture. EYFS have been creating art based on the work of Jackson Pollock


Letters for persistent absence will be sent before the end of each month. I offer face to face meetings to support with improving attendance. Let us know if there are any issues affecting your child's attendance that we should know about. We want to work with you to make the most out of every school day.

I will also send a message to let you know if your child's attendance is at risk of persistent absence. I am here to discuss any issues you may have.

If your child is ill, we need to hear from you by 9.20 am every day of absence. We are not trying to disturb you when we call! This is from a safeguarding perspective and these policies were introduced following the case where a parent unexpectedly died at home with children in the house and lay undiscovered for several days. It is with this awful situation in mind, that we persist to try to contact you when your children have not arrived at school.


If your children are in a club, please collect at the end of the club rather than part way through as children leaving part way through is disruptive to the activities on offer.

Spotlight on health concerns

I try to share information about issues that have come up in parents meetings that may be of use to other families. You aren't alone!


A few parents have mentioned worries about what their children eat.

Food can be a minefield for parents as striking that balance between healthy eating and eating at all, if your child is particularly fussy or struggles with certain tastes and textures, is very difficult. As a child, and well into adulthood, I myself struggled with this so while we encourage and advocate for making healthy choices where possible, we believe that 'fed is best'. Having two children with ADHD I have also experienced this as a parent.

I've put together some articles that have some ideas to try if you are struggling with this. Do let us know too so that we understand your child and will support where we can.

Your child’s willingness to try food will depend partly on their eating environment. Pleasant, low-stress mealtimes can help.

Here are tips:

  • Make mealtimes happy, regular and social occasions. Try not to worry about spilled drinks or food on the floor.
  • This article advises to start small. Put a small amount of food on your child’s plate, or put all foods in the centre of the table and let your child serve themselves.
  • Never force your child to try a food.
  • Make healthy foods fun – for example, cut sandwiches into interesting shapes, or let your child help prepare a salad or whisk eggs for an omelette.
  • Turn the TV off so your family members can talk to each other and focus on enjoying the meal.
  • If your child is fussing about food, try to stay calm. This will help your child think of mealtimes as enjoyable and relaxing.
  • Set a time limit of about 20 minutes for meals. Anything that goes on too long isn’t fun. If your child hasn’t eaten the food in this time, take it away without fuss or comments.

This article suggests:

Make sure your child does not have drinks or snacks close to mealtimes.

Encourage your child to touch, smell or taste their food. Eat with them as often as possible and praise them when they eat well. Make positive comments about the food.

  • To help your child to eat well:
  • involve your child in preparing and cooking
  • offer a variety of foods
  • include your child’s favourites foods
  • give your child smaller portions - if they finish, praise them and offer more
  • let your child eat food first and give them the drink at the end of the meal
  • limit distractions, turn off the television, tablet or phone

Finish the meal after about 30 minutes and accept that is all your child is going to eat. Take away uneaten food without comment.


Most children have trouble sleeping every now and then – it’s usually nothing to worry about. If you feel you have tried everything but your child still won’t sleep, talk to your GP for advice.

If your child is autistic or has ADHD, you might need more tailored support. About 80% of autistic children and 50% of children with ADHD have sleep issues. Speak to a GP or paediatrician to see if they can help – they might refer you to a sleep clinic.


Please let us know if the ADHD medication shortage is affecting your child.

Spotlight on internet safety

'Huggy Wuggy' has been brought to my attention- mentioned by pupils ion school. This is what common sense media has to say:

"While there's no graphic violence or gore, there are splatters of blood throughout the factory. Also, the horror nature of the game will likely be too scary for younger audiences." Aside from the videos, like Squid Game, Huggy Wuggy has made its way to the playground

What are the risks?

There are multiple risks that can arise from children and young people being exposed to frightening content before they are prepared.

Added anxiety and stress – Children and young people are still growing and learning. They may not be at a level of emotional maturity that would be able to process frightening content, even if it is intentional. Horror games could hamper that growth by creating unnecessary anxiety and stress.

Intrusive thoughts – Everyone has the ‘thing that goes bump in the night.’ If children play this game or watch it, the Boogeyman could easily be replaced with characters like Huggy Wuggy. This could cause children to lose focus or sleep and could interrupt family rest cycles.

New fears – The manipulation of child-friendly items into threatening characters exploits the sense of security a child would feel around these things. They may suddenly be terrified of something that had never been a worry before.

Staff social media policy

Please do not request staff through social media. This potentially puts staff members in breach of our code of conduct.

Changes to government funding

Dates for the diary

08/12/2023 Early years and KS1 (YR-2) will be performing a nativity on the 8th December in the afternoon. Exact time to be determined, but this is likely to be a 1.30/2pm start.

11/12/2023 Y3/4 Carol service at St Botolph’s, Boston- afternoon

15/12/2023 KS2 will be performing a medley of pieces at the church on the 15th December in the evening. We are aiming for this to be at the church with a 6pm start.

18/12/2023 Santa run

19/12/2023 – Panto at the Guildhall. Later return. Payment details are on MCAS.

20/12/2023 - PTFA Christmas party- 20th December in the morning. Wear party clothes.

20/12/2023 - Provisional Christmas Lunch date- 20th December

20/12/2023 is the last day of term - No clubs or wraparound.

05/1/2023 - First day back from Christmas holidays

9/01/2023 KS2 CPR First aid training for children

18/01/2023 LCC Waste/ recycling talk to whole of school