Welcome to Birkwood An #IncredibleCommunity

The Birkwood Values

We wish you a very warm welcome to the Birkwood Primary School Newsletter.

10th May 2024

A Message from the Headteacher

Hello again to all. I hope that you have had an enjoyable week. I know that I mentioned five days' work fitting in to four at the end of last week, I think we have tried to manage it!

At last, some cricket weather too! Please may I remind people kindly to make sure children have some protection in the form of cream being applied before they come to school and a hat in school. Of course, sunglasses are optional, but are easily mislaid – I’ll leave that one with you.

Naturally, we have had another extremely busy week full of highlights. On the football field, I am absolutely delighted that we managed to secure a 3-0 victory against our friends from Cherry Dale. Well done to the Year 5 and 6 boys. A fantastic team effort and congratulations to Mr Walton who leads them so diligently.

Also, I must wish all the best to our Year 3 and 4 athletics team who make the journey to the Dorothy Hyman stadium this afternoon.

Speaking of a great effort, many thanks again to our fundraising team who organised a fun night of bingo this week. As always, the event was very well supported and will contribute to ensuring more memorable experiences for the children at Birkwood.

Next week is of course Key Stage 2 test week. I want to congratulate the children on all of their hard work in the build-up to the SATs. I must also thank every single member of staff who has ever worked with the children at Birkwood. The Year 6 tests are a sign of how the children have progressed at our school and as long as they try their best, which I know they will do then we will all be very proud of the work that they have done over such a long period of time.

This week, I have shown a large number of prospective teachers around our school. Interest in working here is high! The week has also seen an unprecedented level of new children applying to join our school. This is because of the atmosphere and feel around our school when they families come to visit, and this is thanks to the hard work of everybody in our school community. Thank you for your support in this and the influence that you have on your children must not be underestimated. We are very proud and grateful to our families. We are privileged to see the fabulous results of what our children produce, every single day.

Next Tuesday and Wednesday the Gardening Club will be selling a selection of plants after school in the playground. There will be plenty of bargains including strawberry runners, sunflowers, raspberry plants, foxgloves and lilies.

Next terms after school clubs are now released on Parentpay. Please remember that you will be able to book your child on to a club until Sunday 19th May. After that time all clubs are closed to allow staff to hand out confirmation slips.

Don't forget tickets are on sale for our Spring Disco. They cost £3 and includes a bag of crisps and a carton of pop. Hot dogs, buns and additional drinks/crisps will also be on sale during the event. Tickets will be available until 3.15pm on Monday 20th April. Please put the money in an envelope, with their name on the front, and pass on to their class teacher.

I hope that everybody has a wonderful weekend. Please make sure the Year 6 children have a good night's sleep on Sunday! know that they will do us proud.

This weeks news
Bingo Night
Yr 5 - 6 Boys Football
Term 3 Events - May 2024 to July 2024
Celebration Assembly Winners
  • Headteachers Superstar EYFS/KS1 - IS Y2 Parks
  • Headteachers Superstar KS2 - LL Y5/6 Wollstonecraft
  • Class Times Table Rockstars - Y3/4 Holmes
  • Music Maestro - GI Y4 Pankhurst

House Winners

  • This weeks winners - Earth
  • Current Half Term Leaders - Earth
  • Overall Leaders - Earth
  • School Attendance Target for the Year - 96.50%
  • School attendance this year so far - 94.8%
  • School attendance this week - 95.6%
  • EYFS2 Anning - 91.9%
  • EYFS2 Sharman - 91.0%
  • Year 1 Einstein -93.1%
  • Year 1 Nightingale -91.4%
  • Year 2 Parks - 98.4%
  • Year 2 Seacole - 95.8%
  • Year 3 Earhart - 96.2%
  • Year 3/4 Holmes - 98.2%
  • Year 4 Pankhurst - 98.7%
  • Year 5 Attenborough - 91.20%
  • Year 5/6 Wollstonecraft - 90.5%
  • Year 6 Kings - 98.7%

Well done to Class Pankhurst & Class King who are this week's joint winners with 98.7%. Congratulations.

Our suite of X (formerly Twitter) Handles is here for you. Below is a link for 'all things Birkwood.'


PE & Sport

Please ensure children in KS2, Years 3-6 come to school IN PE KIT on their allocated PE Days. Appropriate trainers must be worn. No crop tops – Sports t-shirts please and shorts. A tracksuit may be worn – please make a judgment on temperature. This will be until building work is complete as we have no access to discrete changing areas.

This Year's Term Dates

Next Year's Term Dates Below

Dates set out below for clarity

Wednesday 4th September 2024 – Children return to school

Friday 25th October 2024 – School closes for Half Term

Monday 4th November 2024 – Children return to school

Friday 20th December 2024 – School Closes for Christmas Break

Monday 6th January 2025 - Children return to school

Friday 14th February 2025 - School Closes for Half Term

Monday 24th February 2025 - Children return to school

Friday 4th April 2025 – School Closes for Easter Break

Tuesday 22nd April 2025 - Children return to school

Monday 5th May 2025 – School Closed May Day Bank Holiday

Friday 23 May 2025 – School Closes for Half Term

Monday 2 June 2025 – INSET Day

Tuesday 3 June 2025 – Children return to school

Friday 18 July 2025 - School Closes for Summer

For current Year 6 children, their tests shall be Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May 2024.

For current Year 5 children, their tests will be Monday 12th to Thursday 15th May 2025.

For current Year 4 children, their tests will be Monday 11th to Thursday 14th May 2026.

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