
KC News Round Up Friday 26th October 2023

Harvest Festival

Once again KC families were extremely generous with their donations for our Harvest Festival this year. All of this food was collected on Monday and will be donated to Nourish Community Food Bank. Thank you all!

National Poetry Day

Friday 6th October is National Poetry Day. Many students from all year groups have been enjoying looking at poetry books in the library. The theme this year was ‘Refuge’ and having chosen a poem or written one of their own, they copied it for our display.

Additionally we were joined today by Phil Wilcox, a performance poet, who has been giving a presentation to Years 7-9 and holding workshops for AIMS and Upper Sixth English students today. Click here for more information about Phil Wilcox.

Soroptimist Litter Pick

The Soroptimist Club were out this week on a litter pick around the school. The timing couldn't be better as now the site is looking fantastic ahead of our Open Morning on Saturday.

Music Trip to ENO

On October 13th, Music pupils are going on a trip to see Iolanthe at English National Opera. This week, ahead of the visit, those attending the trip were able to chat to Sam Price, the mezzo soprano playing Iolanthe, asking her questions about her career.

“We found the Zoom call with Sam Price very inspiring as young musicians looking to get into the industry. She shared stories and tips which gave us a useful insight to what life is like as a professional opera singer. We found it particularly interesting to hear how she took an unconventional route to becoming an opera singer. Finding the use of her language and speech training in her job now was very eye opening and showed there are many different ways to get into the industry”. Lexi and Bea, Sixth Form

Everyone is very excited about the trip and Sam has promised to meet them at the stage door after the show for autographs!

Lower Sixth Art

Lower Sixth Art pupils have made a great start to the year with their Portraiture project. Next week they are going to visit the newly refurbished National Portrait Gallery. We can't wait to see what inspiration they take from their visit.

Sports News


This week our U14 hockey team came second in their county tournament. Well done to them!


The Equestrian team did really well in their competitions last week. Eliza, Mia and April came 7th as team in the 70, which means they have qualified for the plate championships in October. On Sunday Zara came 13th in the preliminary round and Beth came 13th in the 70. Well done to you all.

Cross Country

Year 8's Sienna came second in Somerhill's cross country competition. Congratulations!

And finally...

The PE department completed their National Rescue Award for Swimming Teachers and Coaches (NRASTC) qualification. This is a supervision and rescue qualification for teachers working on the poolside or in the water during programmed activities, such as a swimming lesson. They all passed with flying colours!

Year 11 Geography Trip

On Thursday 28th September the Year 11 Geographers caught the train from Tonbridge to Stratford to conduct their final piece of field work. The focus of the trip was regeneration and sustainability in the area. They explored original parts of Stratford yet to be developed and compared these areas to the Olympic Park and East Village. They identified how the new areas are sustainable and discussed the ongoing challenges experienced by those people living and working here.

Boarders' Weekend

Our boarders enjoyed a fantastic weekend last week starting with a disco in the Old Sports Hall. Boarders played the limbo challenge, which was won by Zarina and two rounds of musical statues, won by Carolina, Zarina and Daniela. There was also lots of dancing!

On Sunday afternoon Mrs Giacomini Martin ran a lovely Textiles activity and boarders from H&H, along with Year 10 boarders from J&O and Clara from Year 11 designed their own logo which were then printed on T-shirts.

Finally on Sunday, Chaplain Katie discussed St Francis of Assisi with the boarders (his feast day was 4th October) and particularly his love for the Earth, epically animals. Chaplain Katie led the boarders in paper crane making because in Japanese culture, if you fold 1,000 paper cranes then a wish will come true. We are folding them as a blessing on the future.

MacMillan Cake Sale

Thanks go the KCPA for organising and running the cake sale in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. £295.15 was raised from this.

Dates for your Diary...

Senior School Open Morning

Saturday 7th October

Pupils in Years 7 to 10, Sixth Form and selected Year 11s are required to come to our Open Morning. This is a compulsory Saturday for them. Many families will remember that it is a great opportunity to see the school and meet our pupils. As we always remind pupils, they are our best ambassadors. Details have been communicated in Form times but Upper Sixth pupils will need to be at school by 8.30am, all other pupils by 9.30am. They will be dismissed around 12.15pm.

Sixth Form Information Evening

Tuesday 10th October 6.00pm-8.30pm

Year 11 pupils and their families are invited to find out more about life in the Sixth Form and the many and varied opportunities open to them as they move onto this exciting stage of their education. The event will start with a presentation in the Theatre followed by a subject fair where you can talk to Heads of Department and current Sixth Formers to find out more about the A Level and BTEC choices as well as the KC Honours Programme. If you have not already done so please confirm your attendance by booking on the link below.

Halloween Bake Sale

Monday 16th October, Breaktime

The Soroptmist Club will be holding a Halloween bake sale to help support projects the Sports tour will visiting when they head to South Africa at half term. All cakes and biscuits will be sold at £1.00 per item/slice and there will also be a cake and cookie competition with prizes for the best Halloween themed donations.

Cake donations should be brought to the Organ Room on Monday 16th October where they judged before the breaktime sale.

The Wellbeing Hub

Have a lovely weekend!
