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Cowbridge Lower School Newsletter 26.04.24

Nursery and Reception have been road safety conscious this week, taking part in 'Beep beep day' and learning how to cross the road and why we always need to hold an adults hand. Reception made a road in our Lower School MUGA, there was some dodgy driving from a few of the cars!

Nursery have been learning all about wriggly worms this week! They have loved reading and listening to lots of stories that teach them all about what worms do, how they move and what they do to soil. They made worms by threading pasta onto laces, rolled worms using playdough, painted worms and drew them on the board!

There is only one way to learn about minibeasts and especially worms.... messy play! Nursery have a marvellous, messy Monday finding minibeasts and worms in jelly, gloop and mud! It was so much fun!

Outside, some of the Nursery children used the tyres to make a giant worm!

Reception have been learning about the very busy spider this week. After listening to the story they thought of their own questions to ask the very busy spider and learnt about question marks. In their maths learning, they have been subtracting and counting in 5's!

They found out why spiders spin webs and sequenced pictures to show the life cycle of a spider. They have even been busy spinning their own spider webs inside and outside!
