A Message from the Head of School
Three Teams Advance in NEPSAC Tournament
Catch the Wildcats in Action on Saturday
The Boys' and Girls' Varsity Soccer Teams and the Varsity Field Hockey Team are headed to the NEPSAC semifinals on Saturday, November 18, after wins at home and on the road on Wednesday. Join us on the sidelines to cheer on the Wildcats!
Scenes From: The Fall Play
For two spectacular nights in October, the KUA Theater Department presented Eurydice in Flickinger Auditorium. The play reimagined the Greek myth of Orpheus from the perspective of his wife, Eurydice. Dying too young on her wedding day, Eurydice journeys to the underworld where she reunites with her father and struggles to remember her lost love. A hauntingly beautiful and dreamlike piece, Eurydice is a poetic musing on love, grief, and the importance of memory.
Alumni: There's Still Time to Submit Your Class Notes!
Class Notes are your opportunity to connect with your class and share your news. Did you move, get married, have a baby, or welcome a grandchild? Have you marked a career milestone or taken a trip? Are you embarking on a new adventure? Send your latest news to your class reporter or email advancement@kua.org by November 26 for submission to the Fall/Winter issue Kimball Union magazine.