Advent Labyrinth Opens, November 28, Francis Chapel: During this season of waiting, come to the labyrinth for a uniquely prayerful experience. A special setting and printed materials will be available to guide you in a walk of preparation for Christmas. Please call 704-376-8584 before coming to the church to ensure Francis Chapel is available for your walk. Email Rev. Taylor Pryde Barefoot at tbarefoot@mpumc.org for more details.
Music Ministry Christmas Concert, December 3, 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., First United Methodist Church: Join us for our annual Christmas Concert, featuring our adult, youth and children's ensembles and a full orchestra. No reservations or tickets are required. Child care will be provided by First UMC and is available by reservation only. Email Lisa Ross-Smit at lrsmit@mpumc.org by November 29 to make your child care reservation. Learn more about the concert on our website.
Youth Christmas Tree Sale: Pre-order your North Carolina-grown Christmas tree, wreath, or garland from our youth and help support their summer mission trips to Austin, Texas, Costa Rica, Mexico, and the Senior Pilgrimage. Trees will be delivered on November 30, and orders will be available for pickup through December 2. We were able to get a full order of trees this year, so please help us spread the word by sharing with friends. Click here to order.
New - Goodness Gracious 20th Anniversary Celebration: As we mark this milestone anniversary, we celebrate your patronage of our shop, which has allowed us to contribute more than $500,000 to various community organizations over the last two decades. We invite you to drop by the shop on December 3 between 9 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to enjoy coffee and sweet and savory treats and to enter for a chance to win one of two $50 Goodness Gracious gift certificates. While you’re at it, start (or finish!) your Christmas shopping. All sales support outreach. We can’t wait to celebrate with you!
Drop in to Learn CPR & AED Basics, December 3: According to the American Heart Association, 350,000 people in the United States die every year from cardiac arrest. Immediate CPR can double or triple chances of survival after cardiac arrest. Stop by Francis Chapel anytime between 8 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to learn the basic steps of CPR and how to use an AED (automated external defibrillator). Email Parish Nurse Lauren Smith at lsmith@mpumc.org with any questions.
More Events & Opportunities
Children’s Ministries’ Advent and Christmas Devotional Booklet: Peace on Earth, Children’s Ministries' 12th annual devotional booklet featuring children's artwork and devotions from clergy, staff, and ministry friends, is available around the church. One per family, please. A digital edition is also available on our website.
The Merry Market provides an empowering opportunity for parents to select and buy gifts for their children at discounted prices. We will serve more than 300 children this year so we cannot do it without your generous donations. Shop from our wishlist to have gifts delivered to the Missions office by December 3. Click here to help sort and price inventory.
Make-at-Home Advent Wreath Kits Available for Purchase: Kits are $15 and include candles, candle cups, greenery pins, foam, and a tray. Please note that greenery is not provided. Kits will be available for pickup in the Parish Life Building lobby. Supplies are limited. Click here to order. Email Betsy Scott at bscott@mpumc.org with questions.
Advent Study Group, beginning December 4: Join us for our Advent series as we discuss how Christmas transformed our world. There is no book to purchase. We will focus and reflect on specific Gospel lessons. This three-week series will meet in person and online. Click here for details. Email Dr. Uiyeon Kim at ukim@mpumc.org with any questions.
Medicare Part D Counseling, now-December 5: During Medicare Open Enrollment, a SHIIP Counselor will be onsite to offer limited in-person appointments to assist you in considering options for 2024. For more information and to schedule your appointment, contact Lauren Smith at lsmith@mpumc.org or 704-295-4836.
Purchase a poinsettia or wreath to decorate the church in honor or memory of a loved one. Poinsettias are $20 each, and wreaths are $30-$50 each. Click here to order online or send a check to the church along with the name of the person you are honoring/remembering. Order by December 6. Dedications will be shared in the December 17 worship bulletin. Email Annie Albini at aalbini@mpumc.org with any questions.
Room in the Inn, begins December 6: If you are looking for a service opportunity that provides engagement and connection, consider being an overnight host or van driver for Room in the Inn. These positions are our hardest to fill, but provide the best opportunity to get to know our neighbors, to hear their stories, and to learn their names. Click here to sign up. Email Britt Yett at byett@mpumc.org with questions.
New - Family Movie Night, December 7, 5:30-6:45 p.m.: Your family is invited to join us for a screening of A Charlie Brown Christmas. The Ben & Jerry’s hot chocolate cart will be onsite for you to purchase a warm beverage. Learn more and RSVP on our website.
New - Sole Friends, December 9, 9 a.m., McAlpine Greenway: Join us to step out in nature and explore the beauty of God’s creation together. All fitness levels are welcome! Click here for more information and to register. Email Parish Nurse Lauren Smith at lsmith@mpumc.org with any questions.
New - Festival of the Crèche, December 10, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. and 3-5 p.m.: Come stroll through the lobby of Jubilee Hall where church members’ personal nativity sets/creches will be on display for you to admire while enjoying a cup of coffee or hot cider.
Special Services During Advent
Kneeling at the Manger, December 10, 4 p.m., Jubilee Hall: Join us for this annual service of story and song. Children may dress as their favorite nativity character.
Hope and Consolation Service, December 11, 6:30 p.m., Sanctuary: For those who have suffered loss, the holidays can be especially challenging. Join us for this service of remembrance and healing.
Third Sunday in Advent, December 17: A Service of Lessons and Carols at 8:30, 9:45, and 11 a.m. in the sanctuary and Christmas in Word and Song at Church in the Round at 8:45 a.m. in Jubilee Hall.
Love Feast, December 17, 7-8 p.m.: Everyone is invited to this youth-led worship service featuring spiced tea and Moravian buns.
services on december 24
Join us for morning worship to mark the Fourth Sunday in Advent:
8:45 a.m., Church in the Round, Jubilee Hall
9:45 a.m., Sanctuary
11 a.m., Sanctuary
Then join us in the afternoon for one of our Christmas Eve services celebrating the joy of the season and the birth of our Lord!
12:30 p.m., Jubilee Hall: Music and carols with a Jazz twist
2 p.m., Sanctuary: Carols, candlelight, children’s Nativity tableau
4 p.m., Jubilee Hall: Casual, contemporary, acoustic
6 p.m., Sanctuary: Carols, candlelight, children’s Nativity tableau
8 p.m., Sanctuary: Choir, carols, candlelight, with Holy Communion
11 p.m., Sanctuary: Choir, carols, candlelight, with Holy Communion
Pastors' Programs
Join Dr. Howell’s email and video series, How to Become Spiritual, to receive two short emails weekly helping us think about how to cultivate a personal spirituality. Sign up here to receive these emails and invite your friends and family to sign up here, too! He also releases a weekly video covering similar ideas so watch for those on our website or on social media!
Maybe I’m Amazed Podcast: Throughout his career, Dr. Howell has developed meaningful relationships with a wide spectrum of people, and he’s taken time to learn each of their stories. Maybe I’m Amazed is a collection of amazing conversations James has with amazing people experiencing everyday miracles. Click here to listen and subscribe.
Beyond Enough: Check out information about our 2024 Stewardship Campaign, and prayerfully consider your commitment to our church Operating Fund and Mission & Outreach Fund for the upcoming year. Commitment cards can be returned via mail to 1501 Queens Road, Charlotte NC 28207 or submitted online.
Your ongoing generosity to our church Operating Fund and our Mission & Outreach Fundmakes it possible for our church family to connect through worship, fellowship and prayer and support our most vulnerable neighbors near and far.
We are the body of Christ, growing in faith and serving others