
Community Coming Together A look into the diverse clubs at chs = By brandon Faulkner

Romie Coffler - ASB President

Q: What are the core values behind Loud Crowd?

A: The core values behind Loud Crowd is to have fun and to make sure every student is making the most out of their high school experience. Other values are having good sportsmanship and following the edict along with the rules to make sure that no one gets hurt and that no one's feelings get hurt so that everyone has a great time.

Q: Why did Loud Crowd start?

A: Loud Crowd started over a decade ago when it really became something big. Just recently, we have been taking it to an even higher level, such as upgrading gear to make sure everyone's having fun. Loud Crowd's goal is to 1. support our players and 2. to bring an experience to school that is unforgettable.

Q: Why did you run for ASB President?

A: I ran for ASB President so I could make the most memorable experience for all students on campus and make sure that were having the best time and living up to the Lancer exception.

Rhett Adkins - President of Chess Club

Q: Why did you start Chess Club?

A: I started Chess Club because I noticed there was no Chess Club at school, and chess has always been a passion of mine since first grade. I wanted to create a safe place where people could bond over a game of chess.

Q: What are the core values behind Chess Club?

A: Our core values are inclusivity, kindness, having fun and having a passion for chess.

Q: Do you think chess is something that students can carry on in life?

A: Absolutely. I believe that chess is something that could be continued, and I know that I will continue to play the game in old age. Being able to have the skill to play even until old age is something that I want this club to establish for all members.

Alyssa Pagan and Johnny Ortiz - Presidents of Daybreak Club

Q: What does Daybreak do?

A: Daybreak Club is a place where you can come hang out, bring friends, get some pizza and hear a message about God.

Q: What are the core values that guide Daybreak?

A: Our core values include kindness, welcoming, engagement. Also, it’s a place to get connected and find a community to hang out with.

Q: What are some of Daybreak's goals?

A: To provide a community for those who want to come together to hear a message about God. It's also a place to find connections that will last throughout high school and later on in life. It's also a place to play games and hang out.

Matty Walker - President of Pickleball Club

Q: Can you tell me about what Pickleball Club does?

A: It's a place where brand-new players can come and learn how to play pickleball. More experienced players can come together and compete against each other while training for future tournaments.

Q: Why did you start Pickleball Club?

A: Over the summer, I had a lot of free time and I got really into Pickleball and I wanted to make an official club on campus so that students could share this experience with me.

Q: What are the core values of Pickleball Club?

A: Our core values are inclusion, hard work, dedication, preservation and love. Currently the club has around 82 players and hopefully more will join.

Sierra Lambert - President of C3 Club

Q: What does the club do?

A: We have weekly cleanups in the Village community with charities (ROG) and the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation and have collected a record of 650 lbs of trash. We have assisted ROG and installed a cigarette butt can at the lagoon. We have also attended city council meetings to help pass a “Skip the Stuff” ordinance.

Q: Why did the club start?

A: Nathan Lu, an alumni, decided to start picking up trash on his own. Friends decided to join, and eventually the group grew enough to start a club. Today, as president, I hold Nathan’s vision of friends coming together to keep their city clean and have fun!

Q: What are the core values of the club?

A: Our core values are respect (for the environment, for each other) and taking action. No action is too small, spreading awareness about the environment and how to protect it by keeping spaces clean.

Caroline Jethmal - Co-president of Philosophy Club

Q; Why did you start Philosophy Club?

A: I started Philosophy Club because I was in a philosophy club during my freshman year at my old high school and I loved it. I had a great teacher and everything we talked about made me feel so enriched.

Q; What are the core values of the club?

A: Making sure that everyone has a place to talk about their unique values and ideas. It lacks a debate culture; it's more about talking through personal experiences and overall just talking to each other.

Q: What do you do during your meetings?

A: Often, prompts are chosen from a random number generator which are completely random. We ask the prompt and everyone talks about it and we just cycle through.