CNPS Bulletin 2024 | OCTOBER | ISSUE 10

CNPS SCHOOL VISION: To build a community of curious, creative and engaged learners who are empowered to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing world. Collectively we will work with our students to become responsible global citizens who have the skills, knowledge and personal attributes they need for their future.

Welcome to Term 4!

Welcome back to the final term of 2024! We are thrilled to begin what promises to be an exciting and action-packed term. As we approach the end of the school year, there are many special events and activities to look forward to across all year levels.

This term, we will be celebrating creativity and talent at our Art Show and Senior Concert, and providing our Year 3 students with a fantastic experience at their very first away from home camp. We’ll also take a moment to honor the incredible work of our teachers on World Teachers Day, and throughout the term, students will participate in various incursions and excursions that enrich their learning.

As we look ahead to 2025, we will begin transitioning students through our Foundation Transition program for new students and our Whole School Step Up program, preparing all students for the next stage of their learning journey.

For our Year 6 students, this term marks their Graduation and Big Day Out, while the whole school will come together for our annual Carols event to wrap up the year.

World Teachers Day - 25th October

This term, we celebrate World Teachers Day, and we encourage all parents to take a moment to show their appreciation. With the global teacher shortage crisis, it is more important than ever to let our teachers know they are valued and respected for the incredible work they do. A small gesture—a kind word, a note, or a message of thanks—can make a big difference. Let's come together as a community to show our gratitude and make sure our teachers feel valued for the tremendous effort they put into supporting our children every day.

Sun Smart - Hats are compulsory

As we move into the warmer months, it’s vital that all students wear their wide-brimmed school hats outdoors from now until the end of April. UV rays can cause long-term damage, and we are committed to protecting our students. Please ensure your child applies sunscreen each morning and brings a labeled sunscreen to school. Each classroom has a Sun Smart station where students can store and reapply sunscreen before the second lunch break. Students without hats will be directed to play in shaded areas under the COLA or can visit the library or social club. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping your child sun smart.

How We Build Classes for the Next School Year

At this time of year, we often get questions about how class lists for the next school year are developed. This process is more complex than it might seem and involves thoughtful consideration throughout Term 4.

After receiving our indicative enrolments for the following year, the Department allocates our staffing budget. This allows us to determine class sizes and structures. Once these are set, we begin developing class lists. This is a detailed process that takes several factors into account.

How Classes Are Constructed: We consider the following factors when creating class compositions:

  • Students with diverse learning styles and needs
  • High-achieving students
  • Balanced male/female ratios
  • Positive interpersonal relationships to maintain a positive class climate
  • Teacher recommendations
  • Parent concerns
  • Friendships

Parent Requests: We do consider parent input as part of this process. We focus on how each student’s placement can best support a positive classroom environment, rather than specific teacher requests. If you'd like to provide input, please send an email to me (the principal) by Friday, 25th October. Requests received after this date, unfortunately, cannot be considered.

Friendship Groups: We recognise the importance of friendships in creating a positive experience at school. Each student is asked to list five friends they work well with, and we ensure that every student has at least one friend from their list in their class. However, as we balance many factors, it’s not always possible to accommodate all of a child’s friends.

The Class Composition Process:

  1. Newsletter Notification: Parents are invited to send input about their child’s placement via email. Requests are considered based on how the placement will affect classroom dynamics. Please avoid requesting specific teachers.
  2. Closing Date: All requests must be submitted by Friday, 25th October.
  3. Class Placement: After the deadline, the principal directs staff to prepare class lists using teacher input, parent input, using a program called Class Creator.
  4. Draft Class Lists: These are reviewed by the principal, our specialist team, and the Wellbeing and Inclusion Team. We then finalise the lists in consultation with each year level team.
  5. Parent Notification: Parents are informed of their child’s class placement before the end of the school year.

If you would like input into your child’s class placement, please email your request to: with the subject: “2025 Parent Input.” If you’ve made a request in the past and wish for it to continue, please send a new email for the upcoming school year, as we start fresh each year.

As we embark on this final term, let’s work together to make it a positive and successful end to the school year. I look forward to celebrating our students’ achievements and sharing in the exciting events ahead.

Grade 2 Sleepover

On the last Thursday of Term 3, Grade 2 students (and teachers) participated in the exciting and unique experience of spending a night at school!

Upon arrival, students received glow sticks and headphones to enjoy a silent disco in the library. It was so much fun that no one wanted it to end! The silent disco even featured a photobooth where students could send selfies home to their parents via Seesaw—some photos even included Monika!

After the disco, students set up their beds, watched a movie, had supper in the staff room, and enjoyed a bedtime story.

Throughout the evening, the students demonstrated incredible resilience. From overcoming any initial nerves to fully embracing the fun and festivities, they showed great empathy for others and worked together as a community to create a memorable night.

The experience wrapped up with a morning yoga session followed by an al fresco breakfast in the Foundation playground. The students enjoyed delicious food and shared stories about their night.

The Grade 2 team would like to extend their gratitude to Kathleen, Josh, and Alyssa for attending the sleepover and supporting student wellbeing.

CNPS Art Show

This week, Coburg North Primary School held our annual Art Show. The amazing art exhibition filled the library with colour and creativity. All students should be very proud of their wonderful work.

Gardening in the Coburg Crop with Cez

This week, Grade 2 students had the pleasure of learning from Cez about the amazing features and facilities in the Coburg Crop. In small groups, students planted a potato and will be working with Cez to nurture and monitor the growth of their plant throughout the term.

Stay tuned for updates on how our potato plants are progressing!

Wellbeing and Disability Inclusion Updates

Good Afternoon CNPS Community,

Term 4 is here! Term 4 is always a longer one which can result in our students coming home tired. Hotter days and restless nights can also lead to decreases in emotional resilience. As we prepare for the end of 2024, we may also see peaks in worrisome and nervous behaviours as our students recognise and accept changes for 2025 including grade placements, friendship dynamics, and new teachers. It is important that we take the time to practice gratitude and mindfulness alongside consistency and routines.

The Resilience Project

As we begin Term 4, our students are continuing to work through their Resilience Project journals, focusing on building their understanding of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy. There is a fantastic Parent Hub that can be accessed at

The Parent Hub shares the simple, evidence-based strategies being taught in the classroom so you can build on their impact at home. Here is a snapshot from the parent hub:

EMOTIONAL LITERACY is being able to recognise and label your feelings and emotions as they happen.

GEM Cards

Do you find it challenging to engage in meaningful conversation when you pick your child up from school? Do you get the same response, “I don’t remember. It was fine!”

Here are some question prompts you and your family could try:

  • Share a time when someone has done something kind for you
  • What’s something kind you did or said today?
  • Who made you feel happy today/this week? What did they do to make you feel this way?
  • What are 3 things that went well for you today?
  • What is something that worries you? Who are the people that you can talk to about your worries?
  • What is something you enjoy doing? How does it make you feel?

Disability Inclusion

In 2025 we roll out the new Disability Inclusion Funding Model. We are currently auditing our documentation for students including diagnosis reports, allied health support and recommendations. Over the next couple of weeks we will email a survey link to be completed by our families to support the collection of this information.

There have been plenty of works taking place at school over the holidays. The O'Hea Street entrance is really taking shape and nearing completion, new seating in the COLA, the installation of a new adjoining fence between the school oval and Harmony Park, refilling the sandpits and general maintenance.

Parents and Friends Update

Parents and Friends are holding our next monthly meeting on Monday 14 October 7 - 8.00 pm.

Everyone is welcome to join the meeting - you can find out what we have planned for Term 4 and it's also a great opportunity to learn more about the committee if you’ve not attended a meeting before.

Meetings are held in the Italian Room at the rear of the hall, enter via the Bishop Street car park.

eSafety Webinar - Supporting healthy tech use as your child transitions into high school

This webinar explores the social pressures, peer influences, and technological challenges young people face as they transition into high school. It also offers practical strategies for navigating online friendships and connections to help minimise negative experiences. It's suitable for parents and carers of children in upper primary school (ages 11 to 12) and Year 7. Dates -Tuesday, 29 October, 12.30 pm and Thursday, 28 November, 12.30 pm. Register here.

Webinar - eSafety 101: how eSafety can help you

An overview of The eSafety Commissioner, and supporting programs and resources for parents and carers, children, and young people. It's suitable for parents and carers of children and young people in primary and secondary school. Dates - Thursday, 24 October, 12.30pm and Wednesday, 4 December, 12.30pm. Register here.

Term 4

Week 2

  • School Concert 6.30pm - 7.20pm - Tuesday, 15 October
  • School Concert 6.30pm - 7.20pm - Wednesday, 16 October

Week 3

  • Grade 3 Camp - Sunnystones - Monday, 21 October - Tuesday, 22 October

Week 4

  • Grade 3 HistoryBox Incursion - Monday, 28 October
  • Grade 6 visit to Oxygen Youth Centre - Tuesday, 29 October
  • Grade 1 Dinner 5pm-7pm - Wednesday, 30 October

Week 5

  • Student Free Day - Monday, 4 November
  • Public Holiday Melbourne Cup Day (student free day) - Tuesday, 5 November
At CNPS we believe that by being respectful, responsible and resilient we can succeed and thrive as a community.