Personal Development "Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education." Martin Luther King Jr.

Lead: Mrs Winfield

Our Intent at Swinton Queen

At Swinton Queen, we use personal development (PD) as an umbrella term for Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) and wider curriculum opportunities. Our curriculum supports children to develop holistically and improve their opportunities, both now and into adulthood. We understand the role in which our school plays in allowing children to build their character, skills, knowledge and attitudes which can then be applied and utilised both within the classroom and beyond.


We are committed to ensuring that all children, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), have their individual needs met and supported. Our inclusive approach to education extends to every child, ensuring they have the necessary support and resources to thrive.


Our Implementation at Swinton Queen

At Swinton Queen Primary, we have developed a curriculum that reflects the local area, broadens horizons and unlocks new opportunities for our children. This equips them with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for success in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world. We intend for our curriculum to be meaningful and relevant to our children through our six themes (health and wellbeing; wider world; identity, society and equality; building relationships, keeping safe; growing and changing). Our personal development offer encompasses our bespoke relationships, sex and health content and our PD provision chart which provides a cohesive and integrated approach to learning. Not only does our curriculum reflect the society in which we live, it embeds social, moral, spiritual and cultural influences (including British Values), and an awareness of protected characteristics. This is achieved through our tailored assembly program and progressive spiral curriculum that addresses purposeful content throughout our mixed age classes.

The PD provision chart underpins our curriculum on offer for a child’s time at Swinton Queen. The six main strands are as follows:

1) Beyond the Classroom:

  • Encourage participation in extracurricular activities such as sports, arts, and clubs to foster teamwork, creativity, and social skills.
  • Provide opportunities for learning through enrichment weeks, class trips, residentials, and community projects to broaden children's perspectives.

2) Readiness for the Next Stage:

  • Offer career related learning through planned activities, guest speakers and events.
  • Partnerships with secondary schools to prepare children for life beyond Swinton Queen.
  • Offer transition days for all including enhanced visits for children with SEND.

3) Curriculum:

  • Promote British Values, SMSC and Protected Characteristics.
  • Wider curriculum links that allow children to further embed learning around key concepts such as RE, PE and ICT.
  • Heritage curriculum strand that allows children to become more aware of our community’s heritage and culture through historical events.

4) Pupil Responsibility:

  • Foster a sense of ownership and accountability among students through roles in student council, sports leaders, and community projects.
  • Children embrace our core values of Ready, Respectful, Safe and Kind.
  • Encourage self-reflection and goal setting to empower students to take ownership of their learning and personal growth.

5) Targeted Interventions:

  • Provide tailored support for children's individual social, emotional and behavioural needs.
  • Targeted academic support through booster sessions, ISPs, TASPs.

6) Assemblies:

  • Regular assemblies focusing on our core values to promote positive values and character development.
  • Showcase student achievements, talents, and contributions to celebrate diversity and foster a sense of belonging within the school community.
  • Celebrate events such as Christmas, Harvest, Lent and Easter.