

Preschool/K1: Storytellers - Preschool/K1 learners have been inquiring about their favourite books. We have started discussing why we like them and sharing our ideas. We are now working towards creating our favourite parts of the books using either clay or loose materials. Stay tuned for our mini book fair.
Y1: The Black Plague - Year 1 students studied the Black Plague and conducted a scientific experiment to test the efficacy of masks in preventing germ spread. After analysing the results, they took action by creating and displaying posters advocating the importance of wearing masks when sick across the school.
Y3: As part of our unit - ‘How we express ourselves’, Year 3 have been looking at different war dances from around the world. We really enjoyed trying to learn the Haka from New Zealand and even tried out some capoeira from Brazil!
Y5 explorers! - Year 5 were learning about the positive and negative effects of exploration. The class has been making a huge effort to learn all of their times tables. The other half of the time we have been learning about fractions. We really enjoyed taking part in our Halloween thriller dance.
MY: BridgeU and guidance counselling - The Year 11 students have been using the BridgeU platform to investigate potential career paths and university destinations. This research will be important for the DP subject selection interviews that will take place in Term 2. We will be using the information to ensure that the chosen subjects are aligned with career aspirations.

Year 4 success - Celebrating celebrations

As part of their summative assessment task for their unit “Where we are in place and time”, learners in Year 4 chose a celebration they were interested in and researched about the topic to create a poster! Well done Year 4!

Thai at UDIS - Our herb garden Year 4 learners explored the herb section of the UDIS Thai Herbs Garden, applying their research skills to create a mosquito repellent. Through their investigation, they identified lemongrass as an excellent foundation for the spray.
UDIS Sports Day - Parents are welcome to come along to both our EY and PY/MY Sports days. Our EY sports day is on Thursday and our PY/MY sports day is on Friday.