
Niche SALS' Online Learning Platform

Niche Academy Getting Started

Niche Academy is an online learning platform that delivers videos, lessons, and courses designed to help you in your library work.


This is for library staff. Some of the content might seem like it is for patrons but really it is there to aid you in assisting patrons.

What is it?

A collection of curated content some create by SALS, some created by Niche Academy, and some created by other libraries. This is also a growing collection and we will keep you updated when new content is added.

Our hope is that this platform will provide you with:

  • Details on the services available to you and your library.
  • A place to learn and grow new skills.
  • A readily accessible resource where you can swiftly locate solutions to everyday inquiries.
  • A place where new employees can get an overview of the library system at their own pace.

Here are a few examples from SALS:

Intellectual Freedom
Get to know the Central Library

Here are a few examples from Niche:

There are also series. This 7 part series is focused on Grant Writing.

5 of a 7 part series on grant writing

Here are a few examples created by other libraries:

Tabletop Games
Spanish for Library Use
Learn more about some of the tools available to you through office 365


To get started you need to create an account:

  1. Visit our homepage here: https://my.nicheacademy.com/salsedu-staff if you ever misplace the link you can find it on the SALS website under For Members & Staff.
  2. Click on the icon in the upper right corner and then select Create a Free Account

Now you should be all set!

If you end up on a blank page like this:

This is your personal Niche page, notice the URL is no longer the SALS URL. You can either click the back button on your browser to get back to our Academy or on the SALS webpage under For Members & Staff you can click on Niche Academy and return to our Academy.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Happy Learning :)