
Weeks Construction Community Award 2023 Impact Report

Thanks to your meaningful support, NSCC students are kicking off a new school year feeling excited and prepared to chase their dreams.

Thanks to your thoughtful award, students are embarking on a journey to achieve their career goals and create lasting impact in their communities.

Thanks to this incredible community of donors, we're building a province where people have the opportunity to flourish and contribute to the economic and social growth that will benefit generations to come.

Thanks, to you!

2023 Weeks Construction Community Award recipients:

William, Electro Mechanical Technician, Pictou Campus

“I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for supporting me as a recipient of the Weeks Construction Community Award. This award has a huge impact on my education at NSCC. I am attending NSCC starting in the fall to begin a 2 year program in the Electro Mechanical Technician Program. This award will help pay my tuition, and my family is most grateful. I have been working full time this summer with a landscaping/ construction company to try to help pay my tuition. This award will help cover approximately one third of my tuition, which is a huge help. My grandfather, Thom MacMillan is an employee with Weeks. He always talks about what a great company this is to work for, and how he wishes he has joined your team earlier. Thank you so much for this award. I really appreciate this! In the future, I hope to find employment in Pictou County with this trade. This award will help cover my expenses which is a huge help in meeting my goals in the future.”

*No photo provided*

Jadelyn, Continuing Care, Pictou Campus

“I would like to thank you for the opportunity to apply for the Weeks Construction Community Award. I was raised by my grandparents from a young age. My time was mainly spent with my Nan as my Papa spent many long hours working on the road with Weeks Construction. Little did I know at that time in my life that my Nan would become ill and I would be witness to many CCA and other VON workers taking over our home on a daily basis until my Nan had passed away. I grew up to admire their dedication, the compassion shared for her, and her care. My daughter is now 2 and is ready for me to attend NSCC to further my dream and take this first step in the health care community so I can give back to those who need care. Thank you for your continued support, providing awards like this for myself and others to obtain.”

Thank you for your generous support of NSCC students! Together, we're transforming Nova Scotia one learner at a time!

NSCC Foundation | 5685 Leeds Street, PO Box 1153 | Halifax, NS | B3K 2T3

Phone: 902-491-2181 | Toll-Free: 1-866-745-7919 | foundation@nscc.ca

Charitable Registration Number: 887210318RR0001